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(#591 (permalink))
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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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07-21-2009, 01:28 PM

awesome poems.^^ thank you for posting!

Hiding my emotion
i know my barrier was broken
and you showed me what its like
to live in an open life
that kiss woke me completely
i still don't know if you love me
but my heart was really beating
and you could feel my feelings
showed my emotion
and showed me that i would be loved
i hope this feeling last
yet i never want it to fade away and be left
all the way in the past.

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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(#592 (permalink))
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sakari09 (Offline)
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07-24-2009, 12:09 AM

OH Pie,
How do I luv thee?
How much do I luv thee?
I luv u enough to devour you entirely
Making you become one
with my belly!
Come to me dear pie
Let my fork stab through your soft chocolate and whipcream torso.
I luv pie,
I do
I do.

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(#593 (permalink))
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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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07-26-2009, 02:03 AM

my pain multiplies in time
showing who i really am inside
people telling me i make up lies
my only friend lost in the past
because i moved
are friendship didn't really last
i miss the old me
i miss who i use to be
i miss feeling happy
not having to feel like telling everybody
my pain and misery
it use to belong to just me
and when my only friend came
i would share my pain with her
like she did with hers
i truely hate this new life
i wish i could go back in time
to be the girl my family once knew
missing my dead father i never really knew
him being dead i couldn't care less
but something made me miss him
was it the yelling
the fighting and screaming
or the fact that he was just gone
and we never got to be together
as daughter and father
i miss everything
i miss Medford Oregon
I miss the book store
i miss my Sister
my aunt
my grandma
my great grandma
grumpy old grandpa
and i miss the color of home!

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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(#594 (permalink))
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Oliah (Offline)
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07-26-2009, 06:39 AM

all these poems are cool

Let it go, and that will be your strength. ---Me...lol

Last edited by Oliah : 08-16-2009 at 05:46 AM.
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(#595 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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Thumbs up 07-26-2009, 07:22 AM

I call this, 'Le Quail'

Quailboy is hot, Quailboy is cute
I wish I knew Quailboy, we'd go on a photoshoot.
Quailboy is tall, Quailboy is strong,
he makes all of JF get along.
Quailboy is soft, Quailboy is sweet,
Quailboy makes all the members skeet.
Quailboy is smart, Quailboy is wise,
lets be friends with Quailboy and eat apple pies.

Last edited by JayT : 07-26-2009 at 07:24 AM.
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(#596 (permalink))
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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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07-26-2009, 10:20 PM

knock once
knock twice
knock three
knock five
i have a thing
to be able to see
when you come back to me
knock seven
knock eight
i have a hazard waiting for me
knock eleven
knock five
i have a riddle to a rhyme
seven plus two
i cant get to you
nine times eight
we never had a wedding date
knock four
knock one
this story has just begun
six times five
i am done with this time.

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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(#597 (permalink))
thcuteness (Offline)
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07-26-2009, 10:35 PM

um not good with poetry but i"ll give it a try, i hope you dont mind that this doesnt really rythm,

if only i had a pet,
one i could love and squeez to death,
to snuggle and cuddle,
to feed oodles of noodles,
to play with and to bath with,
one with tiny small paws,
and small pink nose,
with perky ears to hear the rats in the walls,
one with a swishing tail,
and cute little strut,
oh how i wish i could only have a pet.
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(#598 (permalink))
SeraphimMephistopheles (Offline)
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Cool 07-27-2009, 03:17 AM

こんにちは、SeraphimMephistophelesです。とても嬉しいです� �。詩を書くことに興味がありますから。だから、今そ� �ようにしたいんですね。ところで、このフォーラムで� �いてるとき、大体日本語や英語でそのようにするつも� �です。。 hello I am SeraphimMephistopheles. I am very happy because i am interested in writing poems, so i want to do so now. by the way, when i write in this forum, i will generally do so in both english and japanese.

If you should wonder where that which is most beautiful shall be found, then into the water's reflection should you glance, and be astonished by he who is as diamonds would envy to be. If my words drip and are soaked with flattery, then you have read me well, dear angel. But my flattery is disguised by nothing. Truth is that which inspires my flattery. Dear one, you can believe this well, I butter nothing but bread, and I know no falsehoods dear sprite. There is no truth in deeming me false, as I lie only on a bed Yet if you deem my candid words beguile you still, further let me protrude my gaze into your eyes, so that I may glance upon your precious soul, for the eyes are windows from which much can be seen. As i gaze into yours, shall you to do so to mine. I shall make you blush with but a whisper, as you shall stare into my gaze. Let my eyes convey as lyrics would, the sensations that i dare to feel. I love you as only an obsessed man could, and I dare you to find a man to prove me wrong. Hold me and touch me this night, and leave tomorrow morning without regret. and let the the sun shine with a midas touch, and i shall pretend the sun is you, embracing the world as you had embraced me, 'til the shadows come and the moon takes over, and that beautiful light from the morning dawn shall be missed by all, but belong to none but me, come to me my sun, and light my eyes with your grace, and warm my heart with your heat. love be grand, and hearts fulfilled, what other truth resides but this?

Last edited by SeraphimMephistopheles : 07-27-2009 at 03:29 AM.
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(#599 (permalink))
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JasonTakeshi (Offline)
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07-27-2009, 03:52 AM

This one does not rhyme, but its meant that way. Its to be understandable for those who can understand it!

Sentimental Collapse: Confusion

I walked
I walked for non-existent roads
I trod on my calluses themselves
I kicked all the stones of my way
I was over them even because of stumbling
In the lake of the solitude.

I fell
I fell in the abyss of the reason
I was given up in his interior
Leaving backwards a certainty,
Thousand doubts
The pain.

I got up
I lifted my arms to rest
In a filty surface
In the debris of the passion.
I lifted my eyes before my fright itself
I saw nothing.

I also cried
I cried because of having finally understood
What at last, my pain
It was incurable.

I now was a being condemned by the reason
For the madness, for the incomprehension
Of a not corresponded love
Of a brokened-heart.

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
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(#600 (permalink))
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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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07-29-2009, 11:52 AM

I woke up today thinking of your kisses
wondering if today will be a miss
finding you at the park
my eyes dazzling with remark
loving to see you
knowing that this is new
i still feel happy in a different way

waiting to see you again
wondering if i will be a miss
always hoping you come again
even though you always do in the end

now i know that you will always come
knowing now i wont be a miss
always going to get my kiss
and know i will have your love

if you lie to me
i will be wondering if i am a miss
because i will have learned i wasn't meant for this
love can be a lie at some times
but maybe...just maybe its mine this one and only time.

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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