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Exclamation Farewell General Discussion - 07-11-2007, 02:47 AM

Since there are so many stupid and useless topics in the General Discussion area, I would like to suggest something that will cause many people to flip out and probably flame me, but oh well.

So, I would like to suggest getting RID of the General Discussion area. There is an area for all aspects of Japan basically, and since there is nothing decent in the General discussion anymore, and it just serves as a spamming and Flaming area, it at least should be only for member intro/pictures/absences...things that actually matter, and not what color the latest cheese wheel to be invented is.

First off, we really don't care what color your underwear is. Yes, I know this comes as a shock to you and that you are probably hurt very deeply, but we don't.

Secondly, all the helpful threads are hardly used anymore. And that is because your stupid threads have caused older members to leave, and those were the people who actually talked about Japan and gave helpful info.

So how do we solve this problem? Simple. There is a wonderful thing called: *dun dun dun* INSTANT MESSENGER. This wonderful offer is for a limited time only...FOREVER!!! So hurry while it only lasts, forever!
Or, if you like the world seeing your rude posts, and feel that others should see how stupid they are and how great you are, then you can make your own forum for free! Isn't this a great thing!?! It's so simple, in fact, I have done this with a few friends and it solves a lot of problems. You and your little band can happily spam or just chat, while us who signed onto a Japan forum to learn about Japan can learn!

Plus, it saves poor Kanji from having to constantly read your spam post about how a alien popped up from a manhole and ate you alive. That way L can have a break and post his great wisdom with us. ^_^

I don't really care how much you don't like this idea. But this is a suggestion and I am suggesting it. So Eki.....please consider doing something about this, we don't want Japan forum to go down the tube. >_<

Loves ya Aoshi
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(#2 (permalink))
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07-11-2007, 03:40 AM

so, does anybody know how to put an image on ur page???*LAFFS HARDLY* i actallu think general discusion is quite usefull, especialy for new ppl like me, hoo are new. also for people who want to make very good fwends, just see the almost NINE THOUSAND posts there are on the famous adoption thread. This is just a way to communicate with other people, exept the forums allow other people to show their opinions, if they dont want to, they dont. i mean, not every body wants to tok about the basic subjects on the main forums, we want to meet new ppl, ask how to use these forums, and just tok. So personnaly, my opinion (why japan forum was created,) is that u r smokin crack. that would be all.

I am a proud sponcer ov this message, for general discussion is the only thing i do on JF, besides pm and meet new ppl (wich i usually do on Gdisscusion). Now i dont want to get into an argument, but i am just posting wut i think.

... lets just pretend we never met, kay?
(#3 (permalink))
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07-11-2007, 08:20 AM

umm... i dnt even want to go into that...

... lets just pretend we never met, kay?
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07-11-2007, 08:20 AM

...uhh..what flaming? this has got to be the most 'flameless' board I've ever seen? I mean, aside from this thread which doesn't quite sound as respectfull as it could have been Flaming aside, there are a lot of nonsense threads, granted. On the other hand, I came to this forum in preparation of my trip to Tokyo, and I learned from this forum. All my questions have been answered. So the part about it not being informative anymore seems a bit..well, off...

That aside I don't think the general discussion is the place for asking most questions, is it? I mean I guess that most Japan oriented questions either fall in the "Japanese Entertainment", "Japanese Friends and Language" or the "Going To Japan Forum" section dont they? Safely away from the so-called General discussion "spam" ?


Last edited by Yggdrazzil : 07-11-2007 at 08:23 AM.
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07-11-2007, 10:53 AM

Not all topics are like Yaksokuda's, go have a look!

(I still don't know what was wrong with the fav. eyes/hair colour thread, if people don't like it then don't post and end of the story)

Besides, if the General Discussion area disappeared, other subforums would get full of random topics so that'd only make things worse.

everything is relative and contradictory ~

Last edited by Suki : 07-11-2007 at 10:55 AM.
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07-11-2007, 06:36 PM

I haven't seen that many "nonsense" threads although then again, i've only been here a few days...

Also the description for the GD is
"Introduce yourself and talk about anything you want here, Japanese-related or not."

