So, I havent seen a post about this, and I have been asking myself this question for some time now...
So I have one friend from japan, we used to get along very well, and we would speak very often, but after a while he started to avoid me, I didnt really understand why, but as I thought I was just making up stuff in my mind, I didnt spoke to him about it, but about a month ago, I got really sad about this, and I spoke to a friend who knows him, I explained to her, that I do understand that this thing of culture may give a bit of trouble, because it seems like its not very common to them to express their feelings for friends, and all of that. Well she told me to speak with him, and I did...
I asked him, if I had said anything wrong, or something like that, I said I was sorry and "bla bla bla"...
After some time, he answered me saying, that there was nothing wrong that he just didnt had the time to come online, though I thought he was lying because I would often see him comming online, but not speaking to me...
So I decided to send him a message saying that I wouldnt write to him again...
He answered me though it was quite "cold" he just said, ok, feel free to write whenever you want...
And now I feel really sad, because I really liked him as a friend...Is this my fault? Shouldnt I have spoken so freely about my feelings for him?
Am I an horrible person?
I really want my friend back, though I think I've messed up big...