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05-27-2008, 10:21 PM
Grandma told me to never trust a street vendor; they sold anything without care if it hurt you or not. I paid no attention this time and ran up to a jewelry vendor. The man was ancient and had wrinkles upon wrinkles on his green skin.
He smiled widely when I neared him, “Well if it isn’t Kari Warlow! How can I help you today!” I looked at all of the pieces until I found the one I had been looking at for a long time. It was a choker made of silver chain on which hung two wilting roses with thorny stems that twined together to form a heart. He wanted an arm and a leg for it. “Still looking at the same thing that I’ll never be able to afford.” I sighed running my fingertip over it. He sighed too and looked away; “You know I can’t sell it for any less. It’s just too valuable.” Will came up behind me and glanced down at the necklace, “How much?” I turned, “What! Will you don’t have to get it for me! It’s too much!” He held up a hand to silence me and asked the vendor again, “Randolf…How much is the trinket?” Randolf gulped, “For my Lord I will make it 900 gold coins from Dajer.” Will dug in his pocket for a moment and came out with three silver-colored coins that had vines entangling them, “Will three Elvin coins due? I’m sure they’re worth more than the amount you asked for in Dajer currency.” “Yes…of course my Lord! That’s more than enough. Elvin money is such a rarity these days!” Randolf exclaimed putting the choker into a velvet box, “The trinket is yours.” He handed him the box and took the coins eagerly. Will grabbed my hand and drug me along the street without giving Randolf another word of thanks. “Here. Consider it a rare gift from me.” Will said taking the choker out of its resting place. I started to grab it but he beat me, “I’ll put it on you. It has a rather annoying clamp.” He lifted my long white hair away from my neck to put the choker on. “You’re being really weird today…” I began but Will’s cold hand on my neck stopped me. He’d never touched me like that before. I felt his breath on my neck as he leaned closer; I knew what was coming but I couldn’t find the words to stop him. He was thirsty, not for animal, but for me. “Hey! He’s blood drinking in public!” A short tailor shop owner yelled from across the street, “Bind him!” Before I could tell him that it wasn’t necessary, a crowd had formed around us from everyone who happened to be on the street and in the shops. Will was going to be punished and maybe even killed if I didn’t do something quick. I was shuffling through my brain for an escape plan when I heard chains being dragged from behind us. I knew then that I had to snap Will out of it. I felt him take a quick breath behind me and suddenly we were scaling buildings. I guess we were criminals now. I felt terrible. After all, it was the court we were going to. Will stopped on top of a hotel roof to take a breath, even though he didn’t have to breathe, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened to me. When the necklace clicked I lost control. I’m so sorry Kari.” He apologized. I turned to look at him. Sweat was beading his forehead and the lines under his eyes looked more prominent; in other words, he looked like he was supposed to--dead. “It’s ok. We all slip sometimes right?” I tried to comfort him. He shook his head, “No. It will never be ok. I will never let that happen again. I will not do that to you without your consent.” Will was as stubborn as an ass when it came to this subject. He didn’t believe in blood drinking from fairies like me. He always said it was too risky and would blur his senses. “So you’re saying that if I say it’s ok to take a sip from me then you’ll take me up on my offer?” I asked out of curiosity. He nodded, “Something like that.” I looked at the looming gray castle in the distance that was the court, “Well. Let’s go apologize some more.” Will’s answer had surprised me and I didn’t want to say anything else to him at the moment. Will slung me up on his back and off we went again. … |
06-03-2008, 01:12 PM
The Court House is set up somewhat the same as any other courthouse…except this one looks like a castle from the outside. On the inside is a whole different story; it’s modernized with fluorescent lighting and offices on both sides of the hallway. Me and Will glanced through the windows for the transportation department-it turns out that a magic license was like a drivers license back in the U.S. You get bonus rewards for having “no accidents” or points added on for “troublemaking”. That’s why I still had my permit back in the states; after all, I had too much to keep track of in Lavaria. “It should be one of the fist doors…I guess they moved it since the last time I was here.” Will muttered putting his hands in the pockets of his Trip pants; he was that morbid-gothic looking kind of guy. I guess it helped hide his identity or something like that. “And how long ago was that? You weren’t with me.” I looked up at him curiously. I was dying to know what his true age was. He shrugged, “I don’t know. Memories fade as we Methuselah move on. I don’t need my license renewed for another 200 years.” I whistled, “Wow.” He stopped in front of a door that looked like it had seen better days; it was faded wood (probably oak) with long scratches across it that led to the bottom where it was splintering from running against the floor. A heavy sign hung above it that read, “Trans. Cabinet.” It had to be the place…right? Will answered the question by opening the door effortlessly and stepping back to let me pass. There to greet us was an old woman with big-rimmed glasses that was balancing on the edge of her nose. Her beady gray eyes squinted at us through her glasses as she checked us up and down, epically Will-who could probably be a runway model on his first try. “William Edward Roian…it’s been quite a long time since I’ve seen you here. Is this your supplier? I thought that they set the age to a vampire’s drinking partner to 21?” She asked Will sweetly, completely ignoring me. I coughed, “I’m here to get my license renewed if you don’t mind.” I wasn’t in the mood to argue with her anymore than I had to. She turned quicker than I would have thought possible for any old woman to do to face me and bowed her head, “I’m sorry Miss. You must forgive my rudeness. I don’t get many Methuselah these days you see.” She winked, “Not many as cute as this one. You’re a lucky one Lass!” I tried to smile but I think I came out wrong because she turned to grab a small rectangular piece of paper from behind her, “Here you go dear. Just sign on the line at the bottom when you’ve circled everything needed at the top.” I nodded and leaned up against the counter and took a quill from its resting place. The paper was like the one I filled out 5 years ago. Just the same old “Your age, D.O.B, guardian’s name and address.” I worked through it quickly and returned it to the lady. She took it gingerly and smiled, “Thank you dear.” I couldn’t take it any longer so I asked, “What exactly are you if you don’t mind me asking…?” She seemed puzzled by my question but replied