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(#31 (permalink))
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Rikku777 (Offline)
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03-27-2007, 07:28 AM

(OOC: mine too!) ^_^

Breakfast was good, filling and nourishing. I was glad when he suggested a walk, I wanted to get outside again. We finished and walked through town in silence, coming to a wide hall, and what looked like the towns gate defense."Maybe we can find that underground study I was thinking of," Meggis said quietly when suddenly people pushed past us screaming. Meggis drew his keyblade, and said something about staying back, but I only heard that much. I stared in horror and awe at these strange black creatures, taking them in. These were the dreaded creatures that were a part of these keyblade? Part of this mysterious war? I looked at my keyblade, wanting to try useing it, but afraid at the same time. Maybe I was not the one to wield it, maybe fate had the wrong person...or... I shook my head, there was no or. I looked over at Meggis again, he seemed to be having no problem getting rid of them. I looked over to my left, and run to the opening in the wall. My breath left me, a large building, or tower, stood out across the barren landscape. It was erect, yet seemed to be crumbling. I heard Meggis yell my name, and my body acted on it's own, everything seeming to move in fast motion. I grabbed my keyblade and spun around, sliceing through a heartless. I stared at my keyblade and looked up and Meggis. He spun again, battleing more, as they seemed to be attracted to his keyblade. I looked out the opening and over to the left. A small doorless opening, a bit further down. I looked over at Meggis, his back was to me, still battleing, clearly having the upper hand. "Maybe we can find that underground study I was thinking of," his words rang in my head. Maybe I could help, in exchange for what he had done for me. I quietly hopped onto the ledge, and jumped down to the small platform beneath me. walking down a spiral ramp, I came to a large circular platform, and...there. There was the opening. It was bigger looking up close, and I ran stepped through it, surprised when my keyblade let off a soft glow, lighting the way. I held it up toward the ceiling, lightbulbs, but they were broken. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to plunge into the maze-like darkness, the words in a book flashing through my mind, 'If you are ever in a maze, keep your hand on a wall all the way through, and it will eventually lead to the exit.' I places my hand on the wall, looking into the twisting rooms ahead.

Last edited by Rikku777 : 03-27-2007 at 07:32 AM.
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(#32 (permalink))
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woot4 - 03-27-2007, 07:53 AM

He knocked on the door hopeing that someone would open it for him and welcome him in to this comforting looking inn, he hadent slept in a proper bed in months and was ready to feel the soft feather (ooc: or what ever itis) bed underneith him. "maybe i'll meet someone like me here" he yawned. then then knocked on the door again " pleaaase let me in!!"

Begging me to stay
Apologies all left unsaid
Secrets better left unspoken
Dreams are slowly put to bed
Rumors stirred and reawoken

If I try to get away
How long until I'm free
And if I don't come back here
Will you remember me?
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(#33 (permalink))
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Meggis 8th Post - 03-27-2007, 07:59 PM

The heartless fell like wheat before the scythe. Soon after they all vanished everything was silent. I stepped back to catch and looked about. Lynn was no where to be found. I moved around the halls and the staricases...not a single person was there. I sheath my blade and shrug my shoulders in annoyance. The citizens were still in hiding. I sighed a breath of relief. I hadn't fought any heartless for awhile so it was a bit refreshing to get rid of some excess energy. I hoped Lyynn didn't get too frightened. I had no idea if she has seen minions of the darkness before. I start to search around in hopes of finding her. "Maybe she went back to the inn." I think to myself. That is the only place in Hollow Bastion she knows. I jog back to the inn and she isn't there. I start to worry a little. I bite my lip in thought. Unaware of where she is, I run off and decide to head to the circular platform where you can see the grand tower across the desert. Maybe she was captivated by the sight. It is easy to stand there are stare off into the distance. Not to mention the fact that the place had a magical feeling to it. She could have been drawn there. On the platform not one person is there....
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(#34 (permalink))
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03-28-2007, 05:27 AM

I took a step foward, walking into the darkness, only the soft glow of my keyblade giving off light. The walls had large holes in them, and boards were laying across the floor. The air was still, and all was quiet. I rounded a corner, not seeing the chair laying on the floor, and tripped, falling foward and dropping the keyblade on front of me. When I let go, the light from it disappeared, plunging me in total darkness. Panic seized me and I desperately reached out in front of me, feeling for my keyblade, not finding it. I stopped and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened them, starting to sweep my hands across the floor, slowly inching foward. There! Feeling the chain, I grabbed it and the soft light illuminated the room once again. Sighing deeply, I stood up, starting to walk foward again. Uh oh, I forgot to stick to the wall, and the trail split. I grimaced and took the left path, careful to follow the wall this time.
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(#35 (permalink))
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Meggis 9th Post - 03-28-2007, 06:03 AM

