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01-26-2007, 06:49 AM
My eyes open glassed over "hum?" I mumble while I lie in a crying Tatsu's lap, "umm? What ...What are you doing???" I say a little bewildered.
Tatsu releases me, "Am I still sleeping?" I say sitting up. "No, I-I'm sorry" he says, moving to the other side of the fire slightly hiding his face, "umm Its ok," I say shaking my head "Actually I've been meaning to ask you something, um how do I ask this .. Did you ... Did you know me before?" I ask "um becasue um I think I remember something from my past..." I try to think my thoughts threw, "um I think I remember you but you don't seem to remember me. That is not until recently um I think." My face is red, I'm a little embarrassed, "What it is I'm trying to ask is if you remember me or..or my name, I need to know" A ask Tatsu A bit of awkward silence, I patiently wait to hear Tatsu response. "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-26-2007, 06:57 AM
I wipe away all the tears from my eye. Nozomi has never seen me cry, and she can't. I clear my throat. She can't see my eye all red due to the shadows of the cave but I place my hand over my it anyways.
"Did I meet you before? No, I don't think so." I try to say in my regular voice. "The first time we met was in Disan." I add "You were lost right? You can't remember anything from before?" There is silence Nozomi smacks herself in head a few times trying to think. "Don't hurt yourself." I say reassuringly. I don't want to tell her yet about Shima's soul inside her just yet. Should I? I wonder. What if Shima being inside her has changed all her memories. Shima has to have been in Nozomi for at least 5 years. Or maybe 6. Nozomi doesn't even know her real name. "Why do you think you knew me before all this?" |
01-26-2007, 07:10 AM
"um well when I blacked out fighting that Swiftant guy I had this sort of dream, but it didn't feel like a dream, I was like a memory, but it felt like it was happing.
um any way I ah had a dreamed of you and um..." my face turns bright Red... "um I well ah." I try not to think of the Kiss. "well you called me Shima, and well maybe thats my name... Oh but how could that be" I begin to pick up more speed with my words. "you don't seem to remember me. Oh never mind." I turn away looking at the cave entrance, I am so embarrass, yet a tear trickles down my face. I'm disappointed. Tatsu moves closer "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-26-2007, 07:23 AM
Nozomi is hiding from me, why? I put my hands on her shoulders I can hear her crying. "Nozomi" I say sweetly. "Was this dream at night? You said something in your dream just now. Only one person besides me knows about what you said." I look her in the eyes. "What does forever and a day mean to you??"
I kneel in front of her. I want her to explain I need to know something. Is she really having Shima's memories? Where are her memories? "Was this dream on a cliff under a full moon?" I ask again. The last time Shima and I said forever and a day to each other was under that moon in the night....The next day we were to be wed....but....but the SilverDragon killed her!!! |
01-26-2007, 07:42 AM
I stared in to Tatsu's eyes, my heart jumped to my throat, my face became numb, "It is" I say my throat felt horse. "and we kissed under the full moon, But why ... you don't remember me but Why...?? Killed?" I thought to myself "I don't understand..." I start to cry "whats wrong with me?" my head began to hurt, I try so hard to remember it was almost like I could feel my memory's coming to me, "I don't understand" I say again still crying. "I have to think back, I have to..."
"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-26-2007, 07:55 AM
I pull Nozomi towards me and kiss her without thinking. She was crying and I couldn't stand it. I instinctively kissed her to calm her down. Her face turned even redder. She pulled away. I felt embarrassed too. But I pulled her back and held her tight against my chest. She was shaking. Her body had an unnatural rhythm.
"Nozomi, I don't want to say what I am going to say but I do it anyways." I don't look at her. I continue to press her head against my chest. I hold my hand on her."Let's think together...." I smile into the air. Without her knowing with my right hand, that doesn't work that well, I write out a spell on my parchment. This spell is forbidden and weakens it's caster greatly. The spell is called "Memory Dive." I look at the spell that starts to glow an emerald color. It lights up the entire cave. I can feel my energy draining, as the light sucks my strength to cast this spell. I continue to smile. Nozomi will have her true name back. She will remember what she forgot and learn about Shima inside her. All the while, my spirit will be right beside her in the past. When we go to the past no one will be able to see us, and we can't do anything. Only sit there and speculate. Only see what is happening, like ghosts, there but not really... She will see the SilverDragon and Shima being sealed into her body....This will give her all her answers. Before the spell is complete and we are transported to the past I whisper in Nozomi's ear "I love you." ***Okay Kuroneko, it is time to remember Nozomi's past and her real name. I hope it is not too sudden for you. But you'd had to have seen something like this coming. Time to explain who Nozomi really is, and why she has Shima's thoughts and memories. I should get going. it is almost 3am here. but I want to see what you will write. ![]() |
01-26-2007, 07:57 AM
"Dragon Flash technique!", Thrandos yells, starting the battle. His large golden body begins to shine brightly. The light bursting out of his body is so vibrant that it puts the forest in a temporary daytime mood. I close my eyes to avoid getting blinded. Thrandos grabs the opportunity to launch 5 golden fireballs at me.
