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01-25-2007, 07:00 PM
***I know! don't remind me that i have a problem with getting online....and another quick thing is....MyzurA has an "A" at the end, not an "I" lol......but, i guess it's my turn now...*** I sat on Kaulus's back, snuggled tightly in Ichirin's arms. I can feel how much he worried about me. I could see why. That was a large number of dragons that we would be saving. All I hoped for was that Ichirin didn't try to be the hero and get hurt, or even killed, trying to protect me. If anything, he has to worry about all of us. I dare not remind him that we are all important. And even though I don't say much to the others, i don't know whatt I would do if any of them were hurt or killed. They are my friends and they mean alot to me, like Ichirin does. Thinking about them all made me cry. "What's the matter?" asked Ichirin. He obviously felt my sadness. i was afraid to let him know I was crying at all. I'm a warrior, I don't do that, but, I couldn't help it. Instead of stopping, I continued to cry. "I'm just so worried that someone is going to get hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Especially you. I don't know why you mean so much to me..." he brushed my hair back. "It's ok to cry. It means you are human. And it's ok to be human. So, go ahead and cry if you want to." and i never thought i'd find myself crying in front of him. and even though i was crying, i did notice that it didn't make him think little of me, it didn't make him think i wasn't strong. After I had calmed down a bit, i looked up at him. "Ichirin...?" "Yeah...?" "I think...I know...I love you...I truely love you..." ***HA HA HA! I make you continue that scene!*** ![]() ![]() ![]() An Apple A Day Keeps Anyone Away If You Throw It Hard Enough...
01-25-2007, 07:21 PM
"Hmm... flattered.
![]() I lay my head onto her shoulders, laying with my mouth faced to her ears I wispered:" I love you too Myzura, I loved you ever since i first laid eyes on you." At this moment i hugged her tightly and kissed her softly on her ever so sweet lips. Then I quickly turned around, I heard flapping... Was it Tatsu ? i wondered. No those weren't eagle flappings, those were Dragon Flappings !!! "Myzura, Kaulus, there's a dragon coming, it's looking for us !" i yelled out. Kaulus stopped immediatly, walking slowly towards the dragon who's still flying high above us in the blue sky. Why doesn't he run away ? Or is he trying to fight the dragon ? Kaulus threw us off his back into the desertsand, i held Myzura close to me, so when we landed on the sandy ground she wouldn't feel a bit. Though i took all the damage I didn't felt a bit of it, it was quite scary actually, but i felt it was the right way. Now Kaulus stood there looking at the landing dragon. I didn't understand what he was up to. When the dragon landed right infront of him, he did nothing they were talking in some way. I couldn't understand this language. Though i must've been overprotective cause i said to Myzura :" Stay behind, it's a trap." A bit later Kaulus has dissapeared, has the dragon killed him ? No, Kaulus dissapeared because his job was complete, he was ment to trap us here. I couldn't believe Tatsu would do something to us like that. Just when i was thinking that, the dragon stood right infront of me saying :"Don't think your friend trapped you here, do you ?" I was suprised, I never thought dragons could do this sort of things, normally they just fly over their foes burning everything beneath them. Nevertheless i felt that this was a high ranked dragon, because of his spirit power. "You're not afraid of the great Kukaku ?" he said to me. "Well maybe your lil' girlfriend there will be a bit more scared." he proceeded mockering me. "If you even breath on her, you won't live to see tomorrow." i answered his absurd voice. *yes i know it's a bit of a cliché, but i put it into a different text* ![]() Starrin' & Teasin' CandyHolic. I like where you sleep, When you sleep, next to me. I like where you sleep... here Our lips, can touch And our cheeks, can brush Our lips can touch here |
01-25-2007, 07:45 PM
***Tatsu would never send a kid to his death like that. he likes Ichirin, and he can't hurt kids. They are his main weakness***
"It is cold way up here." whispers Nozomi in my ear. "It is hard to breath as well." I look back over my shoulder she does look cold. "You should get used to the lack of oxygen soon." I say sincerely. "Here put on my robes." I turn around on Gana and put my robes over Nozomi. I pick up the hood to cover her face. When I sit back down, she holds on to my waist tightly. "I don't want to fall off." she says kind of panicy. "Don't worry, you won't fall." I tell her reassuringly. The feathers on Gana's back are so warm. The sun is rising, it is very bright way up here. I hope we will reach Asgard soon. We have