I shout out Lyynn's name into the sky, only echoes return a calling to me. Did she get lost? I must find her... I don't know why I have the desire to help this girl. She means nothing to me, I should just leave her. But something inside of my being tells me that we both need each other for events to come in the future. Was this a premonition? I did not know if it was such, it may be my family's psychic powers in me that are acting up. But it didn't really matter. What kind of person would I be if I left a girl all alone who doesn't even know herself? It's not like we are friends. I try to convince myself. But nevertheless, I start to search around. I looked out the opening and over to the left. A small doorless opening, a bit further down. There in the wall was an entrance, and nothing but darkness inside. Could she have traveled in there? I hurry over to the hole. I can't see a thing. There is no way she'd be in there. I turn around to think for a moment. The hot sun is absorbed by my black shirt and I start to get a bit warm. A sweat drop trickles down the left side of my forehead. I decide to head into the opening. I place my hand on the wall. The stone is cool under my touch. I feel down into the entrance, it continues on for awhile. I take my hand off the wall and bury it into my pocket. I pull out an antique zippo lighter. It doesn't have much butane left, but it is enough to illuminate a path. I head straight down the hall. It has many turns. I take a sharp left and follow the corridor. As I come to another bend I yell out Lyynn's name again.
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(#36 (permalink))
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03-28-2007, 06:32 AM

Ah, here was a long hall, no more twists and turns. I walk forward, and a large door looms in front of me. Swallowing excitedly, I run to the door, then stop. Wait, Meggis! Perhaps this was nothing, just another of this towns old abandoned structures. I turned, and stared at the inky darkness, angry at myself. Why did I think I could just go and find something that Meggis was looking for? I had wanted to help, but all I did was abandon him, and get myself lost, I had no clue how to get out, and I was helpless. I heard something, a strange echo through the halls. I wanted out, so I started running, running blindly through the halls, not careing where I was going. I rounded a corner, suddenly bumping into someone.
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(#37 (permalink))
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Meggis 10th Post - 03-28-2007, 06:48 AM

I round a corner and someone collides into me. The impact from the hit makes me stumble back and drop the lighter. As it crashes to the ground it goes out. I turn to the side and there is Lyynn holding her keyblade which is giving off a soft glow. Not a blinding light, but it allows you to see comfortably enough to see through this labyrinth. "Lyynn there you are. Are you alright?" I place my hand on her shoulder to mke sure she is okay. But I quickly take it back. "I found a door." she says to me. We move back down her end of the hall. We end up coming to a large door. I step in front of her and push the large door open. It creeks as the hinges turn. Stale air escapes from the inner chamber. We enter the room. I feel the walls and come upon a light fixture. I flip the switch and a chandelier overhead turns on powerful lights that fill the entire room. It appears to be some sort of lab. There is a desk and books everywhere. I also see vast numbers of parchment and scrolls. Could this be the lab of Ansem that I was looking for. I walk around the room and start to examine these old items.
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(#38 (permalink))
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03-28-2007, 07:06 AM

"I found a door." I felt stupid, that was all I could say because I was relieved to find him, no longer frightened. I was thankful he did not seem to angry, and we continued back the way I had come from. Meggis stepped ahead and opened the door once we had reached it, and he flipped on a light switch, and my keyblades light faded. We stepped in and he stared to examine the items on the desk. I watch him look through the clutter, then turned my attention to the paintings. A dusty old potrait of a proper looking man was behind the desk. I stepped to over the books on the floor and stared at it, turning my gaze to the wall above it. Hm, some old formula was written on the wall. I looked over at Meggis, he was engrossed in his searching, so I walked to the far side of the room, picking up a random book and glanced through it, looking for anything regarding keyblades. Lyynn did not notice the outline of the door that the keyblade made on the wall she was leaning against.
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(#39 (permalink))
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03-28-2007, 07:18 AM

(OOC: I don't remember much of what happened in this room in KH2. So any info on keyblades or the darkness that you learned here I forgot! o.o )

I sit down in the dusty chair and grab a large tome that was before me. I eagerly flip the pages. Most of the writing is handwritten and clumped together so it is hard to make out. It was also written in a hurry. Something in the notes talk about 7 Princesses but it makes little to no sense to me. I put it down and grab another book...After some time I still hind nothing useful. I begin to get discouraged and extremely annoyed. I have been searching for this room for ages and I find nothing of importance. The rumor I heard awhile ago that Ansem, the man who wants to release the darkness was seen coming here a long time ago. And the news eventually got to me. So I came to this world to find it. I was almost certain that I find some sort of clue that would explain something that has to do with these keyblades and why I feel so drawn to them and their future. I get up and stretch. Lyynn looks occupied as well. As I move over to her she appears to be leaning against something of interest. When I approach her it appears to react.
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(#40 (permalink))
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03-28-2007, 07:37 AM

(OOC: Lol, it's ok, the secret passage leads to the towns main computer, and heartless manufactory area. And his picture hid the formula on the wall for the door to darkness, otherwise written as, D2D. Lol, this will be close to my last post..I'm getting sleepy. ^_^)

I look through the book, nothing but a bunch of philosophies, which were interesting, but unimportant. I put down the book and reached for another, but stopped when I saw Meggis walking toward me. I see a curious expressing on his face, intently looking at the wall behind me. "Uh, what?" I ask, stepping foward and raising my eyebrows. I then realize my keyblade was glowing. I turn and look at the wall, pulling out my keyblade and was shocked to see an outline of a doorway appear. I looked over at Meggis, he seemed intriged, and he walked over and placed his hand on the wall beside the outlined door, reveling a keypad. "We need a code..." I trailed off, looking over toward the scrawling on the wall. Could it be that simple? Or was it hidden among these books, or not even here? I put my hand a Meggis's arm, pointing to the wall, drawing his attention to the formula.
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