"You'll have to do better than that, Thrandos!", i shout. "I'm already accustomed to all your techniques!." Thrandos raises his head slowly and smiles. In order to dodge his golden fireballs, i'd to leap as high as my legs could possibly take me. Every place that the golden fireballs attacked had already turned into golden lifeless statues, with all the life sucked out of them. "Now I know you're really ready!", he remarks, his golden light fading away. "My turn!", i cry. Using my multi image speed technique, I shoot arrows at him using my bow, clutching 5 arrows at each interval while doing sideflips. Normally, they'd have been able to deal severe damage to anyone/anything else. But my arrows don't even come close to piercing his thick golden armor. "It's useless!", he exclaims, "I expected more from you, Swiftant! And i still do!" "Of course! Now let's just cut the usual warm-up and start the real tournament!", i said, putting away my original weapons and taking out Zeus and Raijin. "Nothing less from the DragonSin, ahahaha!", Thrandos laughs mockingly. "Speak for yourself, Golden General.", i thought. "Nova Strike!", instead of fireballs, a steady current of golden energy comes rushing in my direction this time. I tumble to my right but even my speed isn't ample. My left shoulder pad gets caught in the golden force whilst I slide away. Instantly, it converts to the color of gold and becomes 3 times heavier than ever. I tear it away from my plating and toss it onto the ground to prevent getting slowed down. "Damn it, when did u learn to do that?", i curse aloud. "What do you think i was doing? Sitting round and praying that you'd come back? You think i'm dumb, don't you?", he sneers. "Nova Strike!", he uses the attack again, changing the forest in a golden arena. An idea suddenly strikes me. Swapping to my tornado mode, i blatantly clash with his attack. For a few seconds, time seems to freeze. Both of us are giving it all we've got, our attacks are pushing one another to and fro. I can hear the static caused by the friction of our opposing techniques. "Don't you know you're simply elongating your own death?", Thrandos started.. And then, *BOOM!!!* The force accumulating inbetween our elemental struggle had exploded due to over-inflating. Thinking: Just as i planned. Using the impact of the blast, i hurl my body all the way ontop of Thrandos. Even though i could and i can, I did not want to just jump onto him, it'd have seemed too obvious. Before he knew what happened, I plant my katars into his skull. "Kiminari edge!", a bolt of lightning from the sky strikes Thrandos directly on the head(I'm immune to electricity). He groans in pain. However, Thrandos doesn't lose altitude. Going against the power of nature, the air turbulence increases as he shoots up to the sky, into the ozone layer. "Heheheh... Too bad for you us dragons also have the ability to breathe in vacuum. Now let's see how the DragonSin survives when he's being deprived of oxygen!" Thinking: Man.. how much storage capacity for abilities does a dragon have to spare..? *DragonBusters Illustrated Picture Book: Thrandos:"Aaahhh.. let's take a break.. Fighting, fighting, fighting all day long. It's a wonder why the queen never gets tired of it." Swiftant:"Yup.. maybe we should ursurp the throne and replace her with somone more gentle huh?" Shakura:" Ahchoo..! Ahchoo! ACHOO!!! (sniff, sniff) Must be someone speculating about my beauty =D" Thrandos: "How DARE you.. Hey wait.. is that a lunch bag you're carrying there? How about sparing me some of those cheese sandwiches? They are my favourite! ^_^" Swiftant: -.-" * **Obtw, i accidentally erased my other post, the one which i used for talking to Thrandos >_< it was pretty nice too... sry... :'( Kuroneko, my name's Swiftant not Swifent :P oh and er, Suzutte, ure supposedly my successor in the DragonClan.** There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
01-26-2007, 08:45 AM
Riding back, my body feels light as though it has no substance, I look around "we're back to the where the dragon attacked Ichirin's house!" I said to Tatsu. I looked over to where where the giant silver dragon stuck its head in to the front door but this time we were over head floating in the air. I breathed fire and Ichirin fell in the well, all of it was happing again. I couldn't watch, "Keep watching Nozomi" Tatsu said, I followed his command, After the house had been in gulf in flames I looked over to where I was, but it wasn't me, It was a young girl maybe 9 with black hair. she fell. the world around us shook a bit and sort of tunnel visioned at the Shack. "Whats happing?" I ask Tatsu "this is where some one blacks out, you cant see what you don't remember" he said. this tunnel vision stayed for a bit, yet never went away.
