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(#41 (permalink))
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10-30-2008, 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by DSX View Post
I believe that it should be whenever you and your partner are ready...And of course when there is protection to use.

With this subject, now I have to rant a bit:

Too many dumbasses at the schools in my city these days believe it's so wrong to be a virgin, and go off to have sex as much as possible. Lots of them go without condoms, and thus I see pregnant chick after pregnant chick. Hell, a friend of mine got knocked up last (school) year and she's fifteen years old, I kid you not.

Now, I might be one of the biggest pervs on here, but I'm not THAT damn sex crazy. Those other people are, but the main difference between them and I is that they aren't smart with it. It's a crying shame.

To this day, I don't see what's so wrong with being pure. It's not like it means you can't get any, and dammit, I'm proud to be a virgin amongst that crowd. Shows I have better judgement.
Indeed, that's definitely true. It's a shame people feel such pressure to not be a virgin, and it's really not healthy for it to be seen as a bad thing when it's not at all.
(#42 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
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10-30-2008, 04:08 PM

i don't mean to troll....

but i dont see how being a virgin makes you PURE
(#43 (permalink))
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10-30-2008, 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Indeed, that's definitely true. It's a shame people feel such pressure to not be a virgin, and it's really not healthy for it to be seen as a bad thing when it's not at all.
Definately. Too many people these days have no sense of good judgement with these things. What's so wrong with being a virgin? To them it makes you SUCH a big loser. It's a reason why I'm anti-social now...At least to those idiots.

(#44 (permalink))
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10-30-2008, 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck View Post
i don't mean to troll....

but i dont see how being a virgin makes you PURE
I mean sexually pure in a physical way. Sure, your mind can be XXX rated and all that, but yeah, physically pure. Doesn't have to be all the way pure, with sicknesses and all, but you see what I'm getting at with this?

(#45 (permalink))
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10-30-2008, 04:15 PM

i think it should be over 18. As people are mature enough to decide to have sex, also they have a better knowledge about sex.
(#46 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
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10-30-2008, 04:16 PM

but by saying that by having sex you are making yourself "impure"....is that not implying that sex is somehow a bad thing...or that it in some way harms or taints your body...

physically speaking....whats the difference between a virgin and a non-virgin?

for a boy....nothing

and a girl has a hymen...but these are often brocken before sex anyway...

i REALLY don't like this phrasing of "PURE"...

i think keeping it real and being true to yourself makes you pure...

its in the heart...not the loins
(#47 (permalink))
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10-30-2008, 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck View Post
but by saying that by having sex you are making yourself "impure"....is that not implying that sex is somehow a bad thing...or that it in some way harms or taints your body...

physically speaking....whats the difference between a virgin and a non-virgin?

for a boy....nothing

and a girl has a hymen...but these are often brocken before sex anyway...

i REALLY don't like this phrasing of "PURE"...

i think keeping it real and being true to yourself makes you pure...

its in the heart...not the loins
I'm not saying that having sex makes you impure. I was saying that them going around and doing it without a care was a stupid move. Did you see me use the word "Impure"?

Sex isn't a bad thing. It's the promiscuous dumbasses that are the true threats.

And hymens being broken before sex....Didn't know that part.

I agree with you, being true to youself and being yourself in general is what is pure...But if doing stupid shit is keeping it real (nothing against you, just using an examplt), and if your true self if something bad, then sure, it can be pure. I just won't agree with it.

(#48 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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10-30-2008, 04:29 PM

I think its pathetic how 13/14 year olds go out and have sex with anyone these days. Meh, its their life...but still...maybe it was just me, but I was 'scared' of sex when I was younger LOL. I didnt want to lose my virginity. I thought "Its gonna hurt!" and all the other typical worries...I expected to lose my virginity at around 18 years old cause I was so nervous about it happening any younger than that. And growing up around the boys at my school..well, I couldnt imagine sleeping with ANY of them. They arent the type of guys who would treat me right. I always thought they were the type who'd sleep with someone to get their pleasure then just leave them and move onto the next person. Going around and sleeping with people at a young age can be something you'd regret, so I definetely think 16 or over is just about the right age.

(Surprisingly I never ever saw a pregnant girl at my school!)

(#49 (permalink))
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10-30-2008, 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by DSX View Post
I'm not saying that having sex makes you impure. I was saying that them going around and doing it without a care was a stupid move. Did you see me use the word "Impure"?
By using the statement that being a virgin is "pure" you are implying, even if you did not say it, that not being a virgin is "impure".

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(#50 (permalink))
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10-30-2008, 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
By using the statement that being a virgin is "pure" you are implying, even if you did not say it, that not being a virgin is "impure".
Ugh. Wrong choice of words then. None of us are perfect.

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