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TheFatalBeliever (Offline)
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: a place fiilled with marshmallow-y diru goodness
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French Pudding...isht our story :] - 08-17-2007, 05:09 PM

My friend Nicole and I began writing a story called French Pudding. So far so good. ^_^ We'd really love it if anyone with a myspace would add ours, and hopefully read the story in our blogs.

MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/227702122

French Pudding is a mix of several literature genres, such as romance and drama, along with other things like comedy and (at times) action. xD Even if the action is supposed to be 'seen' in a comedic way. We're working on drawing character profiles up, so once we have enough readers we'll hold a fanart contest.

We love constructive criticism and pretty much any feedback we can get (other than completely negative things that don't even help us xD). Please read and comment!


We also have an urbis.com account called FrenchPudding. (But, of course! lol) If you'd like to, you can review us on there instead. ^.^

If you do not have an Urbis or myspace account, you can message me and I'll begin posting our story here on Japanforum so you can comment here, instead.

Thank you for reading this! =D


Dir en Grey never ceases to amaze me...

...but I'm easily amused and have OCD and ADD, so I guess that's not saying much, right?

Aw, man, you ate my hyper!!!

Add me =D www.myspace.com/_dir_en_grey_

Last edited by TheFatalBeliever : 08-17-2007 at 05:13 PM.
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