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KikiBunny23's photography and writings -
07-05-2008, 07:18 AM
Yeah....any photography that I have or writings that I find in my room...and trust me, that's a lot. I'll update this every now and then....whenever I remember. Feel free to leave your comments, but please don't make fun of them. I get in moods and write about different things or take pictures of random junk. So yeah...anyway. I'll go ahead and make another post with my random stuff.
Poems -
07-05-2008, 07:26 AM
Don't Save Me
I just couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed the midnight handle of the sharp knife, knowing I shouldn't do it. Yet still took the plunge. My breathing becomes shallow, as a pool of blood surrounds me, a single tear rolling down my paling cheek. "It was just to much, I had had enough" I murmured before closing my soft green eyes. On my arm, snaking its way down to my wrist, three simple words were visible, 'Don't Save Me' The were crusted with scarlet coloring, drenched in fresh flows that bled from my breast. I am gone now, so don't try to save me. ---------------------------------------------- To Much Don't you think you should grow up? To much time, you have wasted. To much money spent on those drugs. So just grow up, and learn its not about you. Its about how you live. Habits earned now, are hard to break. So don't you think, you should grow up. To much cash, spent in one day. To many girls, going home crying tonight. All because you won't grow up and haven't learned when to much is more than enough. Now you take your last breath, you never learned. I'm sitting next to you, when your in that bed. And I say, "Don't you remember my words... I said it was to much. You didn't believe, when I gave you that warning. Look where you are now" To much time wasted, to much money spent, to many girls brokenhearted. All because you didn't learn that to much, is more than enough. ---------------------------------- Remember Me? What happened to us? Do you remember the laughs we shared. It seems so long ago, that we were so close. I wish I could have you back, but I know you've fallen for her, just like everyone else has. My best friend, isn't it? The one who stole your heart. Don't you remember me? You've been my love, ever since that fateful day we met, twelve years ago. You might not love me in return, but remember the time you did? It wasn't that long ago, when we last hung out. Laying outside, pointing out constellations and numbering the stars. Will you remember me, twenty years from now. When you move away, and I stay right here. Stealing many hearts, but remember one thing. You still have mine, just remember that one thing. ------------------------------------------ Scarlet Blood I'm dying inside, and nobody cares. Can't somebody come save me? Deep scarlet drops, fall to the floor, I'm dying inside. Nobody sees the tears I cry, cause I always hide, before they see my eyes. I want to live, but don't know how. So for now, I relish the pain, this sharp blade brings, watching the dark scarlet drops, drip to the floor. I'm dying inside, you will never know. Know I lay, dead on the floor. I gave in to the pain, cut to deep. I made the mistake, all those other teens made. Did you not believe me, When I said goodbye? I will never see tomorrow, as my world goes black. Scarlet blood around me, as I say my last goodbye. -------------------------------------------------------- Just Like My Dreams The blackness surrounds me, like a dark suffocating blanket. Its just like the dreams, I had so long ago. Checking the halls, I make sure the coast is clear. Then I grab the sharp razor, that makes everything clear. It slowly peels away my skin, bringing a wave of red, splashing onto the floor. The darkness surrounds, until a hear the key. I realize I am caught, in my deadly game. I slash a large gash, deep into my flesh, a smile on my lips as I slip to the floor. Everything gets hazy, and soon I hear a scream. The darkness surrounds me, reminding me of my dreams. ----------------------------------------------- Do You Believe? These tears I cry are no lie. Do you believe it now, that I'm dying inside. Can't you see, what you're doing to me. I'm slowly dying. Day by day, another piece of me breaks away. Nothing can cure me, so don't even try. I'm dying inside, this is no lie. Look around, like what you see? Because you don't see what I have seen. You will never feel what I have felt. So now I lay, myself to sleep. Crying inside, can you see it now? ---------------------------------------- Can't You See? You think I'm strong? Well guess what, you're wrong. I'm just as weak as when I was small, but that's kept inside, I don't know how long. Different phases, same old me. Forgiving as ever, can't you see? The act ends here, with this last line. For I need you, but you don't need me. |
Pictures -
07-05-2008, 08:16 AM
Ok, they might not seem all that great but I am limited to my two mile road. One mile to my left one mile to my right. I rarely go to my right because there are tons of dogs but I do go right then left down that half mile road...but i only go a quarter of that cus a huge gigantic hill...anyway, here are some pictures
07-05-2008, 08:37 AM
thankies ^-^ I have to find my moms camera cus I wont be gettin mine til july 31 on my bday....already been told im gettin one unless my mom sayin 'your birthday is in a month. dont spend your money on that stuff *wink wink*' doesnt say she got me a camera haha
07-05-2008, 08:51 AM
More Poems
Don't You Understand? Don't you understand, how its hard to talk, when there was never anyone to listen. My past still haunts me, he finds me in my dreams. It's just so hard to speak, when no one wanted to listen. I keep my secrets, all locked away. To afraid of being hurt, and pushing my friends away. I've never let anyone get close, not realizing how that hurt them. I trusted to easily once before, he was of my own kin. Look where I am now... Alone once again, wallowing in self-pity. Left to surf my dreams, not wanting to be in reality. Thinking of harm I can inflict, and writing it down on paper. But I know it will never happen, because I don't want those scars. The scars that will be visible, unlike the ones inside. Don't you understand, whats happened to me, I've been left alone to long. -------------------------------------------------------------- You're Walking Away How do you really feel? When you look at me... when your eyes penetrate mine, how do you really feel? I've always known you, but now you're slipping from me. We used to be so close, now you're walking away. How do you really feel, as you look my way. We went through harsh times, your hand in mine... but you've taken that away, when you heard me say. How do you really feel. Just tell me the truth. And when I realized, you don't love me too... I fell apart. We never have moments, like we did before. So now you're walking away... now I know how you feel. |
