1: because my religion dosent allow me to take part in true magic activites such as believing horoscopes. we can read them for a joke, but not ever take them seriously.
2: because it would be impossible for teh horoscope to apply to everybody of that same group as there are millions of it. horoscopes have apllied to me before, but other times they havent. its just luck of teh draw.
and 3: because sometimes we want to it to be true so much that we end up sometimes working what it says into our lives and goign "hey its true!"

dudes are like hippy vans-
i dunno why, they just are
ahh, see. i dont have a japan-related sig, even though i love japan and im on its forum. that makes me cooler than david blaine,jerry springer,kirsten dunst,fearne cotton and the POPE, mixed in a cauldron, shoved in a handbag and served up in a sushi bar. eat that noodle fans! XD
ahh, now it IS Japan related,