anyway, “Why I’m a fairy Godmother dear. I grant people wishes for their everyday needs.” I nodded and took the new license that she handed me, “Thanks. Still getting used to all the kinds of people here.” Will walked out of the door after I had taken the new license to read a bulletin on the opposite wall. The Godmother rested her chin on her hand and sighed, “Well you won’t find much more interesting than that one out there. I think you two should sit down and have a good heart-to-heart chat.” I nodded turning to put my hand on the doorknob, “Thanks. I’ll be sure to ask him once we get back.” I waved goodbye and walked out. “I’m not that interesting…” Will grumbled softly, “I’m just a piece of dead meat walking around, nothing more.” I hated it when he lived up to his appearance, “Don’t say that. You’re a proud Methuselah remember?” Methuselah was what vampires call themselves formally. What he did next surprised me, he laughed. Vampires never laugh…at least that’s what they tell me. I don’t see why they don’t. It’s really pretty. It also meant that something bad was coming, really bad. We headed out the double doors and out into the street once more. It wasn’t as packed now that the sun had begun to set over the horizon. Then again there was a law that said that you had to say indoors throughout the night; Gran never explained why it was still in effect, she didn’t say anything more about it the one time I asked. Will finally turned to look at me after we got through most of the town and said sullenly, “You keep looking at the sunset like it’s going to eat you. If you don’t stop people are going to become worried you know?” Here’s my chance. I thought getting mentally excited, “I’ve always wondered why the sunset scares everyone Will. Gran never said anything about it; is it taboo or something?” I heard his breath stop suddenly. His golden eyes became extremely serious when they bore into mine, “There is no business for you inquiring that of me.” “But I want to know Will!” I halfway screamed, “It’s my right to know! I’m part of this world too like it or not! I’m not going to go around like an idiot all of the damn time!” This finally got him and he sighed, “There are beings like me…those who would want to cause you both bodily and mentally harm. They only prey at night for those unsuspecting souls who wander astray from the masses; for them, this makes the perfect opportunity for a meal.” I nodded, “So is that where a lot of the myths come from about you Will? Is that why people fear you so much?” He nodded back, “Unfortunately yes.” After saying it he became rigid. A velvet voice from behind us called, “Not unfortunate, I believe, but intriguing! These little beings are such cunning little creatures don’t you think William, beloved traitor of the Vicari Order?” I turned to see a man about Will’s age (in looks) standing less than 50 feet from us. He wore his hair shaggy and dyed deep red with matching eyes. The suit he was wearing went well with the whole emo vibe I was getting from him; it was black through and through. When I looked back at Will he was gone. Panic hit me before I realized, turning again, that he had grabbed the man by his neck and was holding him up by arm’s length. “What are you doing in a town like this Vincent?” Will growled his eyes glowing in the twilight and fangs protruding from behind his lips. Vincent grinned mockingly, “Why looking for you of all people! The boss is very anxious for you to return to her.” He threw Vincent into a nearby lamppost with incredible force, enough to cause it to shake violently. I’ve never seen Will this mad before and I was terrified that someone would see us. Vincent came back on Will and punched him hard in the face. “Come on guys…this is stupid!” I tried to make my voice boom but it came out in a regular tone. They both cast their gaze in my direction. Immediately Will’s softened and he loosened his grip on Vincent’s jacket collar. He had a bloody lip. “Well, well, well. This little chickadee belong to you William? She’s mighty fine looking if I don’t say myself.” Vincent winked at me and straightened his suit; “I’ll leave if it will make you two happy; I’m sure that you both have big plans (if she is yours). However, the Mistress will definitely hear about this when I get home.” With that he left, fading into the incoming fog that had begun spreading throughout the town. Will looked down at the pavement and punched the lamppost leaving an imprint of his hand. “Um…I guess you don’t want to talk about it.” I tried to cheer him up. He shook his head, “I didn’t want you involved, but now you are.” Will sighed and looked back at me softly, “You aren’t mine.” I was taken aback. What did it mean if I were “his”? I hated all these Vampire Terms that I would never be able to understand. But the way he put “you aren’t mine” made my heart almost stop beating—it hurt. Will turned and started back the way we came, “Let’s go home. I’m tired.” He took off into the mist. I nodded and set off after him into the misty night to go home. … ![]() |
07-26-2008, 02:11 PM
We got back to his car shortly after 1 a.m. I knew Grandma would be by the window when we got back. She didn’t like me hanging around in Lavaria after dark. But she didn’t mind Will staying over so we were good.
I got in the passenger side after Will and we took off back home. He didn’t say much on the ride back but I could tell that a lot was on his mind. Vamps do that a lot; they space out all of a sudden and can remain like that for a heck of a long time. Will was really good at it by now. “Gram’s by the door Kari. I think she gets the hint that I might be staying or something like that…if you want me to that is.” Will made an effort to come out of his happy place. I opened the car door but didn’t get out, “I’d like it if you stayed Will. I’ll be worrying all night if you don’t.” I knew he would get out and follow me so I didn’t wait for him to reply-then again I didn’t really care if he did go home, I just wanted a good night’s sleep. He was right about Grandma, she was right by the door to ask the general “where have you been all night long?”