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01-04-2009, 09:08 PM

I think its awesome i mean i love all religions but sometimes not mine.T_T

i wondered all my life about me and why i was so pale but didnt know why i have indian blood and mexican blood until my mom told me the story of all the different religions that were in my family giving me a hard time trying to sort stuff out because i mean super pale skin blue eyes but why did i have mexican blood and indian blood it was because of my grate grate grandmother from my dads side had married to a mexican and then had my dads grate grandma and so on and my moms side had mexican and american blood but always really pale skin no matter how much sun i never tan and my mom says im lucky but i sun burn and thats so unlucky but i have awesome stories that has been passed down my family.XD

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01-04-2009, 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by Gwen_Goth View Post
it depends *how* religious they are

I've had a couple of relationships with Christian guys before; each was different about how they practised their faith; but I'm a little more relaxed about how far they'd go; however; try to convert me or preach *at* me and I'll tear you a new one

i have two friends who have been together for over 4 years now; the girl is strict Christian and the guy is very atheist; however they LOVE to debate about how their differences of faith effects their outlook on things; it works for them, so again, if you're respectful, and can agree to disagree it shouldn't be a negative impact either
As I said, it depends on how liberal they are. The problem for me is that I always want to analyse the mindset of people around me and when it comes to my questions about their religion and why they follow that particular system of beliefs, they often take it far to personal and misinterpret it as me trying to convert them... while I merely want to discuss/debate this aspect of their lives. :/
One time I even got dumped with the argument that "I am an anti-christ" XD ... Fear me!

So yeah, so far it has not worked out for me... or I have yet to meet a open-minded christian chick, which meets my tastes and has the same passion for debates as I do XD

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01-05-2009, 01:20 AM

Sounds complicated, I dont think i can date someones whos overly religious. Sounds quite impossible to me.

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01-05-2009, 01:46 AM

I think if the religious beliefs are semi-close, it wouldn't matter much.
But with completely opposites, it can be difficult, because those
conversations do tend to come up eventually. For a quick fling, it's
not something to be important, but if it gets serious, yes it matters.

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(#15 (permalink))
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01-05-2009, 02:49 AM

I'm not here to preach the merits or downfalls of either religion. I want it to work out with this girl, becouse I love her, deeply. I could care less wwhat religion anyone subcribes to or dosen't

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01-05-2009, 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Religious discussions are against the rules, so as long as this discussion focuses on how to date someone with different beliefs, and not on the merits of the beliefs itself, it will stay open.
One thing I hate about JF is most people are very critical when it comes to religion. Now that I found out that it's against the rules to discuss religion, it just makes me . That's some kind of discrimination. Oh well.

Anyway, as far as none of you preach about your rekigion, you will have no problems. Specially you, the problem with us christians is we always preach all this kind of stuff about how great our religion is, so if you won't say anything about God or Jesus to her and if she won't say anything about her God, then you'll be both fine.

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01-05-2009, 02:59 AM

one is a religion ... one is a faith (that is still basically a 'new' religion with it's official origins being in the late 1920's at the most) ...

i know several wiccans who are also christian ...

i am in a marriage now that has mixed beliefs such as that ...
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01-05-2009, 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by Asakura View Post
I'm not here to preach the merits or downfalls of either religion. I want it to work out with this girl, becouse I love her, deeply. I could care less wwhat religion anyone subcribes to or dosen't

one thing to think about, if you are already having thoughts or concerns about it ... it will only compound from there ... it would be along the same lines as if two people from different races got together (and the races had a history of conflict between them) ...
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01-05-2009, 03:12 AM

I think all of this depends on how strongly each party feels about their religion. If neither tries to push it on the other, or make it a part of the relationship itself... Then there shouldn`t be an issue.

That is - until they have children. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen inter-religious marriages literally fall apart once a child comes along and both parents want it to be their religion, and not the other. Even a lot of couples who both say they don`t care about religion fall apart at this point as their deeper beliefs come to the forefront.

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(#20 (permalink))
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01-05-2009, 03:18 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I think all of this depends on how strongly each party feels about their religion. If neither tries to push it on the other, or make it a part of the relationship itself... Then there shouldn`t be an issue.

That is - until they have children. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen inter-religious marriages literally fall apart once a child comes along and both parents want it to be their religion, and not the other. Even a lot of couples who both say they don`t care about religion fall apart at this point as their deeper beliefs come to the forefront.
Exactly, if I were him, I'd just give way and convert to her religion if he really love her.

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