Originally Posted by 013
i know her name . . .
but what should i do tommorow ?
if i met her in the school . . .
So you have something in common to begin with right? Just start out with small talk and be yourself. Do you have any projects your class is working on? Maybe you could invite her out someplace to discuss the project.
Observe her and see if she looks at you. When you talk to her, and I have faith that you will, see how she reacts. Don't be put off if she doesn't act how you think she will, she may be shy. Us girls can be shy when guys approach us too.
Mostly, listen to her and what she she has to say. If you don't agree with something she says just politely say it's not your thing. Best not to fake it. But if you do have the same likes, great! Then you can compliment her on her hair or whatever.
So just be yourself and I wish you luck!