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(#11 (permalink))
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02-12-2011, 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post

I didn't close the immigration thread. But we shouldn't tolerate bashing of any kind. We delete all threads that are 'Japan is sh**' just as we close all threads that say 'Americans are stupid,' because neither add anything to Japan Forum and didn't have any justification and reasoning.
I understand that. But that thread hadn't descended to that stage.

The worst thing anyone said in that thread about America was that they lack geographical knowledge.

Realjames maybe went a little bit far when he questioned whether the majority were stupid rednecks (I'm paraphrasing)... but by far the most outrageous comment in that thread is from Sangetsu.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 02-12-2011 at 09:57 PM.
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(#12 (permalink))
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02-12-2011, 09:58 PM

I'm sure whoever closed the thread had their reasons. PM them if you want to know the specifics? Also, if you are admitting yourself there were bad things in the thread, then isn't it good that it was closed, regardless of the reasons?

It's highly unlikely any mods will change positions at all, the admin is never on and we've all tried to contact him multiple times. He was on the other day for a very brief period, to update, and never came back or replied to my PM's.

We've all worked very hard for a number of years on this forum and it would be easy for us to all walk away and leave it in a ruined spamfest, unfortunately not everyone is going to agree with our decisions all the time but we do try our best.

Anyway that's all I have to say on the matter. :3
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(#13 (permalink))
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02-12-2011, 10:01 PM

All I'm saying is that forums shouldn't have oversensitive mods.

Delete the spam and the stuff that breaks the rules sure.. but don't close a thread over hurt feelings. That's just stupid.

I did PM MMM. He didn't reply.
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(#14 (permalink))
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02-12-2011, 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Not sure. Vote I guess.
And what good will that do? Even if people vote out a certain mod, do you really think Shinjuku will come rushing here and kick his ass out of the mod club?
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(#15 (permalink))
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02-12-2011, 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by Aniki View Post
And what good will that do? Even people vote out a certain mod, do you really think Shinjuku will come rushing here and kick his ass out of the mod club?
If enough members are dissatisfied with him.. then yes I do think so.
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02-12-2011, 10:18 PM

With an admin who shows up once a year? I doubt it.
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(#17 (permalink))
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02-13-2011, 02:39 AM

I just woke up here and realize things kinda blew up over night.

I used to mod in a game I played before, and in another forum, mods volunteer, , unpayed, and are only human, and are naturally biased and prejudiced as so. That is fine, and expected.

I'd rather have the occasional slip than to be modding myself. I know how tough it is and am thankful towards those who do it.

And I admit that what I said in that thread was wrong, I mean morally and factually. I reacted out of anger at seeing what other people were writing against immigrants.

I agree with ronin that the immigrant bashing was more hardcore than the America bashing but like misa said, it was all bad and it's good it was closed, even if for only half the right reasons.

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(#18 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
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02-13-2011, 04:55 AM

Actually I find that a lot flies here that would not on other forums. Which I really like because I can write and respond to people more according to the mood I am in at the time (rather than worry too much about having to always be sensitive). The only downside, if there is one, is that I find threads getting closed and erased is just like putting a band-aid over a wound that needs stitches. In most other forums the user who is continuously causing the problem is warned, or banned (as Sitron finally was), and this tends to take care of things. Here though it seems trouble makers can kind of run wild, and at worst will just have their posts, and threads erased.

Whether Sitron was just a troll or not I do not know, but either way he was good at getting troll reactions etc from people without making it totally obvious that that is what he was doing (if he was in fact just trolling).

Last edited by RickOShay : 02-13-2011 at 04:59 AM.
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02-13-2011, 09:50 AM

I`m not the mod who closed it, but I would have at least stepped in and given a warning.

Not because it was bashing - but more because it had descended into nothing but bashing and was really totally OFF TOPIC.

If someone cannot tell the difference between threads where there are negative opinions aired about some aspect of a country/nationality/etc and a thread that isn`t even about that nationality to begin with which has been derailed into nothing but negativity... Well, perhaps you should hone your reading and comprehension skills a bit.

The thread was about immigrants. The last pages were of nothing but "Americans suck".
Talk of American opinions, treatment, policy, etc in regard to immigrants would have been fine. Just as other threads that feature opinions about aspects of other countries / nationalities are left alone. I don`t see any threads that just go on and on saying how every *insert nationality* is an idiot, or how their country is awful, etc, being left up. At the very least, none that I have noticed.
Please, point them out to me. And no, any question about a negative or possible negative aspect of a country does not count as "bashing".

"Immigrant" is not a nationality, nor is it a race. People clearly have a lot of conflicting opinions about them. The thread COULD have gone down the path of actually trying to change these opinions, learn more about their reasons, etc... But instead chose to dive right into the depths of "Americans suck!". It ceased to be a discussion of opinions, and turned into nothing more than a childish insult fest.

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(#20 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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Talking 02-13-2011, 10:02 AM

immigration is always a sensitive subject no matter which country.

most of us come from immigrants anyway and it would be a very poor attitude to be anti immigration.

immigrants can add many fresh dynamics to a country and its cultures,

remember when Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world.

we are a small country so it can be the numbers of immigrants that can make problems, not enough housing for a start-- not enough work---it is not easy knowing how to deal with migrants with different religions--the effect that can have.

I have broken my arm so some will be pleased to know i shall not start too many threads.
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