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KAZUHIDE ~ "Aftermath" -
02-21-2008, 10:11 PM
The Dragon Elites gathered around the chasm that was created by Dimitria. "Nuruoki. It has already been ten minutes. What is the current status?" questioned Leinurus. "At the current velocity, and pressure of the water, he has to be dead. There is no way he could have survived. Not to mention the fact that no land dweller could hold his breath for ten minutes submerged. Not even with his Elven Powers could be complete such a task. He is surely dead." said Nuruoki. "Then decrease the water level and bring his corpse forth." spat Thrandos. "I don't see the point. I don't feel his aura." spoke the Fire Dragon. "Zanden!" Leinurus turns to the Fire Dragon, and shouting out his name. "Don't question Lord Thrandos' commands. Nuruoki! Raise the body." "As you wish." The water receded, and the body of Kazuhide floated to the surface. Thrandos laughed uproariously. "Serves him right! This is what comes to those who defy her Holiness Shakura, and our spreading Empire. His fate will be an example for those who deem us vile or corrupt. We are the future!" Thrandos raised his head high, full of himself, and basking in his simple satisfaction. "Zanden! Retrieve the body. Bring it to Her Holiness." Ordered Leinurus. "Yes sir." Zanden, the Fire Dragon, spread his flaming wings, flew over, and swept up Kazuhide's lifeless body in his talons. "I take my leave now Lords." Zanden flew up, and vanished into the clouds. Leinurus looked to the right. "There is his Naginata. The blade he was so fond of. It will be a good keep sake to show to his human companions before we kill them." Leinurus took up the naginata, and held it in his small claws. "This is unfortunate." sighs Nuruoki. "Having to be viewed as tyrants, and having to snuff out life to prove our point. There could be others, who see us as such. The Empire could be tossed into a state of panic. With Swiftant and Suzette also becoming deserters, there is none to say that this won't happen again. A thorough analysis should be made of all the Human Soldiers in our Military." Thrandos and Leinurus nodded their heads. "Excellent Conclusions Nuruoki! For your prowess in battle, and your intellect, I think a reward is in order. Don't you agree Lord?" beamed Leinurus. "Perhaps." Growled Thrandos. "I don't like this situation. Perhaps we should attack the human capital of Asgard soon. Raze the city, and make an example. If we did this, it would be unlikely that any more humans would dare leave our ranks, for fear of torture and death." "Brilliant deduction my Lordship! What would we ever do without you?" (Leinurus was clearly giving more credit, then what was due). "Who knows." chuckled Thrandos. "These measly dilemma's agitate me. My stomach grows empty, and my claws need sharping. Let's head back to the castle." The three remaining dragons took off simultaneously. Into the crimson sky. Sunrise approached... |
Suzette: Requiem -
02-22-2008, 01:52 PM
"KAZU!!!" Swiftant blasts his vocals at the lone shape falling from the black dragon.
