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![]() Here’s the boy I was telling you about. Kevin…or Ben, I’m not sure. Maybe they're the same person. But I know Ben had a little blonde-haired sister named Samantha, or Anna for short…sometimes AlleyMalley. Anyway, this poem’s a bit…dark…I guess. I changed a few things around while typing it. Here goes:
“Never Again” written November 8th, 2006 Perfect on the outside Broken from within His shattered happiness Is the cause of the blood he now lays in Heart broken, unloved He’s lying on the floor Unnoticed, hated He’s finally found the cure “Never again,” he wept one last time “Never again,” he whispered in despair “Never again,” he assured himself “Never again,” he knows they won’t care He’s not lying on the floor Just so they pay attention He’s dying on the floor So his pain will never happen again The kiss of death is welcome Upon his perfect lips He see its silent bliss as Onto the floor his red blood drips Lying there, he know it’s done He knows he’s finally free From all his pain; his suffering From all that used to be The words they say to him The hate they always show His pain deepened--if only they knew! But they never wanted to know All that was nothing now As it faded into black Never again, not for him This time he’s not coming back… ![]() ![]() |
![]() Here’s my attempt at writing a non-rhyming poem. I don’t really like writing non-rhyming poems, but…I tried!
“Empty” written April 30th, 2006 When one good thing happens Something bad comes along It’s either much worse, or equal Why does my reality have to come crashing down? Why can’t I just be happy for more than one day? It’s something that’s inside of me Growing stronger still Until nothing good and happy is left to feel ‘Tis like a living death Only with the sound of laughter Tears are nothing I have no words What is there left to say? Running into the dark side I think I’m loosing me And I’m becoming Empty… ![]() ![]() |
![]() Okay, this one is a bit odd…it was meant to be sort of funny, but…I dunno, my sister says it’s the work of a psychopath’s stand up comedy…of course, I was like wtf? But, anyway…here it is, my psychopath comedy act:
“Straight To Hell” written May 2nd, 2006 I feel your movements as I become paralyzed I see it dawn on you when I hadn’t realized I listen to your heartbeat as mine slowly fades away I hear your voice when there’s nothing I can say I listen to you breathe as I take my last breath I see you live on as I slip into my death I see you smile when you’ve realized I died I feel my soul go straight to hell when you hadn’t cried I watch you live your life as I’m so unwell So then I make you do things So you’ll be with me in hell Well…you should’ve cried for me when I went straight to hell… ![]() ![]() |
![]() Here’s an unfinished poem that I JUST NOW finished (the last three lines). The part in the middle makes no sense…hell, I don’t even remember writing this poem! It hasn’t got a title, and so I’m open to suggestions!
UNTITLED written October 18th, 2006 Let’s take a walk So I can explain The reasons why I feel this pain I’m not quite sure About the definite But I know my worries Are infinite Right the ring Some voice will say Spin the clock Find the new way But what does that mean? Let’s look at her fears: Loss, normality, regret, Vulnerability, and tears Things I’ve already experienced Things that always stay Ice inside my heart That won’t ever melt away ![]() ![]() |
![]() Here’s a poem that…well…it’s difficult to explain the feelings this poem represents…it’s a unique feeling; a trademark of Laina and Laina alone. It really has very little to do with love…but love is an easy thing to write about for me. I don’t know why. Honestly, I think love is over-rated, lol…probably because people are so quick to say they love me (except my mom, she hates me, lol and never says I love you unless it’s just to piss me off) but they never really know me when they say that, so I just wave it off and laugh at them when they want me to answer back and I say “Sorry, evil doesn’t love” lol…J
“Just To Hear You Say” written October 26th, 2006 The wind whispering Through your hair The once common smile That now is rare The words I wish you could hear The words I wish you could say The very things I need to feel The very reason you should stay Why must you test me With a wish, a hope, a dream Why must you torture me And make me bleed and scream I torture back--I know it hurts You come back--you always will You make me sad--you always did I make you smile--your breath is still The moon is glistening On your hair The world keeps turning But no one cares I own you and always have As you’ve owned me through your way Trying not to notice things I do Just to hear you say Blood and pain Love and tears Hope and passion Comfort and fears Why must we do this to ourselves The hate, the love, and the strain Why can’t we just be in love And calm each others’ pain Yet, the word love does not fit here It’s only a painful word that implies “We want to be together” It’s a word both sides always denies Holding me in your arms How can you understand? You’re breaking both our hearts Every time you touch my hand I see it in your eyes-your loving way But the pain-it always does stay Say I love you-what must I do Just to hear you say it, too…? ![]() ![]() |
02-03-2007, 09:22 PM
wow, they are very good. I like them evry much, do you have any others?
i am the tears that fall, you are the blood on my skin, we are mingled forever again, here we stand, hand in hand, but ill let go when my time has come, time for u to fly alone |
02-05-2007, 12:28 AM
I just wrote this one yesterday...enjoy!
"Melody" written 2/3/07 Can you hear the melody It's from the distant past A single tune so beautiful You hope that it will last A song that sings to you Deep inside your heart Sweet memories return to you Whenever this song starts Flowing like the wind Drifting like the sea Its simple notes and elegance Gracefully set your soul free Quietly it plays to you Captivating your very essence Deep sounds and soft tones Reveal feelings of quintessence The sincere tune wanders in Listen to the alluring melody It begins in simple notes And progresses into harmony Images of a white full moon Over a cascading waterfall Inside a luch green forest The source of the beckoning call A distant past remembered Portraying memories unfulfilled Such mysterious feelings return And your pain is slowly stilled Can you hear the melody Playing softly in the past One true harmony so blithe Listen closely--it won't last ![]() ![]() |
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