Missprincess you are too funny.

But although that does sound like the sweet life, some families are starting to change that a little. I knew a Japanese family that housed three generations and everyone worked except for the youngest son, who was studying for his entrance exams and the grandfather who had retired but helped out a lot around the house (even cooked on occasion). The mother and father both had a full time jobs (although the father had longer hours for sure), and even the grandma had a part time job. It was normal for them to all work. This was the same for another friend of mine as well, both mother and father working (but the mother seemed to have more hours).
They did it because after a while of being in the house, they couldn't stand it anymore... Also, their husbands’ money had to be used for mainly the support of the house, bills, mortgage, food, support of the younger children and of course giving the husband his allowance. There wasn't much money left to spend on themselves so they worked to get their own spending change that they could only spend on themselves and there husbands didn't have a problem with that at all. (Actually, they might have liked it because that meant they got bigger allowance haha)
I'm not sure about girls wanting to be house wives after being out in the work force, but it does make sense. All the college girls I met though had big dreams of working for a company and making their own money. But that is much easier dreamed than accomplished. I wish I could be a housewife right about now. haha