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01-22-2007, 01:00 AM
"Oh Ok" I say in a half way sarcastic tone "How bad could it be..." Tatsu looks at me with a very serious look in his eye. I gulp, " he he he Just kidding." I said. "Wow and I thought Ichi was bad" i say to myself.
We arrive in town. Ichi is close for him this is unusual. Yet he remained distant. there was no one around, all the door where shut and windows where boarded up. It was like a ghost town. "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-22-2007, 01:12 AM
Ok.....time for my character.......and hear is all my stuff......
NAME: Myzura AGE: 17 HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: about 117 pounds OCCUPATION: Protects the city from creatures, bandits, and outsiders WEAPONS: A dagger and a sword forged from rock and dragon bone. Called "Riku".....(means "land" or "of land").....also a master at body combat, so don't think you can win if she doesn't have a weapon on her.... FURTHER DETAILS: Myzura is a really strong girl, mentally and physically. Keeps to herself alot because she is afraid to let people to close. She really hopes to find someone who will accept her for who she is and not who she was (has a horrible history). (letting you know now....i'm a romance novelist, so my character is going to have strong feelings for another....i'm sorry, but no matter how hard i try, i cant write a non-romantic story, so please deal with my romance disorder.) APPERANCE: Very beautiful. Long dark brown hair and jungle green eyes. Perfect tan skin. She tends to wear short skirts with short tank tops that reveil the stomache, she finds it easier to move in this. Bare foot all the time. CITY: Thak Sul.......the one in the jungle.... now i will start... I sit silently, waiting. The jungle whispering all around me. When will he come, when? After all the tracking I have just done, he better come soon. The breaking of a stick...? Something's coming...I bent down low behind a bush. There he was. A tall, burly man. His hair was dark and scruffled, like his poorly taken care-of beard. After a couple of moments of waiting, I attacked him. "Huh? Not even a little fight?" I said as I drove my dagger into his heart. "Well, you were a serious waste of time..." I took my dagger back out of his chest and moved toward the man's tent. "Let's just hope you have something good to eat..." I rumaged through some of his bags of stolen goods, but only found some stale bread and water. I sighed and took the food. After retreating from the man's campsite, I settled up next to a large tree to eat. This was going to be a long day... ![]() ![]() ![]() An Apple A Day Keeps Anyone Away If You Throw It Hard Enough...
01-22-2007, 01:18 AM
The person we are going to meet is an old fortune teller named Zeneba. Her daughter is someone I held very close to my heart....I don't know if the fortune teller is still here or if she is still alive." We enter the town. No one is around. Everything is totally silent. All you can hear is the crickets in the dark and the morning birds start to chirp. The big fire in the village center is out and the rest of the smoke is kindling. The last embers die. I walk down a small path to a dead end street. "This is Zeneba's house." I tell the others. It is a little cottage. Smoke climbs out of the stacks on the house. All the windows are shut tight.... I knock on the door quietly. I can hear mumbling from inside the building. I lean my ear to the door to make out what the person is saying. Just as I lean back, the front door swings open quickly, and a raggedy looking man is standing there. With a pipe in his hand and a full face of long stringy beard hair. "What do you punks want?!" he barks at me. "I am sorry to bother you sir, at this early an hour in the day, but I wanted to know if Zenenba was in." The mans expression turns from an angery face to complete sadness. He stays quiet for a moment. Then takes a big puff of his pipe. "Zeneba..she..she's over there." He picks up his wrinkled, swollen finger and points it behind me. There is a wooden fence around a small tree. I give him a puzzled look. He leaves the door open and just looks at me. I walk over to the area he pointed at...When I get there everything becomes clear. I see a single tombstone. The words "Zeneba. Loving Wife and Mother. May her spirit rest in piece in the heavens." are etched onto the stone. I drop to me knees. And a tear leaves my eye and gets caught in my lips. I can taste the salt. "She was like a second mother too me." I say to Ichirin and Nozomi would came up from behind me. |
01-22-2007, 01:19 AM
My blood red eyes reflected the shine of the full moon, she was bright. I felt her cold on my skin. I walked towards the girl and kneeled infront of her saying: "Hiya, what are you doing up so late ?" ![]() Starrin' & Teasin' CandyHolic. I like where you sleep, When you sleep, next to me. I like where you sleep... here Our lips, can touch And our cheeks, can brush Our lips can touch here |
01-22-2007, 01:39 AM
I keel next to Tatsu. Ichi walks off towards the square, I leave him to what ever hes looking for. My main attention is directed at Tatsu, now crying silently to himself, "I'm sorry" I begin to say "I can't understand how it feels to lose a loved one...your luckily to have had some one..." I say my chest beings to tighten, whats this feeling I think to myself "I have never loved any one... I cant even remember my name, much less a loved one" I begin to weep "What's this.... I'm crying?" whisper to myself. It feel as though I actuality knew this person , and that they had actuality been very dear to me. once again I say" Why am I crying?" Next to Tatsu I want to embrace him but I resist, I instead put my hand on his shoulder. I lean my head on his back. what is this feeling... i can't describe it.
The man with the pipe comes over " she die 4 years ago her heart broke for the daughter she lost." I cant help but feel a connection to this place... "Why" I continued to rest my head on his back. "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-22-2007, 01:55 AM
Nozomi's head on me makes me feel better. Before the man told me she died of a broken heart I already knew why she had left this world...