Thinking: Naze (Why)... Hadn't he came to settle a death score with Swift? Did he not unsheathe his weapon against Swift? Were we too credulous in trusting... ourselves? "Suzette, hayaku (hurry)!!" Swiftant flies the black dragon towards me, stretching out his hand for mine. Without hesitation, leaving no room for Shakura anymore, my heart in amalgamation with his, I make a wild grab for it and clambered onto the dragon, behind Swiftant. I see his face looking down at the epic battle between the man and the dragon elites. It has taken on the color of a ghastly white. I can feel my own growing paler by the moment. Gathering potential energy to take flight, the dragons bend their hind legs, Thrandos howling boisterously. "No! It's me you want. Don't you want revenge? I made you look bad, and I just defied you and your precious Holiness!" the man challenges the roaring dragons, in an egoistic expression. In the whole event, all three of our faces light up in the darkness, atomistically disguising the difference of our situations. Thrandos turns to him, their eyes fostering impending bloodshed. By now, we are already too distant to comprehend their words. A green dragon steps forward, her venomous beauty accentuating the danger of the night. I tear my gaze away from the zealous stranger's form when our dark fleeing friend soars beyond the mountains, across the valleys that follow. "He was chivalrous, despite his appearance." Swift whispers, more calmly than I want. His words startles me, the surprise lifting my head in his direction. Thinking: Oh Swift... Everything struck me so fast, it's never been more vacuous to me... The rising sun bathes us in a purifying light of warmth, and I see my reflection in his eyes, before a background of shimmering greenery swaying merrily in a breeze. It is too enticing, I probably won't have regrets if I were lured to dying here. Thinking: Am I that beautiful, Swift..? If only time would stop... "We'll need to recon around as much as possible for information on Shakura. As we are, we don't even come close to her conniving might." Swiftant speaks, in a tone of all seriousness. "I know someone from Shinkirou who may be able to provide assistance to us." "Shinkirou? You mean the vanishing village of myth? It exists?" "It's not a myth. Just as its name suggests, it only appears to people in adequately weakened states, as a mirage, though I may know a means of invading its invisible barrier." "Are you sure about this?" Swiftant's eyes narrows. "It was my homeland." "... Sorry..." "Swiftant..." a deep voice suddenly breaks the silence. "Who's there?!" I erect my body, expecting Thrandos to pop out of nowhere. "Relax Su, it's this dragon." Swiftant puts his hand on my shoulder in assurance. "In Master Kazuhide's name, you shall inherit his legacy of possessing Fayuro, the dragon of blackness. I thereby vow an oath on the grave of the ancestors of this legacy, to pledge my allegiance and swear loyalty to Swiftant, until you command otherwise or are laid to sleep for all eternity..." growls our travel companion. "Aha... I see... He's still helping us." Swiftant remarks softly. "So this is a Universal Calling..." I exclaim in wonder. Thinking: I've heard of this. When a dragon is passed from one rider's possession to another, it is given the temporary ability to communicate in a tongue of universal understanding. "Su, before we embark any further, I want to ask a favour of you." Swiftant looks at me, his blue eyes encompassing my very being. "Hmph, can't survive without me, can you?" I mock him teasingly. "Please..." I nod my head slowly, half-afraid and half-excited at the same time. "Please, play a requiem for Kazuhide and everyone else who have died under the claws of the dragons. I want to say a prayer for them." "Requiem? Kazuhide? Oh... Then that must mean..." My hands subconsciously close onto a flute I have been keeping beside my weapons. Holding it to my lips, my breath instinctively weaves a melody through it. The sound is unrivaled - it seems to keep pace with the breeze, the tune rebounding off the hovering leaves. My eyes widen, I stop playing the flute. Swiftant has embraced me, his arms around my shoulder. From the beat of his heart, to his breathing, I realize so much about him. "Don't stop, continue, please." I close my eyes and resume the song. The alluring melody sweeps through the land, disperses the clouds, and raises the hopes in our spirits. "To the lost souls amassed by the dragons..." Swiftant says, the peacefulness in his voice sings along my playing, "... we dedicate this to. It's okay now, we can handle ourselves; we'll pick up from where you left off. May you leave in peace, and be our bastions to grant us your blessings." I lean onto Swiftant's chest, listening to his voice is enough to satisfy me. His words are vague, but somehow, they make all the sense in the world. At once, I hear wails from our surroundings. They are not mournful, on the contrary, they remind me of my mother when she played the flute to me, a long time ago. And maybe... My eyes well up with tears. Swiftant and I both stare at the skies; they are ablaze with the brightness of the Northern lights. ~ Simultaneously ~ Thinking: Sayonara Okasan. Swift's thinking: Arigatou Kazu-san. Sorry, can't write as well as I wanted to, kinda busy lately... Ciao then! ^^ SS we're still waiting! XD Edited: Here may be a useful site: Online English to Japanese to English Dictionary There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
02-25-2008, 07:15 PM
Nice going Nardy Boy! XD A homage to Kazuhide. Very heart felt after this passing tragedy.
