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Chapter 4: The betrayal -
02-05-2008, 01:55 PM
Batisha continued...
“Hmph! Your soft heart is matched only by your soft brains. You can’t see beyond your emotions Soren. This is a time of desperation. Much can become moral at such times” “Blaspheme not Batisha! Your greed for gold over rules your curiosity for courage. Theives we may be but we steal not from avarice. We steal from necessity! Our crimes come from good not from evil Batisha and you would do well to remember that!” Batisha snorted...“You call me greedy and claim my ends justify my means, yet it is you who speak of crimes from good and evil. A crime is a crime Soren and your hypocrisy bears no judgement upon me. The necessity you so forcefully speak of is upon us whether you see it or not. I will not let you lead us into hunger and abject poverty. I have felt it before and I hold no fond memories of it. You have tonight Soren. Think wisely. I hope you won’t disappoint me in the morning”… Batisha turned to leave… Compelled with rage, Soren pointed at Batisha and cried out…“Not tonight and not any other night Batisha! You can have my answer now. I hold my compassion higher than my hunger. There is nought in the world that will move me to raid that village” Batisha spoke slowly in a cold whisper, his every syllable rung with hatred and malice…“That kind of thinking is what got us here in the first place” *sshshing!* *Gasp!* The sound of unsheathing followed swiftly by the murky sound of Soren gagging on blood rang clear in Tenshoujins ear. Whoever batisha was, he was clearly a talented swordsman. The blow was fatal and decisive, Tenshoujin could assess that merely from the sound of the attack. Soren did not have much time left... His voice feebly continued… “..B..Ba…Batisha… you traitor…” … Soren coughed up more blood. “Rest well Soren… and may you be happier in the next life..” “..if..I.. d-die… who will lead you to the treasure?... It’s gleam is now l..lost to you f..forever..” Batisha snorted… “I never believed in the treasure you spoke of Soren. Nothing could possibly shine as bright as you describe it…” Tenshoujin tensed. What treasure did they speak of? Was it the gem he sought? Too much rode on chance for him to risk. He knew he had to confront these humans…Soren in particular probably held important information. He had to be questioned before it was too late. The time had come for action... Jumping from his hiding spot, Tenshoujin made an inhuman leap to the clearing fully intent on gaining the upper hand through surprise. With a stunning blast Tenshoujin landed in front of Batisha and bared his red eyes on him. Batisha barely flinched. ![]() He kept a passive face and surveyed Batisha. There was more to this man than met the eye. It would not bode well to underestimate him. Batisha smiled. “Welcome stranger! You’ve arrived at a most opportune moment. For a while now I have been pondering the means of my comrade’s murder. You see, his life has always been easy to take, my tracks have been the difficult ones to cover.” Tenshoujin still remained silent. Batisha hurled the sword toward Tenshoujin. His dragon vision easily saw the trajectory of the sword. He caught it deftly with his right hand without moving an inch. Batisha continued.. “Oh! Impressive reflexes. There is no-one in my ranks that could have done that and I have some of the finest men in the land. Clearly you are not ordinary…” Batisha squinted into the darkness boring into Tenshoujin’s red eyes. “Interesting... what are you? You have sharp features. Are you an elf?” Tenshoujin didn’t respond… “A mute elf then?” Batisha laughed to himself “It matters not. With your adroit reflexes you’ve now got the murder weapon in your hands. All that’s left to complete this sorry charade is to cry for… HELP!”. Without warning Batisha yelled the last word into the night calling for reinforcements. Within moments a dozen well built fighters appeared at the scene from all directions. They wore black armour with a silver crescent etched on their shoulders. They were warriors by the look of them… ![]() Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe? |
