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01-17-2007, 12:09 AM
'I am waiting for an answer.' i said to the warrior 'waiting for her to answer.'
I putted my gun back where it belongs, safely in my coat where nobody could see it. I wasn't looking at the girl or at the warrior. My ears caught a terrible screaming from a small girl. I grabbed Mother with my left hand, mother was a black gun win white hollow circle in the hilt. I pointed her to where the sound came from. I shot Mother, all people who were watching the scene started running in all directions. I putted Mother back away the same as i putted Father away. I turned around and walked to the place i rented a room, it was getting late. 'Let me know your answer girl !' i said to the girl. A little girl came running to me, saying: 'Thank you magician-sir, you saved me from being...raped...by a pirate...' 'My pleasure' i answered the girl, aswell a smile turned up on my face. The girl was around the age of 13, she was well formed for a 13-year old. 'Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to catch up some sleep' I said to the girl. I walked away. The girl standed waving at me. (I am really going to sleep, meanwhile i'll let Kanji be in charge, but DON'T play with my Character, he's sleeping ![]() ![]() Starrin' & Teasin' CandyHolic. I like where you sleep, When you sleep, next to me. I like where you sleep... here Our lips, can touch And our cheeks, can brush Our lips can touch here |
01-17-2007, 12:15 AM
It took me awhile to assess what happened. The blind boy killed someone, but it was a good deed for a girl...
I watched as the blind boy walked away into the shadows. His coat blowing behind him. I decided not to follow him. Maybe I'll seek him out tomorrow. I turned to the girl behind me who had laughed at the blind boy. I didn't think it was funny for someone to laugh at someone less fortunate then themselves. I gave her a dirty look... "Can I have a word with you in a bar somewhere on the otehr side of town away from here?" I said to the girl in a calm voice. I don't need for her to start killing people either...I hate scenes..Especially if I'm in it.. |
01-17-2007, 12:44 AM
Tenchu - I wake up just then. My head hurts. I had fallen quite far, and there was no way I was going to be able to climb back up that crevase wall. I began to look around for an exit. There would be little light except that from the opening above me. It shone in and reflected over the walls, bouncing back and forward. It did make for me to see what I was doing. I look around. There seemed to be no way out. I got up onto my feet. Seems I had landed on my back and my sword sheath had dug in really heavy like and hurt quite some. I stretched out, it was much warmer in the cave than above the surface. All a sudden I felt a draft coming from a few metres away. It was much warmer than the air everywhere else. I walk over to see a small hole, just big enough to fit through leading into what seemed to be a dry tunnel. There was no ice down there though, so nothing to reflect the light coming through from the entrance. It was pitch black in the tunnel. I figured to myself for a minute. Go down the tunnel with no light towards the heat, or stay here and die. I didnt want to die, so I figured I'd best go into the darkness. I can't say I wasnt nervous about it though as I squeezed through the opening and headed down blindly through the small tunnel on my knees....
01-17-2007, 12:45 AM
"あれ??(Japanese Huh for Girl) A loud "Bang!!' Came from the object in the Brats hands. Before i realized it the some one had died, I amidst of the commotion some thug had been killed.
Trying to rape some one (this is ood During the day ??) The kid had walked away in to the darkness of an ally way "Idiot" I wisped to myself, here I some kid had been killing Just for fun. I had sheath my kodachi's as man in the clock came near. Still trying to figure who that brat was. I thought i should follow when the man who got in the way asked me "Can I have a word with you in a bar somewhere on the otehr side of town away from here?" Almost at the same time I said "YOU, Whats with you? If you hadn't gotten in the way I could have taught that BRAT a lesson." i said then taking to my self saying "though I seem that he wasn't Killing people for fun.." then saying to the man "A word with me you say? Fine all these gawking people are stating to get on my nerves" I said looking a the confused bystanders staring at us. "Lets go, you think you can keep up?" i said Jumping to the roof and dashing to the next, "he he he I doubt that guy could keep up with me" I said full of confidence. ![]() "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-17-2007, 12:55 AM
So the girl wants to race to a bar? I laughed to myself. Won't she be in for a surprise. She have a great jumping power, But I am full of Elvish gizmos.