I decided to post a list of all the existing dragons, and to specify which colors we are missing. 1. Shakura, The Silver Queen Dragon. 2. Thrandos, Gold Dragon. Highest Military Position. Just below the Queen. 3. Leinurus, Purple Dragon Of Lightning. Third in Command. 4. Dimitria, Brown Dragon of Nature. One of the Dragon Elites. 5. Nuruoki, Blue Dragon of Water. One of the Dragon Elites. 6. Zanden, Red Dragon of Fire. One of the Dragon Elites. 7. Xephon, Deceased Dragon of Ice. Was one of the Elites. 8. Akuma, Silver Dragon. Deceased. Previous Ruler to the Throne before Shakura. 9. Fayuro, Black Dragon of Darkness. Has allied itself with Swiftant. We are missing Dragons for the colors of: Green Yellow Tan Orange White Gray I don't think you guys want a Pink Dragon. ROFL! I made enough Dragons. I think the rest should be left to CoolNard and Shino-san. |
03-03-2008, 04:12 PM
Me fellow mod's online
![]() So how about it? Will you be writing? Or maybe you wanna help me post the details of the direction of this story to SS? ^^ I think it's Aoshi's turn ![]() There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
Tatsu ~ "Reminiscence" -
03-03-2008, 04:17 PM
Sunlight broke across the horizon, and the first lights of the day crept over the Dragon Mountains. Shades of purple and red reflected off the fluffy white clouds. Colors mixed, and beautiful shades were displayed in the sky. The moon was still visible, stars continued to shine brightly just before they faded into the day. Nozomi was holding me tightly. The Autumn wind was chilling. Gana's soft feathers gave me a sense of comfort and security. "Tatsu?" Nozomi soft voice filled my ears suddenly. "What happened back there? I thought you died in that evil place. Your body was cold and stiff. How did you come back?" I was silent, but only momentarily. I didn't want to remember being with Onijin in that prison. Just thinking about it sent a chill down my back. "I....I did die. It's true. I was dead, and I went to Hell." Nozomi was silent. I didn't blame her. What could you possibly say to something like that? "I was tortured by a demon. His name I dare not speak aloud. Somehow though, I managed to break his bonds. Luckily, my will did not fail me when I needed it most.... After I escaped, a wandering spirit, who calls himself Yogensha, set me free from that prison. He gave me back my life....I may have a new life, but I also have a new body.....That is how I got my right arm and eye." Nozomi gave me a tight squeeze around the waist. "Well you're back now. That's all that matters now. You've returned to me, and we left that evil place. We are free, free to soar together through the skies." I nodded. I may not have spoke, but I knew she could feel my response. "Tatsu? I...uh...I have always wondered about you. We really haven't had the time to talk about things we'd like to talk about. We always had to discuss the terrible things in this world. The dragons, death, people who have come to pass, like Shima and Akuma. Now I want to talk about you. Someone who is alive and well. Tell me more about you....Please?" Now was the time that I grew quiet. I didn't want to dodge her curiosity. Unlike me, she never really had a life. We awoken one day randomly. She doesn't have any parents like I did. She never had anyone. But still, after all that negativity, she still manages to walk around with laughter and smiles....How could she always be so happy on the outside when she must be suffering greatly on the inside? I will always envy her for that. Her ability to persevere through anything. That is what inspired me the most. It was what I believed, was her greatest attribute. "Me? You want to know about me? I'm not really sure what to say......" Nozomi nudged my side. "Oh come on Tat! Where were you born? You can start with that." She gave me that smile that made me melt every time I saw it. "Hahaha! Tat? What's up with the sudden nickname?" I couldn't help but smile. It was great being with her like this. "Well, I wasn't born in Etrirea. I was born on a tropical island south of this great continent. The island was suprisingly small. My family had lived on it for generations. The island was named after my clans surname. "Oh! A clan? What kind of clan?" Nozomi's eyebrow raised. "Oh nothing special really. All the men in my family were swordsman. When they reached adulthood, it was their duty to leave the island and make a name for themselves in the world somewhere...My grandfather was rich. He had built a grand mansion at the center of the island. He gave my parents enough money to make a life here in Etrirea. My father had heard about the great Elven clans that my mother came from. He wanted to see them first hand." "Really? So how did your mother come to that island? She was an Elf right? So she must of been born here in Etrirea." Nozomi arches her head to look me in the eyes. "It never crossed my mind to question mother's origins. We were all together, that is all that mattered to me. Only until I lost them, and Shima did I start to dwell, and live in the past. I used to live in the moment when I was a little boy. Life seemed so carefree then, playing on the island with mother." "So, what is your family surname? You said the island had the same name as your family right? So what is it?" Nozomi winks. "My last name?" More memories swirl around in my head. ............ **EDIT: Hahaha! I couldn't help but post, even though I knew it was Shino-san's turn.** |
