Originally Posted by HinataUchiha
Gawd, i feel so misplaced here. I'm a 16 year old virgin, which apparently makes me lame or something. It seems like everyone on this site just wants to get laid. I'm not complaining(am i?) If i had to choose, i would probably go with KUNIO, but is he even on the site anymore? I haven't heard from him in a while......
Hey now, don't feel like that. Its not all about getting laid Uchiha. My b/f and I are several years older than you and neither of us have ever "gotten laid." And its not because we weren't good looking or sociable enough but just from our own decisions for life. Now we are ever so glad we waited and are still waiting for him to get out of uni, then we will settle down together and then, we will be able to give each other the gift of ourselves. This is not the way for everyone but it is ours and if you are a 16 year old virgin, don't push it, just let life take its natural course. When you are ready you will know it and not be just trying to be like everybody else.