TATSU - "Return to Freedom" -
02-06-2008, 03:21 PM
TATSU The guards formed a nice little perimeter around us. For such a small unit, they were able to assemble quickly. Their dark armor gave off an eerie glow as the candle flames danced about them. Brandishing silver long swords, the men moved in closer. Nozomi, who was weaponless, backed behind me. She firmly grasped my arm, and put her head behind my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at her, she was afraid. For one of the first times, fear had come over her. Why was she so scared? Has being in this place for all this time stolen some of her humanity? I grip Sora firmly. "Drop your blade worm!" The lead guard hissed. "You are the worms! Vile peasants of Shakura! You place sin upon humankind with your weak minded ideals of freedom! Do you seriously think that Shakura is protecting you?! You think as long as you do her bidding then you are free from her tyranny?! Think again you fools! When she claims the land do you think she'll let you survive?!" The guards resentment grew. "You cur! How dare you speak such poisonous words against the Empire! In the name of her Holiness Shakura, we will cut you down, and display your head to her on a platter of gold!" With blades drawn, they creep in closer. I hunch over, and bend my right leg, and maneuvered into a battle position. The lead guard snickered, and charged at me head on.... "Fool" I muttered. With ease, Sora cut through his armor, and tore asunder his flesh and bone. My enemy fell, face down. He had no time to react to my blade, he was dead before he even stepped. The other guards followed suit, and joined their commander in the otherworld. The ground was now lined with corpses and fresh blood. The candles shined in the pools of red creeping across the ground, and illuminated a path... Quickly, we had found an exit. I was surprised that no other troops had come to investigate the commotion on the basement levels. I guess it's too be expected at this time of day. The day usually switches with the night shift right about now. Outside a breeze of cold air rushed by us. Chills ran up my back. My clothes were still mostly damp from the rainstorm earlier. I would have to find a change of clothes. Back out in freedom, Nozomi's spirit returned, and she started to jump about "It's so nice out here! Don't you think Tatsu! Oh it's so nice to be outside! I was in there for too long!" I gave her a smile, as she was flailing her arms about. "I'm starving too! We have to find some grub!" I gave a hearty laugh. I was so nice to be like this with Nozomi again. I never thought happiness would shine down on us again. I don't know what it was, but being in that place, well, it sucks all the life and spirit from you. That feeling made me think if there was some sort of darkness spell cast on the prisoners as they entered. It no longer mattered. The moon and the stars were guiding our way, and outside, with the soft grass padding our feet, everything seemed pleasant.... I looked about. We would have to move west, past the Dragon Mountains, to leave the Dragon Empire. South is the Headquarters, the Dragon City, so it would be best to travel into the mountains, and try to rendezvous with the others. Perhaps Swiftant had better luck than us, and found other troops to help us launch a secondary attack on the dragons. Asgard turned out to be a total loss. Nothing good came out of that ordeal. "Nozomi, let's move west. We have to leave the Dragon Territory if we want to be fully free. Let's go to Disan." Nozomi looks at me and shakes her head "No! Disan is a bad place! It's a trade town, someone might notice us and go and tell the Dragon Army where we are! Without doubt we definitely have bounties on our heads by now!" This is true. Disan is far too risky. "Then what do you suggest?" I ask curiously. "Let's go to a town south of Disan. A little town. A friend of mine, named Aisha lives there. She helped me, when I didn't know anything, she let me stay with her, after my "birth"." "Okay, let's go then!" I call forth Gana, we climb upon her back and begin our climb into the sky, west to the Dragon Mountains! |
02-07-2008, 01:00 AM
*Nice going Kanji kun!
