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(#81 (permalink))
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12-07-2008, 01:11 PM

Where is "here and there" exactly?
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(#82 (permalink))
SHAD0W (Offline)
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12-07-2008, 04:49 PM

I agree with what the ladies have said. Its all up to you dude, good luck.

Just reminded me of something, a friend of mine uses reverse psychology :P

evertime he goes to a new nightclub, he has a big badge that he pins to his shirt that says 21 TODAY and he gets one of his friends to write VIRGIN on his forehead in thick black marker. Gets him laid everytime

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me

Last edited by SHAD0W : 12-07-2008 at 05:00 PM.
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(#83 (permalink))
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12-07-2008, 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by KUNIO View Post
Thank you for your message nigiyaka, really helps. Thank you everyone again, all of your messages really help me. I meant it when I said that, not lightly. And HinataUchiha, can I PM you so we can start getting to know each other?

And for anyone who cares, I guess I'll post pictures of me...

You're not that ugly, a little work here and there, and you are ready to hit the town.

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post
I agree with what the ladies have said. Its all up to you dude, good luck.

Just reminded me of something, a friend of mine uses reverse psychology :P

evertime he goes to a new nightclub, he has a big badge that he pins to his shirt that says 21 TODAY and he gets one of his friends to write VIRGIN on his forehead in thick black marker. Gets him laid everytime
That's stupid... Got to give it a try someday... xD

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(#84 (permalink))
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12-07-2008, 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by KUNIO View Post
I love that shirt.
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(#85 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
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12-08-2008, 02:45 PM

you can be winner....

or you can be a loser...

the choice is YOURS....
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(#86 (permalink))
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12-08-2008, 04:39 PM

Like they said, you're 16, i mean when i was 16, i wasn't the greatest looker either. at 16 your life is just beginning, you're starting from scratch so im not surprised you're feeling as low as you are, you got a long way to go yet. When you have hormones, they override everything when you're 16. Focus on what you are now, like the positives what i can gather is that

-you're a caring guy, and take the oppurtunity to show this, smile a little.
-If you think you look bad, change a little everyday, like wear a new shirt? Change your hairstyle.
-You're good at technology, which is good, there is high demand for computer jobs. keep at it.

You can:
-boost your self esteem by getting a saturday job.
-Don't let your half blindness dictate what you can do, think if someone can say, do a sport, try it out, you never know.
-Don't let your life be dictated by cliches like nerds jocks whatever.
-Join a sport, whether it be football, or abseiling or whatever. [check your local community stuff and see what plans they have]

But with all these things, don't go into straight away if you're not comfortable, do a little bit everyday/week.

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(#87 (permalink))
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12-09-2008, 02:38 AM

Girl coming through My advice is don't get caught up in what's 'normal' or what you perceive other people to expect of you. You don't need a girlfriend to validate yourself as a person or because people think you should have one at 16 - everyone is their own person and should go at their own pace. Your issue seems to be socialising and interacting with other people, and you need to sort that out first because lack of confidence and self-pity are generally not attractive.

I used to be a painfully shy person when I'm not around people or situations that I'm comfortable in, but I made a conscious decision to work on it. Now I feel much more confident in social situations, have even become slightly extroverted and am running a starting a business with the contacts I've made I know it must be more difficult for you but it is possible if you keep trying and remain positive even after setbacks. If you have been medically diagnosed as you say then seeking professional help from a psychiatrist or counselor might help.

Forget getting a girl, look to yourself first. Getting a girl or moving away will not solve your problems.

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(#88 (permalink))
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12-09-2008, 03:30 AM

Hey, I'm 19 and never been on a date, so you being 16 and have never been on a date isn't surprising to me.

But anyways, just walk up and talk to a girl, just be yourself. And who kn ows maybe you'll find Miss Right. (I'm a girl, btw. And I'd prefer a guy just to be himself, not fake something.)
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(#89 (permalink))
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12-09-2008, 03:57 AM

- First, I looked at your pictures, and you're a good looking dude.

- Second, lose the Microsoft shirt, or only wear it at home. Lose any shirt you have like that with any sort of writing on it. Girls will see that shirt and pin you to a stereotype immediately. Instead, dress to impress, talk to 'em a bit, and when they're interested in what you're interested in, give 'em your spell on computers; it'll impress 'em a lot more that you're not fitting a paradigm that society builds up for people.

- If you are afraid of making mistakes, then give up now. I cannot be sentimental about that fact, nor can I sugar coat it for you. You will make mistakes when talking to girls the first time around, and you will get better at it the more you do it. After all, you weren't a computer wiz right out of the womb were you?

- A guy's game (which is a fancy way of saying flirtation) is a mix of strategy and improvisation. Strategy on the small things, like touching the shoulder or small of her back when offering to get a drink (non-alcholic, I'm not supporting 16 year old's drinking...), and a bit of improvisation to make the mood seem lighter and less programmed. Flirting is also talking, and talking's no big deal.

- You most likely met your buddy (and what a keeper he is [/sarcasm]) through a common interest: computers. You can meet a few, maybe many, girls this way too. Here's an idea: you're a wiz at computers, which is mainly, for the mind of 16-17 year olds, is a male dominated area. Look around in some of your computer classes for girls nearby that are having computer issues. Help 'em out; if they compliment you, take it, if not, don't destroy yourself over it. Offer help if they need it, but don't shove it in her face. Just let her know that you're confident with what you're doing, and you can help her out with a small issue. And just like that, you've got a girl to talk to. You won't be dating within the next week or two because of it, but you got a girl to talk to. Baby steps, remember that.

- Get out of your comfort zone a bit. All this depression and self loathing might be coming from you being complacent with what you have already. Think of it this way: you're a wiz at computers and get amazing grades; but you're still feeling down. Try out for sports. Or theater. Or a student body organization. Anything that doesn't involve school work or computers. Even if you find you're bad at sports, you can't act, and aren't a fan of school organizations, then compare it to the skill you got with computers. You'd be amazed at yourself.

- What do girls want? Namely, confidence in the self. Girls will say confidence period, but that's confusing as hell and most likely, if a girl just says confidence period, she either can't express what she wants clearly enough, or just doesn't know. Have confidence in yourself. You're good at computers. You get good grades. You're a good looking guy. If you can't believe these three basic things about yourself, you will never get a girl. I can't stress enough how important self esteem is. I dated a girl for a while, and she felt bad whenever we couldn't spend time together because she was so busy. She felt like a bad girlfriend to me because of it, and it eventually got to her so bad that she ended the relationship. The girl you're dating doesn't want to be your therapist, she wants to be there for you and with you. Confidence in yourself. That's what will make you attractive as hell.

That's all the advice I can think of at the moment. I'll get back to ya' if I think of more.

And like MMM said, you're only 16 man. Have fun, don't be like me when I was your age.


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(#90 (permalink))
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12-09-2008, 06:21 AM

Wow, thanks for the replies guys/girls!

All of this is helping me start to understand who I am and why I am here. I appreciate all of your comments, thanks again.
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