been flying all night. We may not reach it until sun down. I go through the bag Gruntz gave me. I pass my bread to Nozomi. She already ate all her food. I munch on the cheese block. And think about the SilverDragon and Shima. I still can't get her out of my head. I could of swarn I heard her voice when the SilverDragon was controlling Nozomi. When the new SilverDragon Shakura sealed Akuma inside Nozomi did she really seal Shima inside Nozomi as well? Shima's soul was inside Akuma, so it is possible. I don't want to ask Nozomi about it. I don't want to start any type of panic or cause any problems between us. Maybe one day, if Shima is really inside Nozomi, I can extract Shima's soul from Nozomi's body, and bring her back to life somehow. But her body is totally decayed by now. I'd have to use Elvish Magic to make her a new body. But that kind of spell might kill me..... Enough thinking, I need to focus on the battle, and asking Asgard's King to give me an army.... |
01-25-2007, 10:25 PM
I was very offended by this dragon. How dare he treat me like a child? "Who do you think you are? You horrible shit! I'll take you any day, any time. And i'll kick your ass while I'm at it!" I yelled. Ichirin shot me a look. 'What?' I thought and smiled. I wasn't going to let this dragon think i was just a small fly. I was a hell lot more than that....and i got spunk, too... ![]() ![]() ![]() An Apple A Day Keeps Anyone Away If You Throw It Hard Enough...
01-25-2007, 10:34 PM
Myzuri was looking frustrated by the dragon, it was making her mad. I can't let this happen, i can't let her lose control, losing control means losing a battle with which i mean losing your life. I can't let her die, though i had no intention to fight i said to the dragon: "I'll fight you, if you let the girl be."
The dragon looked at me confused, and he answered me :" If I win, i can eat her, are you fine with that" a giant smile turned up on his green scaly body. "Then i'll just make sure i won't lose." i answered him, laughing back at him. I stuck my hand onto the handles of Mother&Father, ready for firing any minute now. But i'll let him make the first move. The dragon looked at me, with that big smile of his. Then he was speaking something in that language that i heard before. Then all of the sudden there were a dozen little guys in dark brown capes around me, they all jumped up from the desert sand beneath me. Quickly i triggered Mother and aiming at one of these creatures head, they dodged it...or no they didn't dodged it. It seems like they only consist of sand, the bullet went right trough him. At that moment i knew I couldn't win, not even this battle. I started to cry a bit, thinking of what would happen with Myzori , i didn't care about myself. "Run, you fool Run !!!" i yelled at Myzuri. ![]() Starrin' & Teasin' CandyHolic. I like where you sleep, When you sleep, next to me. I like where you sleep... here Our lips, can touch And our cheeks, can brush Our lips can touch here |
01-25-2007, 10:48 PM
***New person***
Name: Suzette Age: 19 Height: 5 7 Weight: 125 Occupation: Warrior/ Dragon rider Weaopns: Machete and Dragon Tounge the allows her to control dragons. Further details: She is a loner. She doesn't really open up to many people and if she does, it's very rare. She has a dark past and has been through some really hard times in her life. She is a fighter and will not stop fighting util she's killed. Apperance:Beautiful. Long, flowing brown hair that draps down to her lower back. Peircing blue eyes, cold and dead to the world. Black jeans and black tank tops is what you'll alays find her in. City: Dragon's Lair 'The drangons are getting excited about the battle' I thought to myself. 'And so am I'. I walked back into the Lair with a grim grin on my face. "The time grows closer to the battle. And when we attack, we will show no mercy. They have tried to defeat us before but we are stronger now and we will come out on top!" I cried to them with a joy in my voice. "This is our time to show them what we can do!" I walked back outside and looked up to the sky. It was dark, no stars, no moon. Nothing. Just a black sky all around as far as someone could see. It was a perfect night... How many more of them would I be left to see after the battle?.... ![]() Life goes on. But I'm gone. Cause I'll die without you. </3 |
01-25-2007, 10:52 PM
"NO!" I cried. I wasn't going to abandon him. I loved him to much. So, instead, I decided I was going to help him save my life. I figured that, if maybe, I could take of these sand monsters, and he could get rid of that horrible son of a bitch dragon. I took out Riku and charged. Ichirin shot me a quick dirty look. "Myzura! What are you doing?" "Living!" I answered and swung Riku through 3 of the monsters. "Go get that damn dragon!" I yelled. ![]() ![]() ![]() An Apple A Day Keeps Anyone Away If You Throw It Hard Enough...
