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02-07-2008, 04:27 AM
Excuse my strage form of poetry...It's more like a poetic story, i suppose...?
The Lovers Suicide I sit on the floor, adjacent to my reflection, my other self, my second half. I raise my arms and lift my fingers to my lips, and she does the same, mirroring my thoughts, my heart, my being, and yet she is she and I am I. But for now, we are we. And yet love cannot stay, for with the passing of time comes the passing of emotions. I link my hands with her, as a smile crosses our face. Our eye's twinkle with anticipation, waiting patiently until we are ready. I scour the edges of my mind in search of any faults, any regrets, just as I have searched so many times before, and we decide that we have none. Our smile doesn't fade, our eye's stay locked, and with the gun in our hand, we lock together, lips intertwined in a final embrace, and the shot rings out. In death love shall rain eternal, for what can time rob from the timelessness of the dead? And yes, I am a perfectly happy person, no thoughts of suicide, so don't draw any scarry conclusions, neh? Attempt #2 We sit across from each other, lost yet secure in each other's eyes, understanding what the other does without a word spoken. We stare longingly at each other, a love still binding us, a love yet to be spoiled by time, and we stare without selfishness. We crawl towards each other slowly, trying to make it last. We are locked in one anothers smile, resolute, unshaken by the event to unfold. We come apon each other, hands clasped, eyes of crescent moons locked, smiles reforming as they collide, tears streaming down our faces. And we look at each other, and she smiles, warm and pure, unquestioning in it's serenity and beauty, it sits upon her face, refusing to betray any sign of regret. And so we lift the gun to our heads, pressing agaisnt each other, and as I pull the trigger, she presses her lips against my ear, and in the sweet voice of one that knows that which only those on the brink of death know, she said, "Love is too sweet, for a life so short." ![]() |
02-07-2008, 04:53 PM
Nice poems both of ya! ^_^
It's a great point you made at the start though Powermad-san because a lot of the poetry these days is pretty "queer". It's a combination of bad prose and incomplete sentences and it's hard to make out the really good poems from the ones born out of incompetence. Your poems on the other hand only need proper breaking up into relatively equal length (based on syllable) lines. It's definitely not prose given the abstract imagery and I guess if one really wanted to classify it, it would fall into free verse... Good work! ![]() ![]() Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe? |
02-10-2008, 06:04 PM
Ok, Ok. So i gave it a try i bet it wound be like the best thing ever, created by a human being. Well just read it and il hear it i guess...
title: dunno... The evil comes, the evil goes, The darkside inside me knows. There comes a day it wil come out, when that day comes Its better not to be around. Al my life i showed no agression, hate, anger nor fear or pain. Kept it al inside of me, made me insane Al i needed was this person to show me love. But she didnt, She screwed me up. First came the comfort, then the trust Then she vaporaised me into dust. Al the hate, anger, fear and pain Came to the surfice ready to burst. ... I dont know how and i dont know why. But it al ended when i sayt goodbye To the life i had, the people i knew. Before this bullit came treu. Treu my brain from left to right, side to side ... So what could we learn, what could we do. With this riddle of life, this journey where going treu, the cirle of life ... If ... Death waits on the other side |
02-12-2008, 12:52 PM
I didn't know where to stick this.....
A letter to myself.... Dear Diary. I've come to a realization that I only exist to make mistakes. I don't want to faulter, again. May it be love or hate. Those words will never, again exist in my vocabulary. I will omit them from my heart so that I won't feel them again. I'd rather be an empty shell than to have known, What it meant to love. My trust. My confidence. Down the drain as well. No more will I be a victim of love. Leaving myself vulnerable to bleed. Never again will I allow this. P.S. I make a vow that this empty shell will never stray again |
02-25-2008, 06:03 AM
My hand reaches out to you, but from the way you look it me I can feel the hopelessness even as my arm is still extended. I feel you beside my, your presence resonates within my whenever you are near, the slightest acknowledgement of my existance sends a bright shot of warmth through my heart, and yet you feel nothing when faced with me. My heart is having a one-sided conversation with my head, and logic is winning by a mile; You are beautiful, and I am a fool for thinking I could have you. I reek of self-doubt while you smell of roses, I carry myself like a beggar and you like a queen without a throne. I am broken and strange, and maybe this we have in common, but still I feel a difference even there. I cannot stand the outcome that slowly approaches us, becuase sooner or later, you'll know just how I feel, and then I will lose you.
Sigh...another sad poem about my teenaged love life. You know what's worse than writing it? Knowing that if she saw these, she'd think I was a freak >_< ![]() |
03-12-2008, 09:30 PM
I am like an picture : there are no dreams in me
how many times must I fill the canvas of my heart ? I'll raise my white flag : abandon everything I am your unknown color now ... colors Utada Hikaru ![]() ギャー(*0*((◎—————ー(°°; ) スッポヌケ〜 ✿ あなた だけ が みれば いい... ![]() そして坊やは眠りについて 息衝く灰の中の炎ひとつ、ふたつと 浮かぶふくらみ愛しい横顔 大地に垂るる幾千の夢、夢 銀の瞳のゆら(◕‿‿◕ ) It's a thin line between genius and stupidity. Once you cross it there is no going back!! Luckily I have tippex and a pen so I can just redraw it where I like!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA =_= †♫† |
03-26-2008, 12:01 AM
I pace the floor in solitude
Watching rose petal fall from their stem Black tears well in my eyes The space in my heart Once reserved for you Has been crushed Broken like a plate Upon the floor Mock me as you wish You loving words Speak clearly of hipocracy. Muffin Club Founder & President l Miyavi Stalking Society l Jello Club Matoi from Phantasmagoria l Sharing Satoshi from Girugamesh w/Miyavifan MEMBER OF THE FINAL FANTASY CLAN CODENAME:AERIS
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