. I tried not to scream at her face. Will put a hand on my shoulder to keep me from collapsing. “Well?” She looked at me solemnly, “What’s the excuse? Did you get your license renewed?” I nodded, “Yeah…well, we met one of Will’s old buddies so we decided to chat at a café around the castle for a while. It got later than we thought, sorry.” I tried to make it as painless as possible for her. Will nodded as if to back up my story. Gran still looked skeptical though. I guess she’s heard just about everything considering her age. “Ok. Will you’re staying right? Don’t want you driving like that. You look like hell you know?” She moved her attention to his bloody lip. He wiped it off absentmindedly, “It’s nothing to be concerned about. I’m fine now.” She raised an eyebrow and turned for the kitchen waving for us to follow her. I guess we were in for it now. I could never get away with anything growing up; trying to come up with a good lie was really hard so I had to bend the truth. “Kari wipe his face with this rag. He looks terrible with that nasty, dried blood covering his face like that.” She seemed to be somewhere else when she said that. I did as asked and lightly brushed away what remained of Will’s and Vincent’s little spiel. He was frowning as I did so. “I got a phone call from the Order tonight before you both got home.” Gran started. I gasped thinking that they’d seen the fight and were reporting us. She raised her hand, “Don’t worry nothing too serious. They said that Will went a little crazy in light today. Is this true?” I felt the air around me sizzle; Gran had cast a truth spell over me. I guess she didn’t trust me as well as I thought. I felt loved. “Yeah…but nothing went wrong I promise Grandma!” I tried to save my ass. She turned to look at me and raised my chin to glance at my neck, “Ok. Will I have something that you should take.” She turned to walk over to the microwave. When she came back, Gran had a small pint of O+ blood-which I was assuming-was for Will. I looked back at his expression that had turned sour. “You know that I don’t take that anymore Cecilia.” He pointed out darkly. She squinted her eyes at him, “Oh. I remember when you took that oath young man; but there’s something deep inside you that needs calming and this will calm it. Take it.” I looked back and forth between them. I had never seen the two so tense before. I thought that a war was going to erupt in that small kitchen. Will looked down at me and sighed, “Para ella.” Gran seemed happier and handed him the bottle, “Bottoms up!” He downed it in two gulps and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. I thought I saw his eyes get redder but I couldn’t have been sure. After he got done he looked back at Grandma once more. “Where am I crashing this evening?” He asked kicking off his shoes. Gran tilted her head to one side confused; “I thought you’d want to stay with Kari like you used to when you were kids?” I gagged, “Grandma!!” Will looked surprised. She shrugged, “Wherever suits you Will.” Without another word he went upstairs to the shower and locked the door. I made a mental note to lock my door. Seeing Will take that blood down had freaked me out. I kept forgetting that he was a vampire and no longer human; I began to wonder what he would be like in the morning. I pray that he’ll never change…I thought to myself and I bid Grandma goodnight and retired to my room, Will in the bathroom across the hall. … It was early morning when I heard it. Will’s screaming; it almost made the whole house shake. I knew Gran was on her way up, so I decided that I should help out. Getting my robe from the back of my computer chair I threw it over my tank top and sweats. Now wasn’t the time to look my best. I opened the door and headed toward the screams. To my surprise they were coming from the bathroom where I remembered him being last night. Gran was outside the door. She looked at me sadly, “He won’t let me in Kari…I don’t know what’s wrong. I can’t even comfort him by magic.” I nodded and put my hand on the door, “Will! Open the damn door!” He stopped wailing and turned the knob, “I’m sorry.” “For what? You’ve been apologizing way too much for you own good you know.” I sighed and opened it further. To my surprise Will sat hunched over on the edge of the bathtub, shirtless with a towel over his head. He looked pitiful. I couldn’t find another way to describe it. I felt Gran’s gaze over my shoulder; she must’ve thought the same thing. “Was it the Banshee that was driving you crazy dear? I’ve been hearing her carry on for the past few nights now.” Gran shoved past me to knell at Will’s side. I saw his eyes when he turned to face her, they were a mix of red and gold, “I should’ve stayed home, but I had to make sure that they wouldn’t come after her Cecilia.” “So the Order is back up and running again even with you gone?” Gran asked softly, probably talking more to herself than anyone else in the cramped room, “What on the Great Earth have you two gotten into?” I rolled my eyes at her, “It’s fine Grandma. Nothing major happened without you. I didn’t die, look at it that way.” She didn’t laugh, instead she looked at me sternly, “I’m going to have a little chat with some of my old council members. I’m sure that they’d want to know all about the uprising of the Vicari Order.” Will and I nodded as she got up and left the room without another word. I got the feeling I’d be hounded later and not for Will staying over. Then again, if I had lived with my parents, they definitely would’ve striked me dead. Will started to brush out the knots in his hair (might I add with MY BRUSH!) and said, “Do I need to go out and get some Tylenol? You must have a tremendous headache.” I leaned against the doorframe for support. The little sleep that I got, before Problem Vamp started having an emotional breakdown, didn’t help me gain a lot of my strength back, “No. I’m not that big of a wuss you know. I stood up for myself before you came along.” He chuckled, “I remember when you came running into my house to hide from those girls, who were picking on you and threatening you with water balloons.” “I didn’t need your help back then. I was just borrowing you house for a bit of cover that’s all.” I pointed out smartly. He got up and walked past me, “Whatever you say. I’m jacking your computer for a while, I hope you don’t mind.” Before I could say anything more, he had disappeared into my room and slammed the door shut. I heard the deadbolt click into place and silently cursed him for locking me out. I had my school clothes in there…ass. I looked into the misty mirror. I didn’t hear Will taking a bath…or if he did I must’ve been dead asleep. My reflection was blurred, making me seem like some white-haired teen pop star. I had my Dad to thank for that. I could see him now, just staring down at me with that stupid, “I love you sweetie” look on his face. He was the one that I missed most since he died. Mom was a whole other story. I turned and went over to my door and knocked twice, “Will, it’s my room so open the stupid door!” He probably laughed but it slowly opened without him getting up to get it. He can do things like that. Sometimes he even likes to make you levitate above your bed in the morning so when you wake up you’ll fall on the floor. I hate him for it. All I can do is make all that lovey-dovey crap with people. All of a sudden, I didn’t really care what he was doing to my new computer (courtesy of Gran’s superpowers.) I collapsed on my bed and gave Will one last look. “Turn that thing off when you’re done and leave me the hell alone. I have school in a couple hours.” He didn’t say anything; I wasn’t expecting him to. After I’d fallen into REM sleep, my floating alarm clock went off above my head. When I reached to get it, I got something else instead; something that was dark and furry that purred. When did we get a cat? I picked it up and held it out so I could see it more clearly. It was pure black with a streak of blue going down the side of its face. It seemed for familiar than it should…wait…oh my God! It was Will! ![]() |
07-30-2008, 05:24 PM
“You!” I screamed making him squint it’s gold eyes and hiss.
