Originally Posted by burkhartdesu
What are you implying?
I have credentials, too, ya' bastard.
Ah yeah that was in the same post, wasn't it. Nah, wasn't implying anything. What I was trying to say is hard to do without it looking like I'm stepping on peoples' toes... I was trying to say like, yeah I'll help out, let me know, and also I'll do a good job cuz I'm not just some tweenager with a cracked version of Photoshop who beats everything to death with filters. Not saying anyone ELSE is, just saying I'm not. Ugh, I can't get my thought across, haha. Besides, it should be an "illustrator request" since it's a high-quality print job.
(Not really relevant but it was bugging me all day)
Also, I'm implying you should put her mouth where the joystick would be. And I won't spell it out any further than that