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it was...in an odd way, good! |
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1 | 9.09% |
it sucked....you should die!!! |
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3 | 27.27% |
.....okay..... |
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5 | 45.45% |
hey hurry and write chapter two!!! |
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2 | 18.18% |
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll |
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10-19-2008, 08:57 PM
This was painful.
Your writing style's sloppy, has very little form to it, and is universally void of anything that would catch the reader's attention. Instead, whoever decided to read this is searching throughly for what in the hell is going on, rather than actually paying attention to what occuring. There a great many good books out there written my a great many different authors who all share a fairly simple writing style. Yours, to be frank, is far worse. As in a movie with horrible editing, things jump around from one thing to the next with little to no time for the reader to sit back and figure out what the hell is actually going on. You tried desperatly to start in the middle of an "action scene" to get your reader's attention, but you failed miserably at it. What the hell's going on; can I say it enough? You're reader has no clue as to what's happening, and you're doing nothing to give him/her a moment to slow down and figure it the hell out. I can't sugarcoat: this piece was absolutly horrible. Please try to understand the basics of writing any piece of literature before you attempt something like this again. How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts? ![]() Skadoosh.
10-19-2008, 09:14 PM
![]() ![]() under j. lavon bill. and vwalla! and you will see. okay, so ill fix it up in a little bit.... ![]() |
10-19-2008, 10:32 PM
Okay, I'm going to have to say something here. The concept for whatever it is your working on is good. Vampires, and hunters, are a common theme which a lot of people do. Thing is that unless you get a really good, unique version, it becomes a rip-off of Buffy. And be careful with the Vampire mythology.
Do you have Micorsoft Word? Cause your grammar, lack of spacing, etc nearly killed me. Its was a hard slog to get through it. Other than that its not a bad start. Edit it first, and when you've done that I'll go back through and pick at certain points that don't make sense, or need to be expanded upon. Sorry, but you could do so much better if you stopped and proof-read it. ![]() |
10-19-2008, 10:37 PM
When it comes to giving critique, I'm usually very smooth.
But I'm sorry. I couldn't get past the first paragraph. I lost interest in slugging through a pure pit of sludge. The grammar, the pure slaughter of the English language. I agree fully with Thirdsight. |
10-19-2008, 11:48 PM
okay, i know you guys are right. i like critisism though. so say all you want.
you guys are right about my sloopy...grammer. when i type, i type in a hurry. but what i must say right here right now, or what ever is, i already know my stories never have a correct structure. but that also make it more original. and, im a reader, i read and read. i m also a writer, i write, and write. this is just practice....yeah this might sound weird but i am never serious about story starters until something about it inspires me. everybody is a critic. i am the worst. I know if i was reader and read this...sloppy grammer, i would totally say, escuse me, but how long have youv'e known english? i met better english writers than you and they just learned english half a year ago!!!!! you totally suck at life, and now you suck at writing!!!!! just joking...but close to the lines. ![]() ![]() |
10-19-2008, 11:55 PM
LaVon, a word of advice.
When you are writing, don't rush. Take your time. If you rush, everything goes. Another thing, you're structure MIGHT be unique, but unique isn't always better. |
10-20-2008, 12:05 AM
I cannot stop myself.
I apologize for the lengthy post and rant, but I cannot help myself. As someone who is studying the art of writing constantly, it pains me to not only know that great writers are far and few between and that now in the Information Age, anyone, namely those that got good grades on in-class essays and thought they were creative enough to "get popular" and "be liked", can be a "writer". As a (incredibly bad, let's not lie to ourselves) practicioner of the art of writing, it breaks my heart to see the craft which I've chosen as a career being bastardized. Learn the rules before you break them. Wow...fire was spewing out of my mouth there. Sorry again. How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts? ![]() Skadoosh.
10-20-2008, 01:52 AM
it was only a rough draft. what i meant was my rough drafts never have a structure. And just to let you on a word of advise, smart person, it does. I know.