01-25-2007, 11:04 PM
Though she was trying to help me, she just brought even more concerns to my head. Her swords slashed right trough the sand creatures, not hurting them a bit. Goddammit i thought to myself. Well maybe i can safe her from dying against those sand creatures if i kill their leader, that dragon. I walked to the dragon, the dragon was looking at me all confused. When i standing right infront of the dragon's head, i said: "You breathe on my girl, I told you will die then haven't I ?"
The dragon started laughing with me, did he really think he could come out of here alive. I looked back seeing Myzuri struggling with those sand creatures. I shot trough a couple of those creatures head just to distract them from attacking Myzuri. The dragon started laughing even harder, at that moment i saw a spot where a scale was missing from his skin. I knew my bullets would go trough normal dragons, but there's something special about this one. I started running and in a second without the dragon knowing it itself i stood on to his head, holding my guns downwards towards his ugly face. I shot two bullets right into the dragons brains. Normally he would've died from even one bullet, but i shot just to make sure. But then i heard laughing, the dragons laughing. It hasn't hurt him a bit. But what it did do is make those sand monsters dissappear, for a while that is. Cause right after i noticed more of them showed up from the sands. Now i knew, he's one of those telepathic Dragons, masters of elements. They can control everything around them, even people or animals with low spirit energy. Therefor Kaulus must've betrayed us, it had nothing to do with Tatsu. I felt calm inside, clearing my suspicions of Tatsu, when i heard a yell. Myzuri was in trouble, the monsters had almost overpowered her. Once again i shot at the dragons head, aiming for his brain. Though it didn't do a scratch, the creatures dissappeared again. I continued to do this until my bullets were empty. I tried hitting him with my guns on his head, but it didn't have as much impact as bullets. Then i remembered the spot i saw, were there was no scale protecting it. Maybe i can kill this monster from there? i asked myself. ![]() Starrin' & Teasin' CandyHolic. I like where you sleep, When you sleep, next to me. I like where you sleep... here Our lips, can touch And our cheeks, can brush Our lips can touch here |
01-25-2007, 11:37 PM
These stuppid sand monsters are really starting to piss me off! I can't stand them! I continued to swing Riku around, and though it really wasn't doing anything, it was keeping them away from Ichirin. I continued to fight restlessly in hope that Ichirin would hurry and find a way to kill that dragon. I knew he was trying his best...but maybe right know, his best isn't enough. We need to do something, and quick, or this fight will end with both of us dead.
I didn't take my eyes off the monsters for a second. Considering I haven't fought things that actually had some sort of "fight" in them, I found this both fun and challenging. But what I would give to slice off that dragon's head myself. Ichirin probably wouldn't think Riku could do it, but Riku can. It may not look strong, but its got enough power to do whatever it needs to. Speaking of, what I need now is a time to catch my breath. I think I'll show Riku off a bit... "Come on boys! Bring it on!" I yelled at the creatures, provoking them. as they came closer, I held Riku with both hands and carefully swung it all the way around, causing a wind so strong, it created something like a sand storm, blowing the monsters away. As soon as I had the chance, I checked to make sure Ichirin was ok. I felt bad because I saw the dragon shake it's head with Ichirin on top. It's eyes were shut. It must've gotten my sand in it's eyes. Serves him right. After seeing that Ichirin was ok, I noticed the monsters coming back. They just don't quit,do they? Oh, well, at least I know my Wind Storm works on them. And it seems to affect the dragon, too... ![]() ![]() ![]() An Apple A Day Keeps Anyone Away If You Throw It Hard Enough...
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