03-05-2008, 07:51 PM
**LOL! Kanji-kun! You really keep this thread alive! Nice going both of you... Poor Kazhu though T_T**
Chapter 7: Annihilation "Onihikyo Taisetsujin Ryu: Hakureihi!" Tenshoujin swiped his sword through the air rotating as he did so. A huge blast resounded through the forest and a severe burst of heat burnt the immediate surrounding area. An orange path of flame radiated around Tenshoujin. The orange flames quickly turned a blood red. The summoned ritual flames rapidly began expanding around Tenshoujin, zipping through the entire area forming bigger concentric circles burning everything in their path. Thick tree trunks lay cleaved, their clinical slices sealed and cauterized by the passing heat. The air took on a definite smell of burning wood and smoke billowed from the cut tree trunks. The ground charred black and the brightness of the flames brought daylight to the dark night. The first set of soldiers to face the searing fire was the batch that had snuck up behind him. The flame wave passed right through them, burning them to their bones. Their axe and spear handles transformed into ash as the metal tip’s glowed red with heat. There was no time for reaction and even if there had been time there was no reaction that would have helped. The ritual flame was the purest red fire summoned on the Earth. A measly war axe wouldn’t change the outcome. The soldiers could have worn the most precious armour with no effect. Only a magical attack could counter the ritual flame and not a flimsy spell either. Tenshoujin looked around. The forest had lost a few trees and the moonlight shown on the burnt ground. Skeletal remains of soldiers lay spread on the terrain. Tenshoujin counted seven of them. He paused. The numbers didn’t add up. Batisha had summoned seven soldiers. That meant the body count had to be eight. Something was amiss… A silent laugh resounded from a fallen clump of trees. “A flame elemental attack?... Omoshire (interesting). You truly are talented… but perhaps I wasn’t the only one underestimating things was I?” Out of the burnt clump of tree bark, stepped Batisha, his own sword held in his hand, a pale white glow shining from it. “Of all the opponents you could pick, I’m the wrong guy to mess with. I don’t know who you are stranger, but I’m not one to be trifled with either. Before I dispatch you to your maker I’d like to know your name…” Tenshoujin looked on in surprise. Hakureihi wasn’t a child’s attack. It was a flame spell of significant power and to thwart it took a flame defence of equal power or knowledge of opposing elemental spells. Either way, it proved Batisha had more to him than he was letting on… and there was the matter of that eerie glow from the sword. “You would do well to remember my name, for the short time that you have left to live. Remember it well Batisha, my name is…Tenshoujin!” “Heh…” Batisha sniggered and held up his sword. “Ice Attack: Frigid Spectre!” The eerie glow became more dispersed and rose into the air around Batisha. It engulfed him in a dense fog and spread to the area around him. The burnt ground turned to ice where it fell. The fog rose higher, took on the form of an evil skull and swooped down on Tenshoujin. Batisha looked on with malice intent on watching the kill. Tenshoujin smiled briefly. This human really thought he could defeat a dragoman… and Tenshoujin at that! Tenshoujin put a hand forward and cried “Kougeki ekitai no tokeru… Tenhikamon” <Melt all attacks to water… Heavens burning armour>. Flames rippled from his body covering every inch of him. His entire form radiated flame. The diving ice spectre didn’t stand a chance as it rushed into engulf Tenshoujin. It ran into the flame shield and melted instantly. The destruction couldn’t have been more final. Tenshoujin hadn’t moved a single step. For all the effect it had, Batisha could well have saved himself the effort of trying. “Is that the best you have to offer? What a pity… you weren’t even interesting”. Tenshoujin vanished, reappeared behind Batisha and relinquished his sword back into ether. He whispered “The farce ends here” and began walking toward the fallen Soren. A cleaved Batisha fell to the floor in two halves behind him… ![]() Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe? |