I got up and ran down the stairs into the kitchen where Gran was, almost waiting, for me. She looked up, “Oh…I see you’ve found my failed experiment.” I gave her a horrified glare, “What did you try to do to him?” “I tried to warm his heart a little more, nothing more beyond that. After all, vampires do have such cold hearts.” She was smiling now. “Change him back! I can’t stand him like this! We have school in a half hour and I need someone to drive that thing out there.” She cleared her throat and continued, “No can do sweetheart. I’m afraid that spell is like all of the other shifting ones. You have to kiss him to turn him back.” I was now beyond horrified and going on deranged, “What!! He’s a cat! I’m not doing that with a cat!” She shrugged, “Your loss. He was such a nice boy.” I screamed and Will hissed again as I began to make my assent up the stairs. What was I supposed to do now? I’m not that close to Will, not in that way. I couldn’t get someone else to do it because I have no social life or “friends” that would be willing to lock lips with a furry black cat…even if he was a really cute black kitty. I sighed and tossed him on my bed. He didn’t hiss this time but seemed rather glad to get out of my arms. Gee thanks Will. I thought to myself as I pulled up my online book of charms. Everything was succumbing to technology these days. Everything that I pulled up said exactly what Gran told me: the spell will break from a kiss with a lover. I hated it when she was right. My life was doomed from the beginning when the government dropped me off here. I began to wish that my parents hadn’t died, and then I wouldn’t have to suffer through this unearthly hell. Will meowed softly and I chuckled. Maybe leaving him like that for a while would do him some good. I wonder if Gran succeeded in giving him a beating heart again, but I wasn’t about to check. Instead I walked over to him and put my hands on my hips. “I think that you should stay like that for a while. It serves you right for getting me involved in your little shindig in Lavaria.” He pouted at me and whined. It was cute and almost fazed me, almost. Ignoring his continuous whining from my bed, I got my outfit and went to the bathroom. When I came back out, he had drug my sheets across the room in an attempt for me to reconsider. I laughed and grabbed my backpack. It was weird that Will had disappeared when he’s accomplished his task. I thought he’d crawled underneath the bed so I sighed and left for school, with a generous ride from Gran. The day was already looking up…so far. … Surprisingly it was really tiresome not having Will following in my shadow. He seemed to think that I needed to be guarded in Lavaria and in regular U.S. public. Which is exactly what he did every school day that we happened to attend, which was a pretty good attendance because Gran didn’t want the government on her front porch step. My only other friend in this cruel world was Kira and she had more sick days than Michael Jackson, not that I know how many sick days he has. I should make him settle down for once…which wasn’t a bad idea but I’ll save it for later. Anyway, back to Kira; like I said she didn’t exactly play on the Varsity Basketball Team. She was sickly since she was born so I felt sorry for her and made friends with her. Let me just say that she has a nose for supernatural abilities such as my own. She sniffed it right out of me--literally. And now she was coming toward me down the hall at an incredible speed, “Kari! Thank heaven!” I sighed and opened my arms to give her a hug. She seemed to think that she would die soon and wanted to live life to its fullest while it lasted. “Yeah…I know. You’re going to die in less than 24 hours, you can feel it. Am I right?” I looked down at her complete black outfit; she only wore it out on funeral occasions. She glanced up at me, “On the contrary, your dear Will is missing and I’m worried. I had a vision that a terrible fate would befall him today.” I laughed silently in my head. If only she knew… “He’s out sick. Is that not so normal?” I asked her quietly trying not to draw a lot of attention to us. Kira shook her head, “No…he’s not sick.” She lowered her voice, “He’s a vampire remember? I told you last week that I found out why he never eats the school’s food.” I shook my head, “No…I don’t think anyone wants to eat that stuff darling. Have you smelled it?” “No. I’m allergic to some of its ingredients.” She replied morosely. I sighed, “So why would someone like Will want to eat that stuff? It’s not just because he’s a vampire…I didn’t even admit to him being a vampire.” She groaned and shook her head, “I guess your right…” I was beginning to think that Kira had some weird past that I hadn’t found out about yet until my bag started meowing. Yeah, meowing. I guess I finally found out where Will had gone after I left. Little bastard. I pulled Kira into the girl’s bathroom with me and checked all the stalls before locking the door with a little magick. Easy stuff. I bent down to open my bag and guess who jumped right out of it? Yep, Will, who was still in kitty form. He looked up at me and meowed loudly. “What are you doing here!” I asked in a low growl, “I thought I told you to lay low until we got that fixed?” Kira looked at me to Will the cat and gasped, “You don’t mean…Oh my God! That’s what happened to Will isn’t it? He got turned into a cat!” I gave her another bewildered look, “No, this is my neighbors cat.” She shook her head vigorously, “No. It’s Will. I can sense his aura around that body. I decided to give up trying to hide the truth from her, so instead I asked, “What exactly are you?” Kira looked uncomfortable for a minute before replying, “Um…I don’t really know. My parents don’t understand why I’m different from them.” Her gaze fell upon Will again, “I just can see the truth behind people.” “So you’re technically a psychic right? Isn’t that what they do?” I asked bending down to pick up the stuff that Will knocked out of my bag, “Or are you a human lie detector?” She shrugged, “I don’t know. No one’s ever been able to tell me before I started high school.” Suddenly Will was engulfed in a dark cloud of smoke that filled the whole bathroom. I tried to go over to where Kira was but I hit something else…someone; that someone I supposed was Will. When the smoke cleared, I was right, it was him tall, dark and…well…naked. I saw Kira’s horrified face before I could react with my own scream. She drew in a breath and squeaked, “Kari…I think he needs to make himself descent. My parents don’t appreciate any guy who runs in the nude you know. It’s not healthy for a sickly teenager like me to see this!” I looked directly at Will’s face that seemed just as bewildered as Kira’s, “I’m going to get you some clothes from the lockers ok? You just hide in a stall somewhere.” I backed away from him, trying hard to keep my gaze above his waistline and grabbed Kira’s hand, “Let’s go. Now.” We flew out of that bathroom like two bats out of Hell and made our way to the locker rooms on the other side of the school. I looked back at the door and mentally locked it and summoned a out of order sign that would remained taped to the door until we got back. The real problem was teachers; it’s not that they don’t care, but sometimes they really don’t know how to keep their big noses out of other people’s business. Take my English teacher, Mrs. Zales, for example. As for being one of the most hated teachers in our school, she’s the most notorious for snooping around during her planning period, which is the first class of the day. I mean honestly, who wants to have your break in the beginning of the day? One reason for my mentioning my sweet, loving facility member is that she appeared around the corner as I was dragging Kira down the hall. We were caught 20 ft. from the stupid locker rooms; so close yet so far away. She gave us a good cold stare from behind her glasses before she began her bitch fit, “Well ladies, I’m sure that you have an avid excuse as to where you’re supposed to be but let me remind you again of our tardy policy.” The woman’s on crack…I know it. She secretly stashes it in the cuff of her stupid suit sleeve. That white stuff is not chalk. I thought to myself, totally ignoring Mrs. Zales’ speech. “…And as for you Ms. Aryans, I didn’t expect you to misbehave like this! Do you now what your parents will think when I call them at their place of employment?” She turned her attention to Kira. Tears swelled up in Kira’s eyes and she stuttered, “We were just on our way to the lockers for gym Mrs. Zales I promise.” “No…I don’t believe that’s the truth girls.” She kept hounding the shit out of the both of us. I sensed Mr. Lee, the school’s principal come up behind us and that’s when I got my bright idea. I could finally work my magic and get them out of our way. I felt the air grow warm around me, the way it usually does when I’m working the love on two people, and I touched both of them on the shoulder. (They can’t see me when I’m working my magick.) After doing this, they took one look at each other and instructed us to move along. I suspected that they would be moving along themselves back in the office, if you know what I mean. ![]() |
Quite Interesting.......... -
07-30-2008, 06:56 PM
I think it's pretty good so far. It got better as I went along. I hope you post more frequently, cause I'd like to know wat happens next.