So ayyee. XD
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I'll go with that!
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07-11-2007, 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by YaksokuDa View Post
Don't change the object name! I know you're bitching about my threads. ¬_¬
I think that everyone's thread should be seen and heard even if it's about what color your underwear you wear lol.

Soon you'll say the gaming part of the forum should go then the anime and manga part should go until all that's left is the part people probably never visit

I think that the General Discussion is a good part of the Forum because not only does it help the new people but well when your bored you can go and read people threads and laugh.

If we are voting away with parts of the forum that should go i vote the Relationship Talk. that has absolutely nothing to do with Japan at all :/

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07-11-2007, 10:14 PM

Oh brother. Exactly Animedude3. The only thing you do is go in the GD area. Why do people join a forum called Japan Forum? So they can meet friends and talk about their new latest daisy they grew? If so, then why join JF? Why not join a General forum where discussing that stuff is not taking away from the purpose of those who want to talk about Japan.
And the 9,000 posts in the adoptions thread...there was a thread like it before, and it got closed down cause of all the problems it caused. Take a look in the adoption thread. What do you see? Adoptions? Not many, just chatting.

YaksokuDa: Before you joined we had worse threads then yours. I am not complaining about your thread, seeing as it is in no way as bad as previous ones we have had. And if you are this upset about it to come defend yourself agaist my 'attack', then I must have hit close to home about something. I don't beat around the bush, if I did not like your posts, I would have said something. Your thread is not hurting or bothering me in anyway. It's when we get 100 threads like that, good members get irate about all the spam and such, which causes them to leave.

Yggdrazzil: I was talking about threads like: 'hay luk ppl i hve a rock in my shu an it hurtz!' Really, that is not very informative. The point I am trying to make is that Japan forum is for mostly talk about Japan, not how your goldfish died. If someone wants people to know that, then you can tell them via e-mail or IM.

Suki: Exactly. The other subforums would get filled with random topics. Why? Because people are so idiotic and can't seem to get it through their head that if the topic says, "Japanese music" that the area is for J-music talk, and not what their college schedule is like.

Aleesunz: I know that is what the discription is, I brought up that point when I was fighting for the GD area. The thing is that people can't control themselves and keep meaningful and helpful posts up.

Queenie: But really, an underwear thread is not helpful or meaningful.
I'm not saying for any other part of the forum to go, because it all relates to the Japanese culture or Japan.(Except the relationship area, lol, as you said. XD) And if you are bored, and the spam threads are helping you....kaaw.

I would have no problem with the General Discussion or Relationship area, but people can't stop with the spam. I remember what happened before with the spam threads....>_<

At least if these areas are going to stay, more mods who are active need to be appointed to take action in getting rid of meaningless threads. I would not even make this thread, since I know it's fun to chat and make friends, but when it becomes so crazy that people don't even want to look or read any posts...thats so not cool.

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I'll go with that!
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07-12-2007, 12:03 AM

Wow Near you talk like you've been here forever! you really do you even called me Queenie n.n

But really i just think that even if it doesn't benefit anybody General Discussion has it's good Points its for people to Generally Discuss things There's no rule that this whole forum has to be about Japan. If So then why do they have Relationship talk? So that people could get advice on Relationships :/ this place does gather a lot of people who are interested in Japan BUT you have to remember that Even the Death note thread Can be considered spamming sometimes. I know you like to post there because we don't discuss how we want to go to Japan there we talk about random Death note stuff and fight each other over weird things (like how lazy Ryuk is!)

My point is if you want to get rid of General Discussion then everyone that spams that area of the forum is going to move the spam threads to a different part of the forum.

I vote we keep the GD part of the Forum! Sorry Near

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(#10 (permalink))
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07-12-2007, 03:38 AM

Enough of the vulgarity already. There have been a gazillion colour threads, but they all manage to make their way to the spam/removed posts section.

I say be gone with the General Discussion. It has more posts then any other subforum, and IS bigger then all of the Japanese areas combined. It's a bit sad if you ask me. That a Japanese forum isn't really about Japan at all.

If General Discussion must stay, make it a spam area where posts don't matter, so I don't have to bother reading them.

Well, that's all I have to say about that, I usually don't add my two cents in to this types of talks, but I felt I had to.

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 07-12-2007 at 03:57 AM.
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