Tatsu ~ "The Past, is just a Memory" -
03-09-2008, 03:28 PM
**Tenshoujin is so strong T_T What will Tatsu do.
![]() TATSU "My family name?" My expression grew heavy. "I haven't thought about that for a very long time. Why is it so important to know?" Nozomi quickly jumped to her own defense. "No no! I was just curious. If it's such a touchy topic for you to discuss, then I won't get into it." "I apologize Nozomi. No one has ever asked me that before. I was unsure how to respond to such an innocent question." In all my life the only people who showed interest in my past were those who hunted me. The Dragons only cared about my Elven roots. I was always being chased, or was in pursuit of the Silver Dragon and all evidence of it. All my memories were a painful experience. The burden was a heavy one to bear. But it was mine alone to carry. I didn't get people involved into my dilemma. They have their own problems. I didn't want the pressures of mine interfering with their lives. Shima was the exception though. I felt I could tell her anything. The same is true with Nozomi. It makes sense though. Shima is Nozomi now. Just in a different light. "Why are you brooding Tatsu? Did I upset you that much?" Nozomi's eyes were sullen. "Haha! I am sorry again Nozomi!" I retorted "Then tell me! What is your last name?" she once again winked at me. "It's Greywood." I turned my head to the side and uttered the word so lightly, in an effort to not be heard. "Greywood? That's an odd name. But I like it though it suits you." Nozomi grabbed me around the middle and squeezed. I felt myself start to blush. Why was I feeling uncomfortable? Is it because of all those memories I have? I haven't spoken out loud my father's family name since Shima was still alive. It felt extremely awkward telling it to Nozomi now. "So Tatsu Greywood? It has a nice little ring to it." "Tatsu isn't my full first name. It is just and abbreviated version of the real one. Greywood was my father's last name. My mother received it upon their marriage. At that time, my older sister was already alive. So she had mother's last name." I was telling Nozomi all this now because I desired it. She didn't have to know the details, but to not tell someone who cared so much about it didn't feel right. If I didn't tell her this, then I wasn't being completely honest with her, which is exactly what she was doing with me. "Oh?" Nozomi started to bounce upon Gana's feathery back. "What is your complete name then?" I smiled. I knew she was going to ask. I really wanted to answer this time. "It's Tatsumura......Tatsumura W. Greywood." "My middle initial is my father's name... Wildfire. Seeing how my mother granted me an Elven name upon birth, I received both father's first and last name. Since my father had given my older sister an islanders name, my mother gave me a mainland one. I heard that she named me after her father, but I am not sure that is entirely accurate." "Wow! such a story!" Nozomi stared at me in awe. "All this talk has made me soooo hungry! I hope we get to town soon." The sun shining brightly amongst the clouds now. The stars and moon has completely faded into the blue sky. It was so warm. The sunlight's heat gave a pleasing sensation to me. "I am sure we will arrive soon. Now where exactly is your friend?" "Her town is south of Disan." "Disan? Well we still have some distance ahead of us then. Gana has just passed the Dragon Mountains. Soon we will be completely out of Dragon Territory. I think we should just try and sleep for now. I don't know about you, but I sure am tired!" I gave a hearty laugh, to show Nozomi that everything was going to be just fine. "Sounds good to me....Tatsumura!" She laughed to herself. **NOTE: I was trying to give the feeling that Tatsu's father's name was something a Native American Indian would be called. While Tatsu's mother's Elven names sounded Japanese. I hope I did a good job of this.** |
Swiftant: Vestige -
03-26-2008, 03:00 PM
Our ongoing journey under the shimmering heavens, born from fate's layout, has favoured Suzette and me with an archetype of the celestial atmosphere that seems to be acting as a desultory barrier from secularity. My arms encompass Suzette whilst my consequently crossed hands clasp Fayuro's reins. Setting my arms as an equilibrium for a stable complete surveillance, Suzette establishes a brisk but piquant position for any vestige of Shinkirou.