It also kind of reminded me of "Harry Potter", but just a little bit ![]() I'll be looking for the next part!!! ![]() ![]() Stalker To-Excessum GirlFriend to-TheUnknown Crazy Brother-Narutocrazy101 Big Brother-SeeD Gatekeeper-animedude3 -Tasty Cream Pie To-Diru0gaze Son-Thunda Talkative romantic brother-Powermad147 Auntie-tiki808 Auntie to-Eiri& ML Kittie w/ Wings-Hoshichan ![]() +~Member of the Tenjho Tenge Clan Member-Maya Natsume+~ Member of the THE PERVY CLUB!! ~+MeMbEr Of ThE VaMpIrE cLaN+~
08-04-2008, 04:32 PM
Once again we took off for the locker room and made great time getting there. It turns out that Mrs. Zales little bitch speech only cost us five minutes of our precious time. Using my past knowledge of freshman year gym, I went for the boys’ lockers and charmed the lock and grabbed that clothes fell out and handed them to Kira.
“Why do I have to carry them? They stink Kari!” She scoffed. I took out a can of Axe body spray and covered them in the smell-good-stuff, “Here you go. Happy now?” We left in a hurry and went back to the bathroom with no signs of teachers. I heard her gulp and increase her pace as we neared the door. I waved my hand and the sign disappeared. Taking the clothes from her I sighed, “Go on to class. I think I’m going home with Will after he rights himself.” She nodded (and you won’t believe it), bowed and left without another word. I must’ve really worked my magic on her because she was terrified of me now. I kinda’ felt bad for the chick. I turned and went into the bathroom. Noticing the one stall door that was locked, I assumed Will was currently occupying it and knocked, “Hey! You owe me big time buster! I just scored you some awesome clothes and the biggest scandal in the whole entire school.” I waited for a response but got none, “Fine be that way. I didn’t want your stinking thanks.” “I shouldn’t be bothering you like this. I’m sorry.” He apologized. By this time I was just about tired of being apologized to so I said back, “Don’t mention it; you’re never a bother Will.” After all he had really nice abs…wait. What?! I heard him sigh as I wiped those last thoughts from my brain, “if you say so, then I guess it must be true. Love can’t lie right?” I groaned, “Not that crap again Will. I can lie whenever and wherever I want! I think you spent a little too long in that house by yourself…” “Would you like to come and visit today?” he asked softly, “I don’t bite…you’ve never visited me since the day you broke in, remember?” I thought back to that day and nodded even though he couldn’t see me, “Yeah. I guess I could. After all, it’s healthy to ditch school once in a while right?” He opened the door (fully dressed this time) and smiled, “Then I can finally give you the grand tour. But I think I should’ve had it cleaned. Our butler died 80 years ago…” I was astounded at how long that house had gathered dust and who knew what else over all that time. We slipped out the window and into the parking lot behind the school to leave. No body would see us back there because no one cared about the parking lot. That was one of the reasons why the pavement was cracked and needed to be weeded in some spots. “I should’ve let you take my car…” Will thought out loud, “…then we wouldn’t have to walk like this.” “Don’t kill yourself over it. You don’t live that far.” I laughed to myself. Who was I kidding? He lived out beside Gran, and me way out in the countryside and that was a hell of a long walk from here. He stopped walking, almost causing me to trip over him, “I know a quicker way. Get on my back.” My jaw dropped, “what the hell do I look like to you? Some big two-year old?” He frowned and threw me onto his back without another word and off we went a-running out of town. I reminded myself to murder him whenever he turned his back because, after all, vampires don’t sleep. I missed the silhouette of the person who was starting to climb out of the window after we did. … If anyone out there ever gets asked to ride on a vampire’s back, take my advice and decline. Myself never being one for plane rides or roller coasters, I hated the way Will ran. It took us less than five minutes to get back to where he lives—way out in the country and in the middle of the woods. Before I even knew that the house existed, I had been running from a couple of girls, that had once been my next door neighbors, until their house burnt down. They always made fun of my looks because I had white hair ever since I could remember and it was what they went for every time. I remember trying to hide from them in the woods in a tall oak tree when I saw it, a 2-story, black mansion with a tall iron fence. It had appeal as shelter so I slipped through the fence and went around to the back. What I found back there was more stunning that what was in the front; there was a rose garden and small creek running out of the woods with a little bridge to cross over to the other side. I would’ve stood there for hours on end, but unfortunately the bitches’ voices rang loud and clear through the front gate, so I hightailed it right up the camouflaged ladder going up the side of the house. The window was unlocked so I helped myself inside and that’s when I found out that someone actually lived there—Will did. He looked exactly the same as he does now, except for the blue streak (I helped him add that not too long ago). The first words he said to me were, “You can stay here with me if you want.” And that brings us full circle. Will let me down off of his back when we arrived at the front gate. It looked like it was in better shape than all those years ago; someone had sanded the rust off of them. He unlocked the gate and front door and led me inside, “I tried to clean up a little bit more, but doing a whole house is harder than it looks believe me.” I did a full 360° turn around the foyer. It was huge…I remembered that much from the last time, but I’ll admit…it did look a little more cleaner. The staircase was in the middle of the room, on the left was the living room filled with antique furniture and coffee tables, and on the right was the door leading to the kitchen and dining room. “Why a grand tour? I’ve already seen the house once before.” I looked back at Will, who seemed a little uncomfortable, “What’s wrong?” He sighed, “At least you didn’t run away like everyone else did.” I groaned, “Stop being all emo! I’m here now so you should be happy!” I smiled, “Where’s your room? I don’t remember you ever showing me it.