
View Poll Results: what do you prefer for relationships or love in general ??
Marriage ((one person in your life )) 45 77.59%
Free Life (( multiple sexual relations during life )) 13 22.41%
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(#91 (permalink))
yukiNnight (Offline)
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12-25-2008, 12:03 AM

i dont really have much confident in marrage cuz of my parents they dont care or love each other at all and they wouldn't divorce which they fight like every single day so marriage is like a tieing string but marriage means forever to some grls i'm fine with being married or not but i still wanna try on a bride dress
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(#92 (permalink))
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12-25-2008, 12:05 AM

love and marriage go together...
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(#93 (permalink))
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12-25-2008, 12:08 AM

Originally Posted by Thief View Post
love and marriage go together...


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(#94 (permalink))
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12-27-2008, 05:15 AM

I didnt answer either cuz I dont think you have to Marry someone if you Love them, I've seen relationships go perfectly without marriage, Marriage is the choice of two people and its not right for everyone, I don't even kno if its right for me.

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(#95 (permalink))
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12-27-2008, 07:22 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I don't wanna get married. Just a waste of time/money. There is no way in hell I'm ever changing my last name.
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I haven't changed my last name....as of yet....I will if he happens to die....

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(#96 (permalink))
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12-27-2008, 08:13 AM

Too many people have experienced bad marriages in this world. Marriage should be beautiful, but it has gained a dirty reputation recently, especially since there's so much divorce going on. I can't tell you how many of my old high school classmates had divorced parents. The facts appalled and sickened me.

Not just that, I don't understand any sort of lack of respect for those willing to take the commitment to marry and raise children (don't get hot, I'm not pointing fingers). Those are parents, and those are the ones who keep our civilizations alive. If it weren't for them, we'd be one scrawny, pathetic, and insignificant race. But hey, I guess that would be better for the Earth, huh? Considering how much we take that for granted too ;]

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(#97 (permalink))
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12-27-2008, 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by Arikado View Post
Too many people have experienced bad marriages in this world. Marriage should be beautiful, but it has gained a dirty reputation recently, especially since there's so much divorce going on. I can't tell you how many of my old high school classmates had divorced parents. The facts appalled and sickened me.
I personally am not a huge fan of divorces, but I would much rather two people not be together and be happy, then being miserable together. It's kind of ironic, a couple that is so in love with each other don't take the time to really get to know each other, and eventually hate each other because they got married.

But to answer the question. I think that marriage is something that people should really take their time with. I was always told to do two things before getting married; check her credit, and get a prenuptial agreement.

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(#98 (permalink))
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12-27-2008, 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Arikado View Post
Not just that, I don't understand any sort of lack of respect for those willing to take the commitment to marry and raise children (don't get hot, I'm not pointing fingers).
oh no I'm not disrespecting people who do get married for that reason its just I know somebody they knew each other for two weeks, she got knocked up and that's why they got married. I understand it can work but still there should be some thought put into getting married and I don't think a child should be the reason, yeah if there was love already and they're like well we might as well fine but I'm just saying people who are basically just cut friends shouldn't get married just because they weren't careful enough. it takes more than a child to make a marriage work is all i'm saying
(and no didn't get hot just making sure I'm not misunderstood )

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(#99 (permalink))
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12-27-2008, 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by tocrayzay View Post
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying (and if I do I apologize in advance) but NOBODY should get married because of an unplanned pregnancy. These marriages usually don't work out. And if the bond between the parents isn't strong enough the child will only suffer. (Seen it happen) Neither should you get married just because you want to have a child, I've seen that happen and fail so many times, this desperate want for a "happy" family is usually destined to fail.
Which is why I'm a single mother (I was not getting married because of a child, even if I had people telling me I should've) (the following may be a bit off topic and if it is just let me know I'll edit it and take it out)and at the moment I do get help from the government, but it isn't that much it covers all necessary expenses, I can't speak for other single mothers but I can't wait to get daycare for my kid and start working again because money from the government shouldn't be an incentive to have a kid, and should only be used as long as necessary. Although Germany is currently trying to use money for that since Germans aren't procreating enough
I agree on the single mother and getting married b/c of a child thing. One of my Best Friends is engaged just b/c she and her fiance had an unexpected baby. It's not working out for them at all. Myself, I'm engaged but I've never had sex with my fiance. It just depends on who you are I think. *sigh* I've been on my soapbox too long. ^.^

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(#100 (permalink))
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01-02-2009, 03:57 PM

I don't think anyone is pointing any fingers saying those who don't want a marriage is necessarily outcast from the norm.

Marriage can be good, it can be bad. But for what it is, I think it's a stepping stone for those who do want to take it, to consolidate what they have.
I'm not saying those without a marriage have not consolidated thier relationship. But marriage means different things to people.

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