JF Regular
Posts: 35
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: hawaii
06-18-2009, 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by aoshisakura
i'm A pErsOn whO LOvEs trEAting friEndz As mY fAmiLY,,
in fAct i Used tO cAll thEm in sUch wAys LikE,, twin,,
kUiA (fiLipinO wOrd fOr OLdEr brOthEr),,AtE (fiLipinO wOrd fOr sister),, EvEn
dAddy!! it mAdE mE sAd whEn OnE Of mY kUiA in schOol sAid thAt hE's
faLLing fOr mE,, i mAnAgEd tO tELL him thAt wE'rE bEttEr Off As friEndz,,
thAt OnE's sEttLed bUt hE tOLd mE hE'd stiLL wAit fOr thE right timE,, AftEr
grAduAtion,, 2 mOrE of mY cLAssmAtEs tOLd mE thE sAmE thing,, bUt i stiLL
dOn't wAnt tO hAvE thAt kind Of cOmmitmEnt sO i tUrnEd thEm dOwn As
wELL,, thEn,, nOw,, thE pErsOn thAt i trEAtEd As mY dAd (bUt At thE sAmE
AgE As mE) AskEd if i wOUld givE him thE pErmissiOn tO cOUrt mE.. im not
qUitE sUrE bUt i think i LovE him toO,, but im AfrAid Of commitmEnts,, whAt
shOULd i dO??
Wow, i've actually been through this too. My group of friends lived through the same thing like this, where we all are close like a family and how we call eachother family names. we've been like best friends since elementary. In highschool, 2 of my best friends (guys) only started to like my other best friend (girl). its weird, the topic only came up at junior prom where they just out of no where told me individually that they wanted to ask her out. I was like, i didnt see that coming because ya they're supposed to be "siblings" and just seemed like friends. A week before the junior prom, the girl my friends liked, came up to me and said that she liked me!
I was shocked!
probably because she didnt seem like it
then me and my 2 best friends got into a fight just because of her.
everything changed alot for a while
we got into a fist fight afterschool one day,
well they threw the punches at eachother, i tried to break it up but got in the middle of it
in the end we went to the counselor and sorted it out
lol srry im no help, just wanted to share my story
i walk the path i choose and nothing else