A New Beginning -
07-05-2008, 10:06 AM
This Is My Latest Story, Finished It About 10 Min Ago
Angel slowly crept out of her room and headed towards the front door. Her parents had grounded her once again for cutting and they banned her to her room. But this time, she wasn't going to take it. She carefully patted her old worn down jeans to make sure her razor was there and fixed the strap of her duffel bag. "This will teach them to ground me....I'm not going to deal with it anymore. I'm fed up of being treated like a slave" she muttered, quietly slipping the door open and sneaking outside. "Freedom," she said with a smirk, opening the door to her pale blue VV Bug. She quickly started the engine, immediately capturing the attention of her two parents who had been outside working on the garden. They ran after her screaming but they were to late, by the time they reached where her car had been...she was already to the end of the mile long driveway. They heard her honk her horn twice before she took a sharp right and headed for the highway. 'Alabama---50 miles' as soon as Angel read that sign, she knew where she was headed. "Alabama, here comes Angel" she said with a laugh and switching into a different lane. Hours passed and soon the brown-haired teenager saw the exit for Alabama. She smirked and pulled into that lane, earning a honk from a Cadillac she cut off. She flipped them off and laughed quietly. Her hazel eyes checked the review mirror to make sure she was clear to get into the next lane, not wanting to have to deal with the merging traffic. The teenager flipped on her sunglasses and turned on the air conditioning as she checked the next road sign. 'Huntsville--20 miles' She nodded to herself, knowing that was where she was headed. The herbie bug took a left and was soon on its way to Huntsville. "Let's see....what is there to eat?" she saw a Waffle House up ahead and pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her purse. She pulled into the parking lot and turned off the engine. Angel thought about what she was going to get but then laughed at her stupidity. She was at a Waffle House, of course she was going to get waffles. Stepping out of the car, she pulled off her sunglasses and squinted at the bright sun. She cursed the heat before reminding herself why she was there. She headed into the small restaurant type place. "Hi there, welcome to Waffle House. Have someone with ya in just a sec" an elderly lady, around fifty, spoke to Angel in an accent-tainted voice, "RIKII! Get yo lazy bum out of that kitchen and come take the order of this pretty lady!" A second later, a sandy-haired boy stepped out of the back room and headed Angel's way, his deep blue eyes cast downward until he reached her table. "Hi, my name is Rikii, can I get your drink?" "Um...could I have a Sprite please?" she asked, looking at the menu. "Is Sierra Mist ok?" he questioned, a lazy smile on his lips. Angel gave a small nod before giving a smile in return and he quickly headed back to the kitchen. She sighed to herself and rested her arm on the sparkly table. She frowned at the cuts on her arm and thought about when each one came to be. 'That was when Mark broke up with me....this one was from momma....that one was....' "Here's your drink. Are you ready to order?" the strange voice suddenly brought her out of her thoughts and she saw herself staring up at Rikii. "Thanks, and could I have a strawberry waffle?" "My favorite," Rikii replied with a teasing smile. He headed back to the kitchen. "Don't even try. That boy is trouble. Broke my darling daughters heart, yet she still chases after him" a man spoke from behind her making Angel jump in surprise. "Oh hush your trap Johnny. Rikii hasn't dated a girl since he found your Susianne and Rob in the back house. Mentally scarred that poor boy" the elderly lady spoke to the man, then smiled at Angel, "Hasn't even talked to a young lady perty as you since then. Heck, I think you're the only one that has been able to coax a smile out of that kid." Silently, Rikii set her food on the table and walked to the back room. No one had noticed he was there. Johnny and Mary Jane exchanged worried glance before Mary Jane pulled Angel up and shoved her toward the back room. "Shoo, go back there and see if he is okay. You heard me scatt" Mary Sue said waving her hands slightly as if to give Angel a mental shove. Angel hesitantly walked toward the door that led to the kitchen and slowly opened it. She walked a few steps in and the door silently closed behind her. Looking around, she saw that it was pretty much the same type of kitchen you would find in any restaurant. After a few seconds, she spotted Rikii lifting boxes and moving them to the other side of the room. She brushed back her hair and walked up to him, "Um...hey" she said, her eyes cast downward. "What do you want?" he asked rudely. Angel raised an eyebrow before rolling her eyes and stating, "Fine...I'm just going to sit here and annoy you until you tell me why you got so mad" "It's nothing....mind your own business. And if you can't do that, then leave" Rikii snapped. "Ok, fine...I'm just trying to help," Angel said quietly. "I'm sorry....it's just that Susianne had been really close to me and then when she went and....yea, it really hurt" Rikii said, sadness etched into his voice. "It's ok...actually, I'm pretty sure we have had equal amounts of hurt" Angel said quietly, lifting up her arm to show the scars from the razor "I came here to get away from what caused me to cause the pain. And maybe I found a friend as well?" she asked, a question in her tone of voice. "Well, you can stay here as long as ya want. Us southern folk sure know how to get the pain away" Rikii said with a smile. "And yeah....I'd like that" They both smiled at each other and walked out of the kitchen, hand in hand. Immidiately Mary Sue and Johnny started up a conversation with them. Neither of the elder-lies knew what had happened in the kitchen, but Rikii and Angel know. They put their past behind them and are looking forward to a bright future. And there lay in the trash can, Angel's gem decorated razor, and a picture of Rikii and Susianne. And Rikkii is pronounced like Ricky |
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