![]() Chapter 5: The Summoning Batisha ran to the body of Soren and embraced it with sobs. “Soren!!!!” he cried “Why didn’t you call for help sooner? I would have rushed here to guard you with my life.” He flashed his eyes at Tenshoujin and looked back at Soren’s choking body “An irony that you would meet your fate at the hands of another thief! On the valour of our ranks I swear I shall avenge you this night!” Batisha turned to the soldiers and spoke “Brothers! This thief has slain our captain. If all we have fought for together ever means anything, then it lies in our hands to spill his blood tonight and avenge our fallen Soren.” Batisha pointed at Tenshoujin and screamed “Kill him!” As he said so, a gleam of hatred reflected in his eye and a wicked smile adorned his face. Batisha looked on gleefully as the soldiers pounced on Tenshoujin, their weapons flashing in the moonlit night. Time slowed down, as the spears and axes bore down upon him, Tenshoujin looked up, caught Batisha’s eye and smiled right back….and vanished. Time resumed normally. The soldiers hit thin air, and wildly began looking about for Tenshoujin. At the same time a whisper crept down Batisha’s neck… “I’ve known that you were aware of my presence ever since I landed. It was my intention that you believe me to be around. I had initially planned on joining your ranks to infiltrate the village, but I believe the information I seek is not in the village but right here” Batisha gasped in wonder, surprised that Tenshoujin had gotten behind him. “What a..are you?” Tenshoujin hissed back, his wicked smile wider now, “I’m certainly not your timid elf.” “You humans are despicable. For years you’ve preyed on one another running yourselves to extinction. But in your punishable greed for bounty, it was my clan that paid the price. For what little it counts, I shall savour a portion of my revenge this night” Tenshoujin leapt back and mocked the soldiers “Your puny swords and spears wouldn’t tickle me on my deathbed. Now feel the wrath of a true blade”… Hatred and vengeance shone bright in his eye. Tenshounjin held his hand forward and made a horizontal sweep in the air and uttered the words: “Kataki yuge no Senjiru... Benitaiyou!” (Boil all your enemies to vapour…CrimsonSun!) A dazzling point of light traced out the path of his hand. An intense burst of heat radiated around the area. The soldiers fell back in pain. Batisha watched with his eyes wide open. Where there had been nought but thin air now lay a burning blade held in Tenshoujin’s hand. At first it simply appeared as a shaft of light but as he watched it grew in width and colour. Crimson flames danced off its edge their movements casting a hypnotic spell on the onlookers. The blade was smooth and hot, alive with a purpose. Batisha felt it would cut him even if left unheld. He watched on in fear and awe... ![]() Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe? |
Swiftant: Unforeseen -
02-07-2008, 05:09 PM
Thinking: The black dragon was addressing itself as Fayuro and this person as Master Kazuhide when it growled, so he must be...
"I don't want to fight. I merely want to talk. Giving you your sakkat is proof of that. You could leave, now that you have regained your treasure. But if you do, then you won't hear how I came to acquire it, or my plans for the dragons.", Kazuhide elaborately negotiates, his words administering every morsel of my body, his tacit gestures indicating his comprehension & application of my secular hunger. My eyes close in contemplation. Thinking: However, in my favour this occurence edges as well. "My options have been conveniently minimized; I shall pursue your life no more.", I say, after weighing my alternatives, a shade of indigo upon my opening eyes, "On the condition that you immediately reverse our course of flight." "If you insist...", Kazuhide sighs with a relief of satisfaction and orders Fayuro to make a turnabout. "Now..." Coupling with the sudden transition of turbulence and altitude, the clouds of night mist veils our sights, performing a blinding grey dance of despondence. In the twitch of a muscle, my legs join nature in its timely play. "...what is it you wish to convey?", I finish... right beside Kazuhide! Aptly acknowledging its cue, the fog relinquishes its bind over us, enlightening the night of two individuals braced for forging a grosteque war between themselves. Both of us stand synchronized in a line, our bodies side by side, our irises glaring belligerently into the other from the corners of our eyes. "Heh, I can never predict what's