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(#321 (permalink))
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01-28-2007, 12:03 PM

Yea, me to, I'm waiting for Musashi, to continue our love story
But she's grounded from the computer some say.

Starrin' & Teasin'

I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here

Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here
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(#322 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 02:13 AM

***I can't wait any longer, lol sorry Kuro-kun, but I am going to post. if anything needs to be changed I'll edit it. Okay?***

-Back in the Present Time, Misty Mountains Peak Cave-

The memory spell had ended, Nozomi received back everything of herself that she lost when her body was bound to the SilverDragon and Shima. She was quiet in the cave.

She didn't say much. Nozomi isn't one to sit back and dwell on things, she acts on impulse. But now, everything was flashing through her head. A cold front was coming and the snow started to come down hard again.

It was about time to go. The fire was almost out and our food source was getting low. Nozomi sat on the ground holding my robes over her face. Was she mad at me for not telling her the truth sooner? To break the silence I say " Well, it's about time we go. The storm is returning and we should fly before it hits us. Hopefully we'll reach Asgard before the night is through."

Nozomi got up and came to me by the cave's entrance. The mountain's trail was not visible. The snowflakes were large, and it stuck to the ground quite fast. "Gana!!!" I yell into the sky, and my voice echoes back to me.

Soon I hear flapping and Gana rises up from below the mountain peak. Her feathers are a bit ruffled and snow is on her. I grab Nozomi by the waist and jump onto Gana's back. "Gana, fly east to Asgard! The faster we get there the better."

Gana screeched her acknowledgment of my request in her eagle voice and took off fast down the mountain slopes. Everything was getting warmer as we lowered in altitude. Nozomi still hugged me around the waist. She was still scared of flying. "We'll be to Asgard soon." I smile

**If I need to change anything Kuroneko just let me know. When you post, make sure it is a continuation from my previous post and not this one. Make it in the past, finding Nozomi's true identity.**
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(#323 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 06:32 AM

**can anyone tell me how to upload music here?? I got a great theme song for Swiftant. I'll edit this post to the link when someone tells me how ^_^**

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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(#324 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
**can anyone tell me how to upload music here?? I got a great theme song for Swiftant. I'll edit this post to the link when someone tells me how ^_^**
***Just up load it on some other web page and send a link (im not sure we can do that here.) But Im not even sure how do up load it to another web page either. I sure if you search enough you could find on***

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer."
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(#325 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 06:37 AM

***It is a bit difficult to explain. But if you go to my Video thread, I explain there how to do it I think on page 2***

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(#326 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 07:30 AM

***Sorry I'm having a hard time writing this, Its there but I just don't know how do go about it anymore (damn I have really bad case of writers block***

We Jolt to a new location, a new memory. Its dark again. Echoes of voices reverberate, wave after wave of sound continues even as the vision starts. Is still dark, the low amount of light makes it tough for us to see whats going on. Dark shadow come in to view but nothing definite, nothing we can make out. Then the echoing voice becomes more clear yet still rattles about.

"Finally..." The voice sounds exhausted.

"Excellent work my Master, you have finally exterminated that which would one day threaten our plans for world domination. Know all we.."

"Shut up. YOUR irritating Me."

"eh... Please forgive me my master I was only.."

"I said Shut the hell up!!" the other voice snaps. "I'm a bit irritated... to say the least I'm a bit displeased that I had to do the work for you weaklings."

We speed froward again. Yet we seem to be in the same spot. We could now start to see, light haze and fuss at first but we could now see that we were in side a cave. and we could now slightly make out a shadowy figure. IT WAS The SILVER DRAGON!!!

"So if I consume That mans arm I can obtain unlimited power Ha ha ha" He was talking to another dragon who was white. He didn't shine like Silver.

"Yes master Akuma that man Tatsu has a Powerful Gem buried with in his arm. I watched as Keichi was completely destroyed by this magic. His arm glowed with this power."

"Very well Shima go fetch this Gem for me So that I may begin my domination over this world."

"I understand master Akuma, I will kill the man of that elvish woman you killed 7 years ago."

"Wait!! What was that, That elvish woman. mmmm that MAN I couldn't kill him last time ... I was too weakened by that Bitch to finish him off. I will go in your steed!!"

"I understand Master Akuma, the honor all is yours"

"Shut your mouth!! Honor has nothing to do with it. My pride as a Dragon was injured that day... To think that elvish Bitch wounded me enough so that I could not even kill one man and was forced to retreat. I will take that Gem and with it Rule the World!!"