Oh, and sorry about rushing. I cant help but rush typing down a story when I have a story on my head. Here, to prove myself I 'll give you some of the revised peice. I couldn't face the facts about anything, with all the lies, and all the people who told them. The room was half empty now, and I needed to have some time to myself. All I could hear from their low whispered conversations was that they thought it was my fault. My fault for killing my perents? I couldn't help it if my perents were also vampire hunters, everyone else in the room was. Stupid Mourners. I couldnt cry with my folks gone. It's not like they were ever home to watch me grow up. I sat down next to my cousin, also a vampire hunter. I am the only normal non-vampire hunter in my entire family. The only time I ever remember with my perents, was when they gave me a How To Be a Vempire Hunter book, I was six years old. I knew then what I know now, I will never want to be what my perents were. Finally, my thoughts took over without my realizing, and time had passed more quickly. As the last person walked out, I sighed deeply. All I know about vampires is that they are normal in the light. In the dark they transform into a darker version of themselves, and not all vampires need blood to survive. The most dangerous thing about them is, they are powerful, and not all of them use it for the good. All their five sences change to a hundred times than in ithe light. I looked around my surroundings, everything was grey and black. This was the most serious room I had ever been in. It made me sick. My mother decorated it, and she was fond of seriousness...or from what I knew. The sad part about my perents death, that I even considerd sad was, they died doing what they loved. School started again tomorrow, and it was already late. I breathed in and folded my arms. The only thing posative about this room was the comfiness of the chairs. I closed my eyes, like I did any other day and slept in pure light. My school days were boring. Physical Education was first hour, and the only thing I enjoyed about this class was the workouts. The stinging of my muscles, and when we jogged out side along the long row of trees. The teacher game me exctra credit for jogging everyday. It felt so good when the cool crisp morning air hit my face, I would do it anywy, with or without the extra credit. What really got me about last night, was that everybody left me something. As if they thought I will want to hunt after my perents killer. Why would I ? I only met a vampire once, and his aurora was different form humans. He, to me, was like any other normal being. He was my next door neighbor, in his middle fifties. He was the one who taught me about vampires, about himslef. His name was Randy, and he loved to garden, he once said he had the green thumb since birth. I asked him about that eventually. "Randy, how were you born?" He looked at me with a grimace. "I'll tell you something Jackey," he paused, " we, vampires, we..." he took a sip of his tea, "most vampires are born by human perents," I watched him play with the rim of his china cup " like me, but vampire perents bare children that are human. " He looked at me and smiled. "Wait," there was always something more to know, "then how do you get turned into a vampire?" I knew he knew I was going to ask that sooner or later. "well, the vampire perents, they are the only ones who have the ability to turn their children into what they are." He took another sip of luke warm tea, " and the human perents can't really do anything..." He looked sad, I felt sad too. It must be sad to live with what you can't change. But I felt pride coming from him, like a radiating light, his aruroa was orange. I aslo felt pride for this man, he made what he is, a good thing. Jogging ended quickly, and it was time for a shower. I let the warm water run over me, taking all the coldness out of me. I was alone, mostly because I was the only one who jogged instead of worked out. I had all the the privacy I wanted. No noise, nothing to burden my sharp hearing, except the sound of the rushing water. ![]() |
10-20-2008, 04:29 AM
What are you getting at here? You need to explain things better and make sure that what you say makes sense. A lot of your story seems to be thrown together without much thought put into actual organization...
An example. You wrote: Quote:
The bolded words are what I could consider filler words. The red contradicts itself. You can't have both of those things going on at once. Here's how I would say it: Quote:
Here's a recommendation. Make sure you run your text through spell-check. Odd structured sentences, grammar mistakes, and spelling errors all distract from your piece, and that's not something you really want to happen. Try to make things less flowery when you describe the situation and get to the point without losing meaning. Other than that, keep it up! ![]() |
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