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(#11 (permalink))
MarioTokyo (Offline)
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12-07-2008, 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by Blac View Post
if you guys are so in love why rush things?
We rush things *because* we are in love. Not love like in romantic movies, but real love.
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12-07-2008, 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by MarioTokyo View Post
We rush things *because* we are in love. Not love like in romantic movies, but real love.
"Real" love doesn't *need* to be rushed. It's either there or it isn't.

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

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12-07-2008, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Zimek View Post
I agree.

It's okay if she loves you, but if I would be in your shoes I would wait 2 or 3 years.
u wouldn't... its impossible

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12-07-2008, 04:44 PM

Oh, the heatin' and the hollerin'. Yikes...

Just wait a wee longer. Foreplay is a nice enough substitute! D:

How long have you two been dating again?

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12-07-2008, 04:55 PM

arg i think the whole age thing is stupid.
by that i don't mean the law rules but the "oh there is a X amount of age" different.
true love isn't age dependent.
as long 2 people just love each otter thats what matters.
just follow the law of the country and do things when you both say that your ready for it.

*end of my point of view*

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(#16 (permalink))
SHAD0W (Offline)
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12-07-2008, 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by MarioTokyo View Post
I know there are laws against things like enjo kosai.
Translation please?

Originally Posted by Aota View Post
Just wait a wee longer. Foreplay is a nice enough substitute!
I think you'll find that consent laws cover any activities below the waist line..

Even ontop of the clothes stuff can be boarderline...

If Mario hadnt of posted this here, no one would have known, no one would have cared and they could have been bonking the night away instead of on a forum talking to randomers.

My opinion: forget what JF says, ask for HER opinion and wait till shes ready. I dont see how a law can decide when your ready to be intimate with someone..

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me
(#17 (permalink))
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12-07-2008, 05:18 PM

Ask yourself if it is really worth spending a few nights in jail and then being permanently kicked out of Japan, and never allowed to come back. Once her father finds out about you that is a possible result. There will be no judge and no trial.

It sounds like you have already done some hanky-panky, so I would do what I could to remove myself from her until she graduates from high school. You are walking on thin ice.
(#18 (permalink))
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12-07-2008, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by MarioTokyo View Post
I think this is a mistake. Can anyine read the following Japanese entry on Wikipedia?

性的同意年齢 - Wikipedia
I Dont Know How To Read That. Sorry Couldn't Be Much of a Help.
My Best Guess Is Listen to MMM and Not Try to Have Sex At All, Doesn't Look Pretty Once The Parents Are Involved.
Best of Luck.

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12-08-2008, 12:27 AM

Okay, I`m going to be rare and give the original poster the benefit of the doubt... As if I, at 28, can consider someone 15 one of my best friends... I guess I can`t say I am unable to imagine someone having enough in common with someone 8 years younger with them to end up in a relationship. (Although, just to be very clear, that is not happening in my case. I have better things to do than date middle schoolers...)

Let us say that you`re both mature and responsible... Obviously you are to some extent as you are researching things before jumping into this.

BUT - she is 16, and I doubt her English is THAT great... And it doesn`t look like your Japanese is either. (You asked for someone else to read the wiki article for you.) This leads me to believe that physical attraction, not "love" is the force at work here. Which would be fine, except that she`s 8 years younger than you. If the rush wears off, and she tells her parents, then they won`t be looking at the "law" and will jump on you for rape. In a normal case, (if you were Japanese) you MIGHT have a chance of defending yourself. But that`s pretty much out the window as you`re not.
Unless she is comfortable introducing you to her parents, then I would NOT go for sex. If it`s really *love* as you say, you should both be able to think maturely about the situation and realize things are far more likely to last and come to fruition if you hold back for a while.
Otherwise - what`s going to happen? You`ll have sex with her then leave Japan. Great end for your "real love" there. She can`t just up and marry you at this point - and if you have no interest in that outcome then it`s just a physical fling. Age has nothing to do with it on your side, but likely is making her think it`s true love.

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12-08-2008, 02:00 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Ask yourself if it is really worth spending a few nights in jail and then being permanently kicked out of Japan, and never allowed to come back. Once her father finds out about you that is a possible result. There will be no judge and no trial.

It sounds like you have already done some hanky-panky, so I would do what I could to remove myself from her until she graduates from high school. You are walking on thin ice.
That pretty much sums up it up right there. Couldn't have said it any better. Don't do something like that yet, even if you think you won't get caught, because you will sooner or later.

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