Originally Posted by spicytuna
It's definitely possible but as Belyvis mentioned, you should probably meet in person before you make any decisions on your part. Besides, this is a penpal, not someone you meant on a singles site. (As least that's my assumption.)
I met two Japanese girls through an (email) penpal site.
The first one went really well. We were sending emails on a daily basis and eventually started talking on the phone. After a year, I suggested that she visit me in Toronto, and she did. She stayed at my place for a week and after she went back, she sent me an email asking me if I could be her boyfriend if she came over to Canada on a 1yr student visa.
The second one ended up becoming a stalker and actually flew over to Canada after I started ignoring her. I came home from work to find her sitting on my front steps. 
When I was in Japan I had a girl confess her love and ask me to take her back to Alaska so we can "freeze in love together"... I kid you not. She was completely deranged, emotional, and 100% serious.
My host sister told me the girl watches too many T.V. dramas, but I was actually starting to get scared.