My attention was know focused on the dragon, "Ha ha ha" it laughed. as it started to fly away. then everything went black for a few seconds, and we skipped ahead a little bit. Now we were in the Cellar and we could see people rescuing the little girl. I or she must have be concise for just a bit becasue we flashed forward again. Now we were back in Thak Sul. It was that night on the cliff. It was the same girl but she was much older know she looked like she was 17, I could see that night just like when It happened to me but now from a slightly obscure angle. The moon races by and the sun comes up, Its the next day but we are now at the over the Dragon Mountains. Our world seems a little fussy and in black and white. Disan is far off in the distance to the north west "Whats going on?" I ask Tatsu, "I don't know" he replies I see the Giant Silver dragon coming over the top of the mountain, hes fast. It flys all the way to Thak Sul. The color comes back to our eyes, and every thing is back to normal. ***Tatsu I'll let you write about Shima's death and how/why you got that crystal in your arm. I should be back on line at 2 or 3 pm see ya then*** "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-26-2007, 04:39 PM
As Thrandos zooms upwards, i hold on, exploring the depths of my mind for anything that can turn the tables over. We're nearing the ozone layer. I'm on the brink of suffocation. My life flashes before my very eyes - how my village was wiped out, how the dragons had pulled my leg, how i'd slaved for them in the light that they'd help me avenge my village's pride, how i'd refused to give in to death on countless occassions just so i could taste that sense of satisfaction, how Shakura had betrayed me herself, how i had somehow, gained trustworthy companions in the end.. those of whom share a common goal with me..
I snap back to reality, feeling riled up. We've passed the ozone layer and are now heading to space. I'm so invigorated I don't care whether i die or not. All that matters is that i'm able to prevent Shakura from coming to power and reigning over all with terror and chaos or at least, prolong and alleviate it for the people.. In the blink of an eye, i grip 5 of my arrows, tie a rope around them and to my bow. Following that, i step off of Thrandos's head and fall towards the ground at a apalling velocity - it feels like I'm perceiving God's judgement just then. Upon reaching the ground, i hold my bow steady, take aim at the nearest cliff i can find, and release everything that contains my destiny. Miraculously, my arrows hit the edge of the cliff. A short while after, i'm dangling from a height 30 feet above a trail of dirt. All of a sudden, Thrandos swoops down at me, cutting the rope in two with his golden wing and sends me escalating into the dirt. I land on my left arm which is fortunate, because if i'd landed on my head, it'd certainly have been dislocated at some point. I jump to my feet and glare coldly at Thrandos. I'm alittle shaky but still intact. Apparently, i couldn't be killed even by one of Shakura's highest ranked dragontrooper. Thrandos hovers over me. "Why do u seek to resist your fate so? Even if you manage to beat me, more will still come after you! The glory of Shakura-sama will forever prevail!!", Thrandos flaunts indignantly. "Let me ask u then, Thrandos. What is your true motive in life? To be a tool for Shakura's monopoly of power? To be manipulated, used and exploited all your life? Is that truly what you live for?!", I interrogated him, my anger invoked by the mere memory of being once like Thrandos. "No one.. not even you Swiftant, can question the supremity of Her Graciousness's real purpose..", he replies, his voice threatening. "By the name of the Queen, Shakura, I, Thrandos the Golden General, shall banish you to the nether realm!!!", he screams in fury and swipes at me with his giantic gold claws, resuming the fight. "What about Akuma then? Weren't you as loyal to him as you are to Shakura now before she tricked him? Aren't you at all ashamed that your worthlessness allowed Akuma's downfall? Why're you taking it upon your shoulders to burden your duty now?", i question him further, counter-attacking with Zeus and Raijin. "You ignorant dingbat! Akuma's nothing compared to the queen! Her Graciousness has put together a brillant scheme to take over the various continents of the world! Her intelligience has far surpassed that of Akuma and amounted to this! I was already supporting her in my heart when Akuma was still ruling. You had no idea how he ill-treated us.. Although we were his under his command, he did not take any responsibility for us.. All he cared was about to KILL and KILL and KILL!!!", Thrandos voice raising with every word, his strength and skill on a par with mine. "The future is unwritten but created, Thrandos.. Listen to me! I was like you.. but when i found friends who actually showed concern for me, accepted me for who i am.., i made a decision to retire from killing others. That brazen slut isn't much different from Akuma, Thrandos. She's only learnt from his mistakes and after she takes over the world, she'll rid herself of things she deem useless and that applies to you as well, you scatteredbrain fool!", i retaliate, physically and verbally. "Look, I know that 'im putting you in a tight spot.. that you're in a dilemma now so why don't we..", i try to calm him down. "WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!! WE SHALL BE TRIUMPHANT. OUR JUSTICE SHALL CONQUER THIS UNIVERSE AND MAKE ALL BEINGS BOW TO US!!!", he roars. "EVEN AS WE SPEAK, TWO MORE GENERALS ARE HEADING TOWARDS THE RESPECTIVE GROUPS OF YOUR FRIENDS!" My temper rises up, my eyes become more bloodshot than ever. I had not expected him to be so persistent. "Come at me like Shakura's life depended on it. I'll come at you as though my friends' depended on it.", im finally exhausted from arguing with him. "KOI!!" "Ramblings of a lunatic!!!", Thrandos insults every cell in my body. "YAAAARRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!", the pair of us charge recklessly at each other through the falling sakura leaves, not even bothering to exhibit special moves anymore. If we keep this rate up, Thak Sul's city may get demolished, among with Thak Sul's entire natural forestry... **Pretty awesome exchange of dialogue eh? :P yay me XD** There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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