I pulled a small blue pill out of my pouch. The pill was hollow, and on the inside was a small piece of a feather. I swallowed the pill with a big gulp. Not long after two wings came forth from my back. I had used this trick many times. Everyone of the bystanders were in awe of what I did, and all started talking loudly amongst them selves. "oh geez...I started another scene, well..this is all they'll see." I beat my wings and took flight over the houses passing the girl on the rooftop. I started flying hard to a bar I saw from the sky. I land in front of the bar. The moment I land my wings start to go away. I drop to one knee because of the pain... "damn, I'm going to need a new cape and shirt. I put holes in this one..again... I stand in front of the bar and wait for the jumping girl to come. She lands without a sound in front of me. |
01-17-2007, 01:02 AM
Tenchu -
I must have been crawling for hours, sometimes it was tall enough in the cave to stand and strech out, but only for a few metres or so. I had found puddles of water along the way that had gathered from the drips from the roof of the tunnel, I drank my fill whenever I could. It must have been about five hours of crawling when at the end of the tunnel I saw light and the tunnel opened up into a wide clearing. I stood up and looked around. The room was about 50 metres diameter and 5 meters high. One of the walls was made completely of ice and there was a spring of water flowing in a waterfall down at one of the walls. It seemed to be a dead end. Well, it kinda was. I looked at the wall of ice. It was only about a meter thick, and it was clear as glass almost. I saw on the other side a huge room, it was massive, and there was fire burning in it. The fire was controlled. I knew someone must have lit it. I had to get in there, there must have been people in there. I tried breaking the ice wall, even if it had have broke it was still a 100 meter drop to the ground. It would not break. Then I looked at the waterfall. It was freezing. I put my hand in it. It was so cold it was like it burned. I knew if I got wet here I would be dead in ten minutes if I didnt warm up fast afterwards. Looking out the ice wall I could see that the waterfall lead into a damn in the huge cave room. If I could swim to the surface and get to the fire fast enough, I might just live. I hesitated a bit, but eventually found it in me to jump down the tight waterfall... It was freezing. I wanted to scream but had to hold my breath. It was real pain. When I made it to the little lake I swam straight to the surface. I saw the edge and swam to it. I climbed out fast and ran straight to the fire and lay down next to it... I lost conciousness there again... |
01-17-2007, 01:20 AM
"Hey not bad" I say to him in a sarcastic voice I walk over to the man " Owhh what looks Like it hurts" I say semi concerned "but you pushed your self to far with that elvish magic of yours" Still on one knee he look at me, His pain stricken face had patch over his one eye.
He looked happy though that he didn't lose me " well you look happy" I said " But you didn't get here before me he he he you lost now you owe Lunch Yippy" ^_^ What are you talking about was what he looked like he was about to say before he could respond i said "Look behind you I left my Kotachi's be hind. I got bored waiting for you to catch up. So i went back." The dumbfounded look on the mans face was amusing "Whats with that face? I am a ninja after all, hee HEE,, "GRRROOUUULL ::stomach growls::..... OHHH my tummy Im soo hunguy so treat me like you promised" I say to him :: Thinking:: "He hee know i can get a meal... he didn't really promise me any thing soo... ohhh i pushed myself to far to Impress this guy .. im soo hungry from running" :: "So what do you say?" I ask him "To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer." |
01-17-2007, 01:30 AM
A ninja huh? I was confident that I had beaten you....Oh well, I can't win them all can I?
I stand up slowly, my shoulder blades sting from where the wings had sprouted. I hadn't done the wing trick in a long time, so it hurt more then usual. "yeah whatever, I'll get you some lunch...I have some extra gold from yesterday, so I don't care." The ninja girl looked delighted. We both entered the bar, it was stuffy in there. Alot of smoke was in the air from all the tobacco. It was an awful scent. The lights were dim and there was alot of clinking of cups and plates. I found a deserted table in the corner. I pointed the table out to the girl. "over there, that's our spot." I sat down at the table, the girl sat across from me. I placed Sora (my sword) by my side. "order whatever you want"...I tossed the menu in front of me to the girl. "I'll buy you lunch...As a reward, before I start asking you questions about earlier: concerning that blind kid, all you have to do is give me you name...." |
01-17-2007, 01:34 AM
I wake up next to the fire where I fell asleep. I was so warm, and I had dried... ... ... Wait a sec, there was a blanket over me... I looked around... No-one. I called out "ANYONE HERE?" No answer. I looked around. The large cave was empty aside the fire in the middle and a table a few metres from it with a stool beside it. There was a piece of paper on the table. I went to read the paper. It was old paper, dirty and browned with age. I picked it up, it was thick and heavy paper. I began to read the words out loud...
"The first teaching of Elsa de-Sica; Those who are afraid of death never truly understood what life was to begin with. The second teaching of Elsa de-Sica; With not the spirit of eternity existence can be not but a memory..." ... I paused for a second. That writing, it sounded familiar... Wait, that was Aieshas words, Saint Aiesha, my patron Saint and creator had written that, who the hell was Elsa de-Sica, and why was her name on Aieshas words? Just then I heard a sound behind me, like a piece of metal hitting on the stone surface of the cave... I turned around slowly... |
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