Originally Posted by janetyre12
i want to marry a japanese.but my problem is that im already married in my home country, plus the fact that when i arrived here in japan last year,im with my husband so my necessary docs. like pasports, alien cards etc. were all stamped married.
now im already seperated with my husband & he's back home.is it necessary to file an annulment first so i can go on with my plans of re-marry?i want to get married soon but annulment procedures im my home country is sooooo dificult and slow....
is there anyway of getting married in japan the easiest way?
Without doubt the easiest way would be to first divorce your current husband, once that is through, produce the papers to the Japanese side and you should be free to roam.
As far as I know, being married in Japan and married in your home country have two different meanings so you may be safe in that respect.
If you are in Japan, the most positive answer would come from the Japanese government by way of immigration, in your home country, a call to a Japanese consulate.
Either way, I wouldn't rush into another marriage until you are SURE things will be right, and wish you good luck whichever way you go.