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. We went around a corner and into the room on my left. “Are you happy now?” He asked grumpily. I looked around the dark room. The walls were painted dark gray with black carpet; didn’t surprise me there. There was a large window seat facing the back yard and the creek running through it. But what really got me was that there wasn’t a coffin to be found; in its place was a wooden bed with matching dark covers. “It suits you all too well Will.” I muttered going over to a bookshelf, “You read manga?” He started rubbing his shoulder absentmindedly; “Yeah…it’s a break from all that crap that they give us from school. I don’t know how many times I’ve read Romeo and Juliet but if I have to read it one more time I’m gonna explode.” I laughed getting the mental picture of him reciting old Shakespearian language, “How old are you again?” When I turned to see what he would say, I found him staring out the window from the window seat. “I wish that I didn’t have to lie about everything; I wish that I could go back and die like I was supposed to, then I wouldn’t have to lie to everyone I care about…including you.” He began, not taking his eyes away from the window, “I think that if I tell you what you want to know, you run away screaming like the last one.” I was stunned by what he was saying, “If you haven’t noticed, I’m not as squeamish as you might think Will. I’ve seen things that are scarier than you.” I explained, “Take the dust bunnies under my bed for example.” “There aren’t any dust bunnies under your bed…” He began slowly but I cut him off. “How do you know? Can’t you hear their little shuffles as they move around under there?” I shivered knowing that they’d be waiting for me when I got home that night. “Do you want me to tell you or not?” He groaned and rubbed his eyes. I went and sat on his bed and leaned forward like I was going to listen intently. He seemed to except that and began. “I was born in Sicily in 1616 in a travel inn. My parents were vampire aristocrats that were on a trip to see my mother’s parents to announce my coming. They were a modest couple that didn’t believe in invading another aristocrat’s house when on the road, so they stayed in an inn. In the middle of the night, my mother went into labor and I was born.” He didn’t meet my gaze yet, and it was starting to worry me. “The rich of both families thought the act of my parents to let me be brought into this world in a common inn was ridiculous. They were the kind of people who had servants feed them during every meal. After returning from my grandparent’s home, my parents were raided on the roadside at twilight by a pack of bandits; they lost their sense of peace more than anything.” I interrupted, “I’m sorry.” ![]() |
08-04-2008, 04:33 PM
He shook his head and continued, “From then on we traveled no more and I was raised in a VERY controlled environment. I had guards follow my every step until I was eighteen.” He finally looked at me, his eyes they’re normal golden color, “I got away from them in the woods by horse and got lost on my way back. When I finally gave up and stopped to give my horse rest, a strange woman came to me from out of nowhere. I was puzzled and asked if I could help as much as possible even though I was lost myself.”
I finally understood, “so that woman was the boss of the group that Vincent was talking about?” Surprisingly he shook his head, “No…it was her sister. I found out painfully that she was a vampire out for a bite. It’s not something that you easily forget, the pain I mean. After I recovered from her poison, I tracked her down and killed her. When her sister found out, naturally she was pissed, she ordered me dead. When her goons couldn’t take me down she beat me to a pulp and forced me to serve her.” He stopped to think I took the prime opportunity to ask, “So you left and never went back? I don’t get it…how could you just run away?” I picked at a loose cover of the blanket. Will got up and sat down by me, “That’s something that I don’t want to explain to you. Let’s just say I did some heavy persuading for my part.” I felt my cheeks redden. I was pretty sure I knew what he was talking about and I sure as hell didn’t want the gory details. Remembering how Will looked when he transformed back into vamp was enough for me today. As if feeling my anxiety, he bent down to look at my reddened expression, “You’re thinking pervy thoughts aren’t you? Leave it to cupid herself to daydream about that.” I tried to slap him, but he was too fast and caught my hand. “I hate being slower than you. I wish that I was a vamp too, then I could kick your ass whenever I wanted.” Will’s expression darkened then, “Don’t ever ask for that. You don’t know what you’d be throwing away.” I groaned, “Don’t be like Gran! I can make decisions for myself thank you!” He retaliated, “Oh? And just who the hell would you find that was willing to turn you without killing you first?” My heart started beating in an odd rhythm as I thought about my answer, “…you.” Before he could say no I explained, “Don’t deny it. I can read your emotions, even if your heart isn’t beating anymore.” That seemed to have caught him off guard because the next thing I knew, Will bent down and kissed me softly wrapping his arms around my shoulders like in romance movies and books. I thought about screaming and pushing him away but somehow, that kiss was something that I had been wanting all along. … I was afraid to open my eyes and see a crazy vampire in front of me but I knew that I had let Will’s emotions go too far, and I was about to pay for it. I felt his arms loosen and his cold lips move to my throat. The room seemed to shake until I realized that it was me shivering. I tried to say something but the words were caught in my throat and I was getting drowsy. “Just once Kari…and never again…please?” Will asked softly. I was confused and replied, “What?” It was harder to think straight than I imagined it to be. His breath tickled my neck when he sighed, “A taste…I want to cheat once.” All of a sudden I didn’t care anymore and nodded, “Yeah, whatever. Do what you have to, Will.” Before I could prepare for what was coming my way, Will had bent down and pulled me closer to him so he could bite my throat. It sent another shiver up my spine, feeling his fangs digging into my skin, and sent my stomach doing flips. I wanted him to let go. The pain in my neck was growing to the size of Texas and if I had to endure another minute of it I was going to pass out. I reached up to shove his shoulder but Will caught my hand and pinned it to my side. I gave up and fainted like the sissy that I was. When I came to, the room had not changed but instead of sitting up I was laying beside Will. If I wasn’t so used to seeing dead bodies I might have screamed; he was completely still (as in not breathing) with a streak of my blood smeared down his chin. I wiped it away, “I guess even the toughest fall off the wagon sometimes don’t they?” What scared the hell out of me was when his eyes opened and he said, “Yes we do. I’d love to see what kind of a vampire you’d be. I bet you’d pass out every time you had a little sip of deer.” Then realization hit me like a brick, “You bit me…doesn’t that mean that I’ll turn into one too! What the hell did you do that for you ass!” He sighed and rolled his eyes, “No. I didn’t put any venom in you. I have to let it spread, but I didn’t in this case.” He glanced back at me, “Did you notice the burning there for a minute?” I nodded, “The world will never be the same for me ever again.” I absentmindedly rubbed my neck and found two blisters, “Gran will go crazy you know. When she finds out.” “I don’t think so…” One of my eyebrows rose, “Oh? Fill me in.” “Remember that she was the love goddess before you. She has a few insights to what she sees in people. I think she expects me to make you mine soon.” He laughed once, “You should see her stare at you when you’re not looking, well, when she looks the way she does to me—young.” “I might have to bribe her one day to let me see her like that. Now you’ve got me curious.” I looked out the window at the setting sun, “I guess we’re not going home while I look like this huh?” His gaze became puzzled, “What are you talking about? This is home.” “No it’s not!” Will sighed and pulled out his cell. After flipping it open he put it