"Then good luck my Lord."

"Ha ha ha ha What would I need Luck For. I will crush this MAN under my feet."

Akuma leaves the cave with with a quick Flap of his enormous wings.

*** Kanji could you write about the Fight with AKUMA and how you lost your arm, and how you escaped death (after that ill write some more) sorry it took me so long***

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer."

Last edited by Kuroneko : 01-29-2007 at 07:32 AM.
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(#327 (permalink))
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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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01-29-2007, 08:36 AM

We flash forward in the memories. These memories are the SilverDragon's next memories we get must be Nozomi's!! My mind races as I recall what is going to happen next. That Silver bastard is going to track me down in the Dragon mountains and attack me there. All by himself. It was a fierce one on one battle. But in the end, I lose my arm, and he takes Shima's soul from me. She's trapped inside of that enormous stomach of his.

We see myself traveling across the Dragon Mountains in the snow. I had been living in those mountains since Shima died. My home was there. I was holding Sora over my shoulder.

I was wearing different clothes back then. They were mostly just a single color. A long sleeve black shirt, with a grayish leather vest over it, a pair of black gloves with the finger cut-outs. Baggy black pants almost a silk material. And my usual black boots. My robes were different too. They were all gray. A bag of Elvish equipment was hanging lazily over my other shoulder.

The sound of flapping started to fill the air, it was so strong it started to pick up the wind. I watched myself run into my cave home to peak at what was approaching. Sure enough it was the SilverDragon.

How did he find me there? Did he remember my smell? I was so arrogant back then, and was even more determined then I am now. Without thinking I ran from my safe zone in the cave and run right up to the dragon. With a piercing look of the up most hatred. A grin started to curl on the sides of my lips.

My green eyes sparkled with the thrill of a battle, and my confrontation with the nemesis I wanted to see die in a pool of poisoned blood before me..." GIVE ME THAT GEM!!" snarled Akuma. "YOU"D HAVE TO PRY IT FROM MY CORPSE!!" I tried shouting louder then him. Akuma hissed, and a thick smoke cloud was released from his nostrils. He started to chuckle. "Humans who resist the almighty are bound to fall into an eternal sleep!"

Akuma laughed at himself. "I won't ask a pathetic human the same thing more then twice, give me that gem in your arm." Akuma was getting frustrated already. "Like I said....YOU"LL HAVE TO TARE IT FROM ME!!" after these words I lunge at Akuma, with the power of the jewel, my speed makes it appear that there are four of me running one after the other.

Akuma's eyes widen at the sudden skill I was displaying. "In three years how could you learn all that!!" Akuma yells paranoid. "hehehe" I laugh at his foolishness, and drive Sora into his body....Wait, the attack had no effect! Sora was cracked on Akuma's thick scales. The dragon roars with laughter and I jump backwards about 20 feet. I think of what to do. I can't use physical attacks. I look at Sora's tip. Already cracked. I drop Sora to the snow. And stand my ground. Akuma starts to do something.

He opens his massive jaws, and starts to power up a fireball like he did to Shima. With my left hand I pull up my right sleeve. The jewel is glowing. It's powers activated by Shima. "Be careful." her spirit says in my head. "Don't get careless my love." I clench my fist, and it starts to emit a red light.

Akuma releases his blast, I jump forward and drive my fist into the blast. Our attacks collide and snow is thrown into the air. He is pushing his fire at me, and I am pushing it right back. It is even, his powers can't move me, and I can't do it to him either. He shoots another blast into his first fire attack.

This would have been to overwhelming, so before the blasts connect I jump straight up into the air, and land on a mountain top. He didn't see where I went over the fire. With my speed he'll never get me. With such quickness, I pull out three scrolls and write out three spells. I do this so fast that it looks like I have six hands. I wrote of Striking Lance of Lightning, Aura of Protection, and Legging of Even Greater Speed.

I zoom back down to Akuma with my lance and a bolt of lightning strikes his head. He laughs again. The lightning had no effect on him. I flip out of the way, and start to smash his armour with my fist. Surprisingly, my great strength cracked his scales. The dragon back hands me into a wall. Rocks crumble and I fall to the ground. "Enough of this!!" Akuma growls. "You'll like what I am about to do." He smiles at me through his massive fangs. His whole body glows yellow.