"Over there!" Suzette signals to the ground of a passing desert beneath us. Blood floods my fingertips, as I regain control of Fayuro, directing it toward Suzette's assertion. The dragon capriciously swoops down in an avalanche of speed, accelerating every second. Just when the ground lies no more than a whisker away from its hindlegs, it stops; the impact forceful enough to hurl an intermediate person of mediocre strength off by several miles. Fayuro flaps its huge, contractile black wings profusely, proudly suspended over the spot. Suzette and I effortlessly dismount it in midair, observing the landmarks in our vicinity with cautious vigilance. A boundless maze of enarmoring ancient monuments and artifacts luminously tower over us, anqituated but venerable. In the air, Fayuro encircles us repeatedly, its commanding bearing warning away any threatening presence. "This is it?" I whisper, aware of the relics' easy disposition to tumble onto us. "This is it." Suzette replies casually, unmoved by the hazard. Drawing her flute from her belt of weaponry at her waist, she begins digging into the sand with it, evoking deep patterned marks while doing so. The markings' steady accumulation ends in one conclusion - a symbol, the likes of which I have never perceived before. ![]() "First, the rectangle depicts the desert itself. The two images inside it represent the sun and moon, which correlate to day and night respectively." mutters Suzette as she sketches, "The lines at the four corners of the symbol each indicate a day and a night spent in the desert. After four straight days of pure endurance are up, Shinkirou will appear to the living victims of the sandy wasteland, and only to that individual, at this very location. The zigzagging line penetrating the symbol tells of the victim's various encounters and experiences throughout his or her course of suffering, to his or her destination." she continues, "Thus, being able to fully comprehend Shinkirou's concepts permits involuntary entrance into the latter." She then starts to invoke a mystical incantation, much like a dithyramb. After which Suzette enacts a dance fit for the emperor himself, also enhancing it with her flute. I gaze amorously at her, recalling how she had bestowed upon me this very lasting impression, at first glance. Every part of Suzette seems to be playing a lucid role in concerting her performance. Her limbs, even her fingers, curve and stretch concisely at all her exemplary movements; her hair streams in perfect synchronization with her bodily executions, never obstructing her, striking a well-balanced internal flow (or in Chinese, "qi"); I'm in awe of her majesty. I only wish we had reconciled with the others, so they can appreciate this as well. Suzette suddenly stops abruptly; her eyes closed and a perturbing frown on her forehead. "Suzette..?" I ask, hands already diving inside my shuriken holder. She blinks and smiles at me in relief. "Swift, we're here..." I spin around in disbelief, for a whole village inherited by people had been literally summoned right under my nose, and I didn't even notice it! No longer do these architectures belong to an archaic period, no longer do what I see lay in ruins. A bustling village crammed with hustling villagers had materialized from out of nowhere! Just then, I feel a nostalgic vibe nearby. "Tatsu..?" There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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