on your mind, Swiftant.", Kazuhide lets out an embarassed chuckle and lowers his freshly-drawn naginata. Glimpsing into the verdant distance, he enters into a rant of explanations. "Despite my trying courtesy, denial escapes me Swiftant. I dislike you, you and your kind alike. While civilians cowered in fear of the vitriol dragons pinned unto them, you held your humanity in outrageous suspense and contempt, and atrociously furnished the wretched monsters in absurd conspiracies!", Kazuhide verbally vents his vexation to the air, then pointing his weapon to me all of a sudden, his armed hand shaking with anger. I can see hatred dulling the colour of his eyes. "And yet... In spite of your preposterous defiance, my elven master has perforated all your sins and chosen to cut a traitor such as yourself off from your prime of betrayal. to the extent of even depressing his position to be in need of your services... It was truly beyond my anticipations...", he drops his offense again, his eyes fading from reality. "Thus, either killing me or abiding by your master would put to a brim what you can fathom, since you've already divulged the matter.", I daringly raise my voice above his, "...Those are the only way you can let go, right?" "Swift..." "Hmph, if you wanna carry on spouting masonries of rhetorics, be my guest. But before you derogate yourself any further, let me tell you this: Perservance does not merely apply to one party. Our lives feed on diverse emotions and the people revolving around us, just like a foodchain. Without life, this chain is broken, affecting everyone adversely, because they'll have so much piled up they won't be able to contain their loneliness. Humans consume one another's loneliness, it's in our blood. It's a principle that includes you, your master, and I, Swiftant. It's also the same reason why humanity has survived the wrath of the dragons until today, and why... they will never beat us down." My mind has been vibrating uproariously in awe of what I just said, or rather, how much I said. Somehow, something had compelled me to release an astounding amount of grievances I had bottled up for years. Thinking: First time for everything huh? Unlike his previous penetrating glare, I notice Kazuhide is staring at me, with compassion and empathy. "Anything to protect what we desire I guess...", he smiles, "First and foremost, you gotta protect yourself, wiseguy." "Wha..?" "During your high and almighty pretentious speech, I could have sliced your head clean off your shoulders through your conspicuous openings Swiftant. If anyone should heed your advice it's yourself. I am not about to let someone who hasn't let anyone consumed their loneliness to lecture me.", Kazuhide smiles, his grin growing wider on reciprocation. He and I certainly have reached a mutual understanding. Our noble audience of stars twinkle in unison, as if cheering the humans to march on victoriously, and proudly. "Swift, watch out!!", a feminine voice hollers through the night, in a cry for help. A humongous golden wall takes up the entire space in front of us and the sound of flapping wings against air currents intensifies. "No! Thrandos!", I scream, anguished by the thought of being unprepared and more so by one of alerting Shakura. "Did you forget I was guarding this fortress Swift? Together with the elite dragons?", the golden general growls egoistically, "Oh, wait, don't mention it, because you're dead!" "Swiftant!", Kazuhide's voice spins my attention toward him, "Use Fayuro... Flee from this place, with Suzette! I'll handle Thrandos and his soldiers." "No way in hell, you can't win against this many of them!", I protest in agony. "I'll be the decoy for you to make your getaway," Kazuhide proposes, clearly ignoring me. "SWIFT!!!", Suzette cries, louder than ever. "She may be a warrior, but she's still a vulnerable girl, Swiftant. Remember our pact tonight. Everyday in the future carries a glimmer of hope... C'yah soon then, and thanks for ridding me of my loneliness.", he bids an ending note. Kazuhide pets Fayuro hard on its head, and jumps off, propelling himself towards Thrandos's. "HYA!!!!" "KAZU!!!" **Glad you're back SS aka Suzette!! I was about to go hunt for you if you didn't return! Remind me to PM you the details tomorrow! WootS!! ^_^ Aoshi's and Kanji's writing still rock like usual... ![]() Btw, the elite dragons consist of: the water dragon, nature dragon, the fire dragon and the lightning dragon, like I posted much earlier on on this thread.** There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