"Everyone I come to love dies...I don't have anyone dear to me. They are all departed." Nozomi is next to me. I can feel her body heat. Without thinking it I turn to her and embrace her deeply into my chest. We are still kneeling in the dirt. I place my head on her shoulder, and I can smell a sweet scent. Then suddenly I realize what I was doing. I pull away. " I-I am sorry Nozomi." I stand up and wipe the dirt from my knees. My clothes are still all wet. I face the old man. "She was my wife..." said the man. "We married about 5 years ago. I never met her daughter Shima, but she always talked about her." Hearing someone say Shima's name out in the open was very weird for me. It really hit a soft spot. I wiped away the tears that continued to come from my eye. "You kids can stay in my house for the day if you want. You lot must be tired." Ah, I can see your friend the young lad, has already made friends with the locals. He points to Ichirin talking to the woman. "Come in you two. I will prepare a hot meal and you can stay in my extra room. There are 2 beds in there and a nice soft bear skin on the rug. The beds are big and my blankets are plentiful. You all must be tired, where you coming from?" "Disan..." I manage to say over the light tears in my eye. "Ho, ho." laughs the man. "That is a long ways. Two days worth of traveling at least. I used to work in Disan in my youth." "Yes, we traveled quick. So we made it over night." I say again trying to get my mind off of Shima and Zeneba. "well follow me indoors. My fire is burning with fierce heat. You'll dry in no time." We follow the man to the house. "Ichirin!!!" yells Nozomi. "When you are ready come inside the house! We can stay!!" Nozomi waves to Ichirin and comes inside with me. |
01-22-2007, 02:31 AM
We entered the old mans house, Ichirin followed and took a place alone in the corner near the fire. The house was full of strange artifacts and several stuffed animals. It was a round two story house the upper level was only a balcony abound the out side, making it possible to see the bottom of the roof from the inside. Countless number of books selfs with many exotic books.
I took refuge under the Bear skin blanket, on a bed, at the far end of the house. My thoughts still on that moment next to the grave. What was it that I felt back there. I remand think about it even after the man begin to speak "Make your selfs feel at home" he says as he sits in a rocking chair, "So what brings you young'uns all the way out here to this ghost town." Tatsu takes his set on a another chair near my bed, It looks as though its familiar to him. "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-22-2007, 02:40 AM
I closed my eyes and stood in the middle of the forest which was bathed the glamour of the moonlight. My stepdragon had made contact with me telepathically(Dragons have that ability but humans don't. This is one of the reasons dragons have been having an edge over humans for awhile now).
"Swiftant...", the voice came from inside my head in the form of a deep and fiery growl. "Your Graciousness.", i knelt down, bowed my head slightly and whispered. "Listen.. to what i have to say.. and remember my words..." "Yes, Your Graciousness." "There are some people.. who do not fear the might of the dragons and are even attempting.. to go against it.. and overpower it..", said the voice. I lifted my head alittle and clenched my fists, my eyes turning crimson. So.. even the Freedom Fighters couldn't prevent the long-prophecised battle huh..? "you may ask why they seem to have a bloodthirsty urge to take our souls, even after they have taken so many others... But the reason not very hard to comprehend if you think deep enough.." "Erase.. evidence..", I said, raising my head higher. "Precisely.. The previous battles that have been fought by both parties had always been started by the humans and now.. they wish to silence the dragonclan to maintain their reputation.." My body started to quiver, not from excitment, not from cold, but from hatred.I knew i should have finished off those bystanders from earlier.. but what stopped me..? "Swiftant, do not be rash and listen to me. I understand how you feel.. However, those group of people are no ordinary humans. Like you, they have their own special abilities and powers. On your own, you're no match for all of them put together.. Wait for the reinforcements I've sent and then strike and finish what you must.." "Consider it done, Your Graciousness.", i replied and she left. Suddenly, i felt a searing pain in my palms. I looked down and saw that they were covered in my own blood. **Sorry for butting in like this, but you guys r resting in the city now right? My loyalty to my stepdragon has long given way to my emotions but I believed all the crap my she said altho they're obviously lies =.=.I'm now waiting for all of you outside the city. Dun worry abt the reinforcements, they'll automatically arrive after the fight and i'll give them orders to retreat. So, whenever ure rdy ^^** There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
01-22-2007, 02:48 AM
***I'm surprised Nozomi didn't make a comment about Tatsu hugging her
![]() "We don't really know what we are doing here ourselves." I begin to say "We are kind of following each other, and following nothing at the same time. We are searching for clues and answers to things. Clues that none of us know." The old man looks at me, then puffs on his pipe. "You young kids, always thinking about things. At times like this it is best just to sit down, have a nice smoke, and pull out a thick book...." The man pauses for a moment. "Ah! the soup is done." The man gets out of his chair and goes to the fireplace. He pulls a large pot off the burner and places it on a cloth. He gets 3 deep wooden bowls from his cabinet and 3 very big spoons. He begins to ladle the soup into our bowls. Actually it is more like a stew. Filled with onions, and tomoatoes, and big pieces of beef. He gives one to me, places Ichirin's on the table next to him, and puts Nozomi's on the nightstand next to her bed. "By the way. My name is Gruntz, but you kids can call me gramps if you want." He smiles at all of us. "A strange group....All you kids have some strange garments on you. And I can tell all of you have lost something. Just by the way you look and are all scarred up." I try to change the subject. "Thank you for your hospitality, Gruntz, we will be leaving come mid-day, so you don't have to worry about keeping us." I take a big mouthful of Gruntz's stew. It was really tasty. And the aroma of it filled his small house. I hadn't eaten in so long. The heat was really warming up my bones. My clothes didn't feel so wet anymore. After I finished the food, I took off my robes and placed them over a chair. I placed Sora next to me on the floor. I looked over at Ichirin...He was fast asleep, sitting against the all next to the fire. I smile at him. He looks so peaceful asleep. That kid sure has alot of problems in his life. All 3 of us do. " I am going out now young'uns. Got a bit to do today, see you all later." Gruntz leaves and locks the door behind him. |
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