The light is so strong that I have to shield my eyes. When I look back, Akuma is gone. All that is there is a human!!! A man, smoking with golden light stands up out of the snow wearing all Silver. He has piercing blue eyes like ice. His long platinum locks cover his face. "You look surprised Tatsu." Akuma smiles cooly. "I have mastered a Forbidden Technique. Transformation of the Winged Ones." he says. I have learned to turn into a human with a power spell. His body is extremely light looking. He is very lean. Akuma stops talking and rushes at me faster then I could possibly move.

With a single blow of his fist I am sent flying backwards into a snow drift. My stomach aches with great pain as I try to get up. All I hear is laughter. How could he possibly do this. The moment I get to me feet, I am knocked back again by more flurry of fists. This time I am able to roll and break the fall. Swirling to one knee I charge up an attack from Shima. A ball of blood-red energy. Akuma looks and then turns his hands into his long dragon claws.

I shoot the red blast at Akuma. He jumps over it, and swipes his claws at me I wasn't able to move out of the way. His claws hit my face. My right eye starts to feel writhing pain. My vision goes blurry. Blood splurts to the ground staining the pure snow. I scream and grab my face. Large amounts of blood is flowing everywhere. I can't stop it.

I can still see, but only half now. Akuma has my bloody eye in his claws. He looks at me an eats it. "Hahaha." Human's taste better when they have been soaked in fear. hahaa" I fall to my face. The snow is freezing, but it is soothing. I feel is feet crunch in the snow as he approaches me. As he nears I twirl across the ground ,and knock his legs from under him.

He falls hard. Now is my opportunity. I quickly get up and form an attack with my fist. As hard as I can, I drive my fist into Akuma's chest. My attack penetrates his ribs, and my hand gets stuck inside his bones. Akuma screams out in pain. The worst scream I have ever heard. I love the sound, as blood pools everywhere. "Get out! get out of me!!" Akuma cries.

He turns his head back into a dragon's and starts to bite me arm. But I am stuck, I can't get my hand out of his bones. I slam him in the head with my left fist, but he continues to crunch on my arm. His teeth reach my inside muscles and my arm feels completely numb. I can't stop him from eating my arm. "Nooo! get off me! Get off me now!!!" I shout. Shima's voice is fading in my head. Neither one of us can get away from the either. Before I know it, Akuma completely turns back into a dragon. With one bite he pulls my arm off from the shoulder and I fall to the snow. "Nooo!!! SHIMA!!!" I don't care about my arm. I just want Shima. I begin to feel faint due to blood loss. Akuma is hurting bad, but he wants to finish me.

I don't have the means to attack him now. I have barely any skill left-handed only. So I can't swing Sora, or write a spell. Blood is everywhere. I stagger backwards. Akuma tries to stop me, but I fall off of the cliff. I black out, and continue to fall down. I feel right off the mountain into a small river. It is a miracle I survived. Lucky the water washed away my scent, and Akuma was forced to retreat. I woke up sometime later on a shore line.

***I am very sorry this battle isn't very detailed. I wanted to spice it up with fancy language. Instead I write "and" & "buts" too many actually lol. But I am sooo tired. My eyes are killing me, and I am getting a headache. I need to sleep but just had to write this. See you all tomorrow.***
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(#328 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 10:11 AM

**Ok, this is the long-awaited Swiftant's Theme song(couldnt fig how to upload the song here without making a vid) lol. It's actually from the anime, Mai-Hime.:P but i find it suits my character's personality much better. Warning tho, i hvent learned how to animate stuff yet but at least the song's gd ^^ and u hv smth to look at =.=
YouTube - SwiftanT's theme

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 01-29-2007 at 02:14 PM.
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(#329 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 03:38 PM

***I absolutely love that music CoolNard. That's Mai Hime's battle music! I was going to comment but you disabled it. I'll add it to my favorites.

I got find find a theme song for Tatsu!***

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 01-29-2007 at 03:43 PM.
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(#330 (permalink))
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01-29-2007, 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
***I absolutely love that music CoolNard. That's Mai Hime's battle music! I was going to comment but you disabled it. I'll add it to my favorites.

I got find find a theme song for Tatsu!***
If you guys are all going to have themes, then i'll better have one to

My own production it is . I'll edit it when i've uploaded it.

Starrin' & Teasin'

I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here

Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here
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