against my ear to hear Gran’s voice tell me about staying with Will. They both had me wrapped around their finger and they knew it. I looked up at Will scowling, “What are you two planning now?” He shrugged, “Nothing really. You heard her; you’ll be staying with me while she’s away visiting the council in Russia. It’s just a precaution, trust me.” I hated this already. Gran may have been the former Aphrodite, but she had her rules about me staying with any guy—I didn’t. This was going off on a limb for her. Not to mention weird; there must’ve been something really big coming in the future for me. I was becoming really popular these days. Just to change the subject, Will got up and stretched, “So what do you wanna’ eat? We could go to Subway if you want. Cecilia told me that you liked it there.” He went over to his dresser and pulled out a clean, black shirt. “If you want to drive. I don’t really give a shit, just pick up some Neosporin on the way back.” The punctures were really starting to burn. He pulled off his old shirt and changed into the new one, not waiting for me to walk out of the room, “Ok. Just give me a minute to tame my hair.” He disappeared through the bedroom door and reappeared twenty seconds later. “It already feels like I’ve been living here for a month. You’re a really bad host Will.” I grumbled as we made our way back to the car. He got in without back-talking me for once and started the engine. When he had flipped the switch, he turned back to me, “You wanna’ know what you taste like?” I was shocked and stuttered, “W-w—come again?” “Minty, milk chocolate. The best I’ve ever had in my entire existence.” Will was grinned from ear-to-ear like a dumbass when he finished and took off flying down the dirt road. ![]() |
08-04-2008, 04:33 PM
I didn’t reply to what he said. It was harder to process than I thought it would be; let me remind you that, even though I’m a female Eros, I don’t get hit on in any way, shape or form. So all of this was new to me…I couldn’t say the same for Mr. Bite Me. He’s had the go around before.
Subway was packed as usual when he found a parking space. For such a small town, people sure knew how to pack a restaurant, if you know what I mean. I was surprised to see Gran there though, with another man. This was a younger one, by younger I mean 20’s maybe? She was probably wearing a different “outfit” today. “I’m buying so order what you want.” Will stated pulling out a twenty from his wallet. I jumped when I saw the woman who asked for my order. It was the same lady from the transportation cabinet a few days ago. She read my face well because then she asked, “Are you feeling alright dear? You’re looking like you’ve seen a ghost.” I shook my head trying to clear it, “No, no I’m fine really…who am I kidding? Are you stalking me?” Will looked up at the both of us and went back to playing with his phone. I gave him a hateful glare. “Why no dear. I don’t call it stalking, just a little check up now and then.” She smiled and put a pair of plastic gloves on. I was still skeptical; “I haven’t been doing anything wrong…did they promote you to nurse or something now?” “Heaven’s no! They just want a closer eye on you now that the Vicari Order is up and running. They’re worried that you’re more involved than you should be and need special attention.” She explained thoroughly cutting a loaf of white, “You need a bigger band aid dear. It’s so obvious that you’ve been munched on a little bit.” I gasped and instinctively went to cover my neck and stopped, “How am I supposed to trust you anyway? I don’t even know what your name is!” One of her white eyebrows rose, “Oh? All you had to do is ask dear. I’ll tell you, just not here and not at the present time. There’s too many “norms” around here. How about I meet you outside by Will’s car in an hour?” “That’ll be fine. Thank you.” Will answered for me. She smiled, satisfied and asked, “Well now, what will you have on this loaf dear?” Unable to draw out the previous conversation I pointed at the turkey, “That and lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and lots of mayo.” We finished and paid without much more chitchat after that. Will didn’t say much as he got up to get my tea. I was beginning to worry. Normally Will was all chatter in public places but today he had been glued to that damn phone the entire time. I guess he obsessed over that thing more than his heart; after all, it wasn’t beating anymore. I thought back to what happened at the mansion and shuddered. Why had he done that? Will was always my friend and he knew that; nothing more. I sat pondering some more, biting into my sandwich on occasion until Will’s hand waved in front of my face. “Aren’t you ready yet? It’s almost time to get some info from the old woman.” He grumbled looking down at my half-eaten sandwich. I smacked his hand away, “Then I’ll take it with me. I don’t like eating in public places anyway.” He acted like he was going to make a snide remark back but held his tongue. I would win, I always win. I got up and took my food with me out the door and say Gram standing by his car as promised. I picked up my pace, not looking for Will. I knew he was behind me like the stalker that he was born to be. Her face lit up when she spotted me. She even went as far as to wave like we were old friend-which we weren’t…ever. I took it lightly and made my way over to the car. “So, are you going to tell me now?” I asked trying to find a way into the car. Will put the key in on the driver’s side door and I heard the click of the locks. Her smile seemed to grow bigger, “Why of course! Why would I lie?” I sighed, “Most people do these days. Join the club.” I looked back at Will for support and found that he was already in the car. “I’m Lairise, lead detective for special cases in Lavaria and here on Earth. I’ve been sent to study the movements of the Vicari Order and keep watch over their main target, which is you dear.” She explained, still smiling. I didn’t see how she kept pulling off that whole goody-goody-nice act. I shivered. “Main target? How could that be? It was a one time encounter from Vincent.” I said to her confused. She sighed, “One time is enough for anything to happen dear; enough for a rapist or a murderer, even for love at first sight. You should know that.” She eyed me curiously, “Now I’ll have to take you into my custody so we can question you further-- ” Before she could finish, Will was at my side with one arm around my waist, pulling me away from Lairise, “You will not take her anywhere unless I go too.” She nodded, “I would like to say that but it’s the Court’s order Will. I can’t disobey.” He growled, “No. My word is still partial law, and I say that she is under my guardianship.” I held up my hands in front of me defensively, “Hey! Can’t I just go with her for a while Will? I don’t see why it would hurt.” “I could possibly lose control if she was taken away from me Lairise. You know that don’t you? I’m attached to her now and if that bond were to be severed by distance, say between two worlds…can’t you imagine who catastrophic that would be for all humanity?” He was grinning by this time; an evil grin that I had never seen before. Lairise started scowling, “Are you trying to scare me with memories of the past? You killed that girl Will. It wasn’t our fault.” I looked back at Will. He was scowling now with the hint of pain in his eyes. I was getting really into the story of his past “girl friend”. “I believe that was under the belt Lairise…” he whispered under his breath. She grinned, “I’m sorry. If you’re really going to be like this then I’ll have to talk it over with the court again. You’re right in saying that you still hold partial law but the girl will come under our protection one way or another.” Will’s grip tightened around my waist and made me wince, “Will…don’t get mad…that hurts.” He looked down at me with pleading eyes. It almost looked like he wanted me to get rid of her. “I think we’re done here for now.” I ushered at Lairise, “We’ll be leaving. I think I’ve had enough public for one day.” She stepped away from the car so I could reach my door. Will was on the other side in a second, starting the engine. I was ready to get the hell out of there. “I’ll be seeing you soon dear.” Lairise smiled at me from the window and disappeared. I looked over at Will hoping for some comforting words but he was shaking like he needed some words of his own. “Will…I’m sorry. I keep causing more trouble than I’m worth.” I muttered. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. He kept staring at the steering wheel as he replied, “Don’t apologize. I dragged you into this mess. Maybe if I wasn’t a vampire, things would be different.” I leaned toward him, “Don’t say that! I like you the way you are now! If you don’t stop this whole dark and gloomy charade I’m going to kick your ass!” His eyes went dark, “I’d like to see you try.” I groaned and turned away, “Let’s just get the hell out of here.” Will turned the car around and started going “home”. The idea of me possibly becoming a vampire was starting to look really tempting. … ![]() |
08-04-2008, 04:34 PM
We got “home” in record time thanks to Mr. Lead-Foot, who sat in the driver’s seat. He was still acting pissy about the whole court deal…I don’t know why. If they took me away, then I’d be under better protection than he could give; yet somehow…I prefer Will to some court hags anyway. If push came to shove, I could always go through the whole human-to-vampire process. I’d be better off as a vampire than a human if I stayed with Will.
I pondered this while Will went through his cabinets for some chow. When he had come back from the kitchen search to the living room, where I was sitting, he looked exhausted. “I’m out of canned stuff…I’m sorry. I’ll have to get something fresh.” He explained going for his trench coat hanging in the corner of the room by the front door. I gave him a cynical look, “I’m not eating Bambi, fresh from the woods. You’ll have to go for Thumper if you want to fill my hunger.” He shrugged, “Whatever you want, or in these woods, whatever is available. Things have started getting smart and running away.” Will had his hand on the door when he turned around to look at me with a weary expression, “You’ll be alright for five minutes alone right?” I waved my hand for him to go, “I’ll be seeing you back with food for the table my love.” He left without another word. I could count on him being back in five minutes but it still worried the hell out of me when I was alone now. I had no clue what the Order would send after me next or what already lurked out in the woods waiting for the opportune moment to strike me down. I shook my head and got up to go and put on my nightclothes. Will had probably went to Gran and got me more from my room. I could practically see the look on his face as he went through my dresser. Guys have no idea of the real world of women. The staircase seemed longer than usual to climb as I was making my way to the room I was borrowing for the moment. A feeling of unease came across my senses as I reached for the doorknob. It turned loosely by someone on the other side. “What the—hey!” I tried desperately to make as much noise for Will but if failed unpleasantly because the moment I tried to scream his name a white cloth came across my face. I saw black after that. … My memory was vague from the time I was carried out of the house and thrown into some kind of van. The ride had been bumpy, so I knew that we were taking an unpaved road out of civilization. I finally came to in the back of the van. It was still moving, but the bumps were getting fewer, so I didn’t hit my head as much on the steel floor. I had a cloth tied around my mouth and, what felt like duck tape, around my wrists. Surprisingly they didn’t tie my legs so I pushed myself up against the sidewall to my left. That’s when I noticed that I wasn’t alone; someone else was in there with me, breathing hard and uneven. It didn’t take me long to realize that Will had been caught too. It had become easier for me to sense when he was close by after he bit me back in the guest bedroom. He was bound the same way they had me, but instead of using tape and cloth, they had wrapped him with chain. From the way he was breathing and the scorch marks on his skin, it wasn’t an ordinary metal. “Will…can you hear me?” I asked in a whisper. He jumped and threw himself against the furthest place from me. I heard male voices of the people up front, “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing man! We’re not supposed to have them flailing around like that!” “I’m not driving that damn bad Kiel! Shut the hell up. They’re durable enough anyway.” “Maybe the guy is but the girl is still human. Take it easy…I don’t want my ass handed to me on a platter when we get home.” When they said “home”, I couldn’t help but shiver. My gut was telling me to hurry and find a way out of this van. Will was still drifting in and out of consciousness so I’d have to get him fully awake first. I didn’t have a club, so crashing it against his skull wasn’t one of my options; and I knew that tapping him on the shoulder wouldn’t get him up. I didn’t have much left to do, except for one thing…make myself bleed. Geez…what a pain…I thought looking for something to slice my finger with. It was then that my eyes caught on something metal at the back door of the van. I scooted closer to find a slashed aluminum can. I thanked whatever gods may have been in heaven and made my way cutting at the cloth that bound my hands. It was fairly easy because it was made of something like silk; it was hard to tell in the dark. After getting the cloth out of my mouth, I picked my ring finger on my left hand to cut open. I’d sliced it so many times before, I wouldn’t feel anything this go around. Will moaned in what seemed to be approval when the aluminum sliced like butter through my skin and he threw himself the short distance between us to get to my finger. “I smell it!” He said in a guttural voice that made my stomach lurch, “Give it to me!” he broke through the chains with ease and threw me onto the steel van floor. “Will! I can’t breathe! Snap out of it!” I screamed hearing something crunch on my right side. He wasn’t listening to his head, I could tell now that he was only going by his instincts and that meant the end of me if I didn’t do something fast. I built up enough air to let out a scream but it didn’t come quick enough because suddenly the van doors opened, illuminating everything. “Get him off of her Kiel!” yelled one of our taxi drivers. I couldn’t make out his face from the sun blinding me but he was tall, I knew that much. Will turned toward them and snarled. I shivered and blacked out again like the big sissy that I was. ![]() |
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