KAZUHIDE ~ The Final Showdown? -
02-08-2008, 03:22 AM
** How am I supposed to top that?!
![]() Amazing as usual Nard-kun, if only I could use such great words! ![]() KAZUHIDE The Five Elite Dragons of the Empire move into an attacking position. They plan to move in quickly, and annihilate us. I think to myself. If Swiftant doesn't survive, then my master's plans with all have been for naught. I hated to admit it, but the DragonSin's role in this war was much more important then my own. His somewhat endless talents is exactly what the Elven forces needed. Why they would want to enlist a human, no, a human who serves Dragon's for that matter, I did not know. It no longer mattered anyways, I had advanced this far along my path of Destiny, there was no turning back now.... All my accomplishments all my feats and glory, were for my Master. For him alone, and no other. All I ever wanted, was to be recognized by him...For my master, was my father. I turned to Swiftant and his companion, Suzette. "Swiftant! Use Fayuro... Flee from this place, with Suzette! I'll handle Thrandos and his soldiers." "No way in hell, you'll can't win against this many of them!" Swiftant protests in agony. "I'll be the decoy for you to make your getaway." I give a heartful smile. "SWIFT!!!", Suzette cries, louder than ever. "Here, take this, you'll be needing this device. It's on the right frequency, just press the small red switch, it'll patch you through to my master!" I reach down into my leg holster, and remove the communication device my father had given to me before I had agreed to accept this mission. "Also, she may be a warrior, but she's still a vulnerabe girl, Swiftant. Remember our pact tonight. Everyday in the future carries a glimmer of hope... C'yah soon then, and thanks for ridding me of my loneliness." I smile once more. "Now take it and go! NOW!! Fayuro! FLY!!" At my yell of desperation, Fayuro spreads his firm black wings, beating them together, he takes off with my new friends on his back, and travels high into the sky. Thrandos had attempted to follow. "No! It's me you want. Don't you want revenge? I made you look bad, and I just defied you and your precious Holiness!" I give the most sarcastic grin I can muster. Thrandos faces me. His eyes beat with malice. He growls his next words. "Revenge? No, I don't need to sink to such levels. A Renegade like you, I needn't bloody my hands with. The others will dispose of you. I will just be the spectator of your struggle." Thrandos curls back his dragon lips, into a fanged-smile. A Dragon to Thrandos' right, the Purple Dragon of Lightning steps forward. It was Leinurus. "Kazuhide. This is unexpected of you. Why have you left the Empire? Was it that terrorist Tatsu who enlisted you into his measly pack?" "Tatsu?" I raise an eyebrow. "I know no one of that name." I give a laugh. "I just love how humans have been given all you dragons such a hard time! I must say, it is surprising that a mere human, not an Elf, has been giving you all such grief. I mean seriously! All these years, sitting around on your fat asses, getting everything you can get your greedy claws on, must be finally taking it's toll!" I erupt with laughter, I simply cannot contain it. Even though the current situation was so dire, and I should be assessing this dilemma much more seriously, I had a gut instinct that no matter what I did, this was the end of the line. So why go down in a panicky frenzy? I should enjoy this time to see the Dragons quake with rage. "That is enough out of your traitorous tongue!" Leinurus hisses. "You will pay for your deeds with your life!" Leinurus turns to his left and faces the female Dragon of Nature. "Dimitria!" Leinurus bellows. "I am giving you the opportunity to be noticed by his Lordship Thrandos. Now it the time to display your worth to the Golden Dragon. Do not disappoint him." The beautiful brownish green Dragon of Nature trudged forward from the back row. This Dragon's scales was adorned with ivy and lush leaves. Her tail was much longer then the other dragon's and was wrapped in stumps and bush. Large thorns stuck from her back and head. She was beautiful, but she was also extremely dangerous. "As you wish." Spoke Dimitria softly. "I do not have taste for such useless battles, but I will do as I am commanded." Dimitria bats her eyes, and comes closer to me. "So, this is the Final Showdown is it? I am glad I was noticed enough by the Elites. Shakura would be displeased if you returned without my blade!" I extend my left arm over my shoulder and unhook Jet from his sheath. Moonlight shines from the blade. "Now come Dragon! Face me!" |
02-10-2008, 02:06 AM
** OMG!
![]() I've run out of words to describe Cooly's writing so I'll have to invent one now... Exbrilliawesome! ![]() SweetS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you're back too. Get posting already! ** Chapter 6: Destruction Tenshoujin gripped the blade with longing as though meeting a part of himself he had lost long ago. As he gripped it, it gleamed red with heat and took on the slender form of a katana. What magic is this Batisha thought… he summons fire as a weapon? Even the elves cannot do that. Who is this guy? Tenshoujin lazily beckoned the soldiers… “Which one of you wants to die first?” Batisha forcefully calmed himself. Chaos and surprise were often bigger enemies than lack of skill. Regaining his composure, he thought to himself…“Fool! By working your fire magic you’ve only proven yourself an enemy to the ranks and sealed your own doom” “Brothers! This thief works magic. It is absolute proof that he sides with the dragons that have brought us to our sorry state. Tonight we shall avenge not just our beloved Soren but our entire race! Kill the infernal braggart and tear his body to shreds” A frenzied soldier in the front line sprung from his position. He jumped high into the air and wielded his mighty battle axe in a crushing blow. Tenshoujin watched attentively as he saw the soldier leap. For his heavy build, he had surprisingly strong legs to leap that high. He watched every inch of emotion play on the soldiers face. He saw the eyebrows move together and his forehead contort in fury. The heavy battle axe began its slow descent cutting through the air. As it swung down, Tenshoujin nimbly side stepped its swathing path and swung Benitaiyou thrice in succession. The first swing hit the axe blade, cleaved it cleanly in two and continued to chop the soldier in half. The second swing cut the soldier across the chest, ripping through his armour like a hot knife through butter. The third upward swing, slashed the soldier right through his descending legs… Where one entire soldier had leapt for an attack, four of him fell to the Earth along with a broken axe whose many pieces rolled away into the night. Batisha watched on dazed. His respect for Tenshoujin grew by the minute. He knew he had underestimated him. A weaker combatant would have worked better for his plan. He cursed himself for not thinking it through. Perhaps his greed was indeed blinding. More perturbed than before he began to assess the situation. His warriors were scared, but they were ready to fight. Tenshoujin stood alone but he was too powerful for any of the men to take on individually. Perhaps a combined attack would prove more efficient... Batisha ordered three of his men to quickly strike from the front, while silently beckoning two of them to go around behind. Tenshoujin’s dragon vision did not miss the signal. This Batisha person still underestimated him. It wasn’t surprising though, given that Tenshoujin was the only survivor of his species. There was no way Batisha would know what he was up against. There was only one way to finish this quickly and it involved wiping them all out in a single blow. He smiled to himself. It was time to get serious now… He pulled Benitaiyou in front of his face aligning it vertically and made a two finger hand seal with his left hand using his index and middle fingers. Tenshoujin spoke to the group as they started their formation. “I don’t have time to play all night. We end this now…” “Onihikyo Taisetsujin Ryu: Hakureihi” (Demonic Grand-Fire Human Slicer Style: Extensive ritual flame attack!) ** I won't be on for a couple of days so I'll post once I'm back. Keep the story rocking you guys! ![]() ![]() Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe? |
Kazuhide ~ "This is Our World" -
02-14-2008, 12:39 AM
My Naginata, was wicked, and the curved tip was sharp. Waiting for fresh blood, the blade was held firmly in my grasp. The moon's light shined from my eyes, and reflected the dragon back at itself. "The time has come Jet." I glanced down at my weapon. The black and gold handle was smooth and cold. "We have to prove ourselves. We have to prove that we matter. And most of all, we have to prove that something even more then the dragon's exist. We will show them their folly." Dimitria trudged forward. As she moved, leaves fell her from scales, I could hear her whispering, but it was faint. " I do not favor useless battles." She started "But this is an order. I have been told to kill you by my superiors. So, there is nothing I can do." I stare the Dragon in her emerald eyes. I don't say a word. There is nothing to say. We both have been ordered to carry out a mission. There is nothing to negotiate. With bated breath I move in, my steps crunch under the stiff dirt. "Dimitria! Let's go! We don't have all day! Kill him now!" Leinurus spits his order out in aggravation. The female Dragon sighs. "Alright then. Let's go human." "Earthen Avalanche, shattering ground!" Dimitria calls out her attack. She stretches her long, powerful tail over her head, and pierces the earth. The ground shatters, and a chasm begins to form, rocks roll down into it, and gathers up. Dimitria flaps her powerful wings, and calls up a windstorm across the surface of the earth. The winds launched all the rocks and boulders at me. With my best effort, I jump and evade by each passing rock. Jet cuts through a few as they tumble toward. I run full speed at the Dragon, as the rocks rush by me. I hurl my body of the wall of rubble that is gathering, and hurl myself into the air. The moon casts my shadow upon the Dragon's lower back, where I intend to land. Once on the dragon, I run through the bush and leaves, making my way up the body. Dimitria begins to shake violently to try and force me off. I grip Jet, crouching to one knee, I notice abreak in the scales. The spot is soft, an old tree root, is just covering the vital point. I position myself upwards, and drive the naginata into the fleshy hide. The dragon screams out in pain, and my weapon travels deep. Her yells are awful. Hearing her suffering ringing through my ears are did not give me the satisfaction that I was longing for. She didn't want this fight, she does not strive for battle like the others do. "I'm sorry." I mutter, a strand of hair hangs over my eye. I palm my hands together, and hold them just below my sternum. "Here it is, time to use that technique. The one I learned from the Old General." I plant my legs in the dirt on Dimitria's back, and make a firm ground for myself. I close my eyes and rest my chin on my chest, hanging my head as low as possible, and I concentrate... A desire to win, and clear a way for Swiftant was my number one on the agenda. My eyes flash open, and a ball of fire flashes in my iris. "Now! Dragon's style, Scorching Breath!" A stream of searing fire shoots from my mouth, and engulfs Dimitria's Leafy armor. The bushes and tree stumps on the Dragon's back are all quickly engulfed in flame. I hunch myself over, and throw back my arms, in an attempt to get out as much fire from my lungs as I possibly could. My throat was burning. I hadn't used this move in so long, and the sensation was maddening.....Dimitria's screams were much more heartfelt then before. I could not show emotion, or any sort of care for this beast. They wouldn't give me even the littlest chance to redeem myself and survive the battle. Being taken prisoner, was not an option I had set for myself. So it was either this dragon or me, that was about to die. "Let's finish with this!" I flip twice backwards into the air, moving away from Dimitria's burning body, and spin down with Jet. Black and Gold streaks of light form a cyclone in the air. "Golden Maelstrom, Black Cyclone!" Shades of gold and black, manifest sharp, piercing blades of light. With a gesture of my hand, I can move these blades into my foe. "Jet! Show them what 'ya got!" I dive my arms back, and forward, and then back again. The golden blades hurtle towards the Nature Dragon, when a whip of water blindsides me from the left, knocking me over, and throwing my attack away. The golden light blades shatter on the water and turn to colored dust clouds. I fall on my right elbow. A sharp pain shoots up my arm. Jet bounces swivels across the dirt, and lands some paces away. The Water Dragon had intervened. She looked for fierce then Dimitria did. Her long sleek body was covered in a thick watery shield, her light-blue scales shown through. This defied the very laws of gravity. The water should of fell from her body, and crashed up the ground, but instead, the water swirled about her, as if it was acting of it's own will. Staying, and sculpting her frame, it would be difficult to cut through it. "Hmph...Aren't you breaking ranks?" I shoot a glare at the Water Dragon. "Nuruoki!" Leinurus spat out. "That is not your place to protect Dimitria. This is her battle. Let her die in honor." Dimitria's scales were still ablaze. The Nuruoki, ignored Leinurus' order, and proceeded the douse the flames. "Thank you." Dimitria spoke softly. Nuruoki nodded, and moved to face me. "This human will be taken care of for you. My Water will cancel out his fire, and he will have nothing else to fight with. But me, I still have my claws." Nuruoki was just as beautiful as Dimitria. I was not going to underestimate her talents. Dimitria took flight. "This battle will have to end here. May the gods show you mercy." With that said, The Dragon flies away. "Nuruoki! Do not disappoint us. You will have to clean up Dimitria's mess. Hurry up and finish this, so she can receive her punishment!" Leinurus once again sends an order to the female dragon. "Yes sir." I move up to my feet. "Still want to fight me? Still want to kill and take over everything?! Well I'll show you my resolve. I still have a fire lit inside! You damned dragons will have to learn the hard way. You are not welcomed here! This is our world!" |
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